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Jack Waddington

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Everything posted by Jack Waddington

  1. Apparently the second coming of Christ has happened, don't worry though, it was just to buy a souvenir ticket, so no apocalypse yet...though I'm not sure if Robbo would agree on that front with about 8000 letters to go... https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/alan-pattullo-great-highlands-ticket-rush-showing-no-signs-abating-rudolf-skacel-gets-involved-3133920?amp
  2. No matter who takes the points we'll still finish the day in 9th. Alloa are on a GD of -18 (as time of typing), and we're on +3, and on 4 or 5 games behind everyone else (except Dundee who we are 2 games behind on), so as things are going it's not too much of an issue, as right now it appears to be a 9 team relegation battle with 10 points separating us and Raith in second and Dunfermline in third, which to be honest, is not all too much of an ask for us to do, win 3 of our games and we go up into fourth.
  3. Just wondering if anyone had an ICT top they were willing to sell/give away. Preferably in large or above. Not fussed what season it's from. Needed for an art project. Checked eBay, but the only white ones there are all one of a kind player issue shirts, which I really don't want to use.
  4. Can only wonder how many people would be going through the turnstiles had Tom Jones and Westlife not been cancelled due to COVID...
  5. I know, but they also said they'd do it as a thanks for voting against them going down...and that was long before any thought of a virtual ticketing scheme was brought up, which was almost a year ago (jesus)
  6. Surely the fact that Hearts fans have packed out the stadium and are spilling into the car park means it would be worthwhile building up the West Stand (which is currently about 4 or 5 rows deep and occupied by training goals) to be a relatively decent sized stand to accommodate these extra fans willing to make the journey north. I'm not suggesting we go from what we are now to an Ibrox sized place, but rounding it up to a healthy 10k would be beneficial against The Old Firm, Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts (clearly after their response) and obviously C*unty, and hell even European Games (on the assumption we will ever see those heights again while we're playing at the TCS, but with 5 teams qualifying from next season, it's not entirely impossible). I'm aware, that the club isn't in the best places right now regarding money, especially at this time, but surely there must be some thought of expanding the A9 side of a ground that's been the same for about 23 years now...
  7. I suppose it'll give Robbo some more free time to plow through the letters
  8. Does this justify redevelopment of the West stand?
  9. Just about 3.2k tickets sold, at minimum £16,000 in donations. Absolutely mental
  10. Robbo's going to be wondering what he's got himself into by the time he hits the 100th signature
  11. So...does anyone know the world record for most games postponed in a season?
  12. I like Robbo's tactic, anyone else looking for the League One Title party when we finally complete all the leagues in Scotland?
  13. Matchworn Craig Brewster 2003/04 shirt going for £75 on eBay...mind you I don't know who'd want a shirt emblazoned with arguably our worst manager in the club's history...but each to their own I suppose
  14. Deadline day! Still guff all happening, and by a mile, the most boring transfer window we've had in quite some time...
  15. Pinging through 'Going Ballistic', there's a brief mention of Crown but it alludes that they turned to Rugby instead of football. Intriguingly, no mention of Celtic, maybe because they were so short lived(?) Union also gets a brief mention, but Ian Broadfoot only goes into deep detail on the four who survived into the 20th Century...
  16. Reading a newer tread, Union played at Needlefield on Longman Road, and Crown at Cameron Barracks. Still nothing on Celtic...
  17. Yeah, I found the 2007 thread on Citadel which involved Charles Bannerman, sadly nout on Union or Celtic
  18. Good news, but it doesn't change the fact that we've done sod all in terms of improving weak spots...
  19. Yeah, I can't see Summer Football being a possibility, due to the Euros running all the way through June and into July. If anything, it's going to be called as it stands in a couple months, more calls for reconstruction and votes going walkies...
  20. Fair to say playoffs are a pipe dream at this stage...That said, it looks like we'll be qualifying for the playoffs at the other end of the table instead...
  21. Joint post with IWYWAK (Inverness when you were a kid). Was just wondering if anyone had any info on either of the two neglected Highland League Invernesians, namely where they played? All I've got on the forgotten sides is that Citadel played at Shore Street, but Union and Celtic are pretty much lost, with a couple lines on Wikipedia, with nothing relating to where they played. Best guess is Bught and the Northern Meeting Parks had some involvement with the pairs few years in existence.
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