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Everything posted by KingBeastie

  1. When I stayed in London I used to go and watch Leyton Orient play and went to see Wimbledon a couple of times with a Wimbledon supporting colleague. I also went to watch Leicester City play several times when I was at Uni there but overall I couldn't really give a toss about any of them (maybe the O's if pushed). ICT is the only football team I have passion for and means anything to me. That's assuming we are talking domestic football only. I'm very passionate about supporting Scotland too. I have no beef with people having an English team. Although Capital Caley gets right on everyone's t1ts constantly banging on about gateshead! Going back to the Celtic thing - I do think the club have handled things very well and have done the right thing.
  2. They rested their first team, fielded the under 13's no?
  3. Neil Lemon saying today that celtic supporters are "still the best in the world bar none." Oh please.
  4. Can you get cream for that?
  5. Yeah he's picked that up but had a delayed flight back so he's here now to sign He's had to go back to the airport - his mum wanted some duty free Toblerone.
  6. It's Brian Little. No - I mean Stuart Little.
  7. Did Calder not used to do some form of GK coaching? He used to help with the keepers warm ups at least, long after he'd left the club as a player.
  8. I hear it's goin to be Paul Sturrock... :-)
  9. When you say "here" were you typing that in Station park or in the Co-op in Forfar? I heard he's run out of Persil and can't use Daz. At least not the non-biological one. These are things we demand to know... Hughes Out! Sack the board!
  10. Has this not been done already? The last time it was that he was going to sign but had to go back home as he'd left the iron on. Or had to pick up his dry cleaning I forget which.
  11. What the hell were the comments on Sportscene about? Along the lines of Hughes will try and change our style of play to not be so direct and use the wings more?! WTF?!?! Have they watched us play this season. A recent home game there was much talk of how many passes before we scored. Doran uses the wings well and is amongst the leagues top for assists. Shinnies is great at breaking up the wing. These pr1cks do my head in, it's like they don't bother to watch us play and just assume we are 2nd by accident. Use that for your "Siege mentality" Yogi! @rseh0les.
  12. John Hughes continues to impress me, keeping unfancied ICT three points clear in second place in Scotland's top flight after a draw away to an inform team.
  13. I agree completely, I can't honestly believe he was the best we could of found, I would of taken Hartley, Shiels maybe Levein, Laszlo or anyone as bad ahead of Hughes, don't want to believe he is our manager so I'm off to a dark room, in a dark house and I won't be on here for a while :? Do you not think he deserves a chance?? He can't read that - he's in a dark room.
  14. I paid a few days ago via PayPal, I assume you've got the receipts. Thanks.
  15. I wouldn't place too much emphasise on the poll. I voted negatively and have not altered how I voted. I don't plan to either, I answered truthfully when the question was asked, my view has since changed, so be it. Polls... pah!
  16. I think Shearer's best suited to the under 21's but who knows. Regarding the goal keeping coach, I really hope it's not Gordon Marshall, ex Hibs and Celtic coach. He was sacked at Celtic I believe and was coach at Hibs when they had a succession of terrible keepers. Not really a pivotal role but just a point
  17. ....and the 6,000 times Beastie viewed to see if there was any mention of Paul Sturrock... Why do think I still keep checking?! Sturrock for assistant.
  18. I was under the impression that PH had split from his wife and wanted to remain near his child/children. Either way, it doesn't matter, we have John now and I think he'll do well.
  19. Yogi's the next Doctor Who! Everybody expected and wanted Peter Capaldi but they decided Yogi was a better choice.
  20. Your good lady is wrong in this instance Laurence!
  21. I don't think that'll be the case CH2 but none of us have a crystal ball I guess. Or at least one that works!
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