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Everything posted by KingBeastie

  1. Maybe he's talking about the Raith Manager?!
  2. I wouldn't take too much notice of IHE's anlysis' - he told me I was normal!
  3. Robbo would probably be a good choice, although if he could get Donald Park...
  4. Cutting ones nose to spite ones face? If we finish 2nd and win a cup (or two as you mention) I will be abso-feckin-lutely delighted. Surely that's John's job for this season? You'd have him sacked for doing his job as well as we'd expect him to? If we continue on winning form it will be absolutely nowt to do with Hughes capability but the fact that we have a decent team with high morale up until they heard his name as the new manager. Shearer played Butchers team and tatics hence we continued winning. Reckon he got the job because he was cheap, certainly not because he is competent :P :P Well we'll agree to disagree then. I understand your scepticism but hope for the clubs sake you're wrong. He has my support now which wasn't the case less than 24 hours ago.
  5. Just watched this video again: Aye. Welcome to Inverness John. Look after our team now! Stroll on Saturday!
  6. Cutting ones nose to spite ones face? If we finish 2nd and win a cup (or two as you mention) I will be abso-feckin-lutely delighted. Surely that's John's job for this season? You'd have him sacked for doing his job as well as we'd expect him to?
  7. And what have the people of Marbella done to deserve that mob?
  8. I wouldn't give celtic too much credit, Hearts were very, very poor that game. However I'm sure they'll pick themselves up and make a decent go of avoiding the drop which is after all their priority.
  9. That is the impression that I am under too.
  10. Too early for Richie perhaps? Let him carry on the sterling job he's doing on the pitch. Although saying that if he wants it then I'd be very happy.
  11. Apologies Ubern - my last post was also in response to Davie's (patronising) post as well as your post.
  12. The ICT fans who know me will say the opposite, I will say the same things but much more strongly worded than I would ever type on here when I'm having a beer with them. Also I feel there is nothing I have said that I would not say to John Hughes face. I'm pretty confident he's big enough and ugly enough to not only listen but would appreciate why someone would have concerns. He'd then set out to prove you/me completely and utterly wrong. I've also said a few times that I have always liked him as a person. My main concern (and disappointment) was that we had joined the ranks of those teams that constantly appoint the same tired, old, merry-go-round management faces of Scottish Football, rather than some of the left-field, inspiring choices we've previously made. After watching the interview and John's body language in the club's video I'm more than happy to say I believe my fears were unjustified and that the board have got it right. And I'll say it again - the new manager has my full backing and I will be there cheering the team on on Saturday. Finally, if you or anyone else doesn't like my opinion on here then tough, that's all it is - my opinion. Many people post complete and utter bull5h1t on here as far as I am concerned, I'd rather some of them disappeared completely but they have as much right to type their opinion on these boards as you or I do.
  13. Yogi & Baz? I've warmed to John after seeing the interview but either way he'd have my full support, the choice of assistant manager could be pivotal in swaying others with reservations I feel. I am impressed by him wanting to take his time over his decision, shows respect for the club and players IMO and also that he perhaps feels he's the one that has to fit in. Really looking forward to Saturday now.
  14. I like the fact he looked nervous in the interview, nervous with an element of excitement - good, I'd rather that than any new appointment thinking that they were perhaps too big for us. The interview was positive from many angles. The king is dead, long live the King. Now... let's thrash St. Mirren.
  15. Very good interview. If things go as he states in his interview I'll be happy. Good luck John. And welcome to Inverness. P.S - Thanks to the media team for the video.
  16. I am not happy about this, not happy at all. The overwhelming feeling is just of disappointment. But as manager he has my full support and I will be happy to see get a fair crack of the whip, I will be at the game on Saturday cheering on ICT.
  17. Sky Sports said they'd be live in Inverness throughout the day.. So that will be 5 mins towards the end after a long cricket report. Sounds about right.
  18. Is the press conference live on a broadcast of any kind?
  19. Apologies, when I logged in Scarlet's post was the last one I seen. Not used to the mobile browser properly.
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