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The Mantis

07: Moderators
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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. Brother of a guy at work plays for Hawick. Says he hasn't spoken to him yet.....
  2. Bit like the highlights from the Alba Cup game though. Can they not show something a bit less biased? Yes, before anybody mentions it, I know we were crap.....
  3. Back on topic - I see that no less than today's Herald refers to 'Partick' in their headline and again in Matthew Lindsay's report. Maybe the OP should start a bit nearer home in his efforts to convert people :(
  4. You have to favour the cock-up theory over the conspiracy theory every time. It's an ego trip getting on the board of a football club. Doesn't matter how incompetent somebody is, they're never going to step down for the benefit of the club.
  5. I said earlier Hayes was my MoM. The reason I never picked Ross was like DooDad says - it took the others 25 mins to bring him into the game, then he went off early. I never really rated him at the Brechin game pre-season but now I'd have to say he's a massive prospect. I'd like to see Duff get Bulvitis' place next week. I'd keep Duncan in. I think he needs a couple of games to get match fit, plus he'll be hurting after that display. Plus Duncan never hides. Stratford got about 6 games even though it was obvious he was dross. Also that's twice I've seen Buchanan this season and he's now scored 3 goals plus a penalty against us. They say 10CC turned him down in favour of Patti, is that right? A large part of Foran's game is trying to show how much he's doing as opposed to all the others. It certainly fooled the sponsors yesterday. Mind you, 20 goals is realistic, given that he's now got 2. Big deal though. Why didn't he say 30 if he's our main striker?
  6. Whoo-hoo! From the murky, oxygen-starved depths of the Maryhill basin, the pompous thespian rises magnificently to the bait :lol:
  7. I thought Duncan was poor but singling him out is harsh. Why are people blaming him for the second when the whole back four was halfway up the park and Russell was the only one trying to catch Buchanan. Same with the third - the back four was posted missing and after Archibald tapped it in it was Duncan picking it out the net as again he was the only man on the scene. I would have given MOM to Johnny Hayes not Foran.
  8. Feck me, what a sad git. Must be between acting jobs. I never call them anythng as polite as that anyway.
  9. You're very modest. Mind you you have to be if you cannae spell 'discreet' I think they were too busy removing the blatant stuff such as 'Official Nickname - The Tinks' that they never saw all the subtle stuff. 'Progressed slowly through the leagues' 'far more famous local rivals...' Tut tut!
  10. Aaaah, used to be some good fun there didn't there Yngwie :024:
  11. Whose hand is that making a grab at her right boob?
  12. What's the point of these things, do PTFC fans really want to think there was only one team on the park?
  13. Oor local library has a section B. Probably a bit like the library in Craigneuk which is shut noo, never mind you can get back online at 10am <_<
  14. I remember that game. 53000 sell-out at Hampden and the BBC, sorry EBC never even mentioned it on the evening news. Still Lennon though......
  15. Rod officially became crap in 1975. That Britt Ekland had a lot to do with turning him into an old poofter with all that makeup. If you were born before then you would know he was a legend.
  16. As was said above, turkeys won't vote for xmas. Maybe the most likely change is SPL 2. I've lived through an 18 team league and I'd love it to come back, or at least 16, but I can't see the middle sized clubs ever agreeing to give up their 4 games v the OF. Shame as the game is slowly dying in this country. Can't compare it with England either. Population is too sparse - clubs can bankrupt themselves with travelling to play in front of a few hundred. Just look at the early rounds of the Scottish to see that. The first time I went to a baseball match over the pond I saw what would happen here 10 years later. A top layer of mega clubs in the Champions league, getting richer and richer on the TV money and selling the jerseys worldwide, then just below, all the others, skint.
  17. I was going to mention that too. ICT is pretty unique in that respect. The young lads who now attend away games and give the team good support, have grown up with the club - they are far better than the handful of oldies like me who attended in div 3 and 2 for five seasons while our peers were still arguing about whether ICT were as good as Caley (or Thistle). I know everybody says Sneck is full of OF gloryhunters, but you should see places like Airdrie, Larkhall, Bellshill and so on. Maybe Inverness is one place where a good few people will decide that supporting the OF is not worth the travelling if they can see a half decent side here. On the down side, Sneckie seems like too prosperous a place TBH. In some of the places mentioned above, they have huge housing schemes where the football seems to be the only bright spot in the week for a lot of people. I'm sure that's patronising and so on, but so be it.
  18. Nah the top is from the ICT Retro collection, it's a sort of polo shirt, had it about 2-3 years. Can't believe how many people have commented on it. Caley100 is jealous as feck but you could buy them in the club shop.
  19. He was a biiiig guy and not really a dick. Who you mean Chris?
  20. Feck me, never saw you there amongst our 'compact' wee group....
  21. Fair do's Oz about post 51 - it was just an afterthought anyway. But I stand by the rest of it. You're a bit paranoid!
  22. Have to agree with the other two posters - Morton were a big physical team and just resisted everything but Dani's goal just knocked the stuffing out of them when they thought they had made it to half time. We didn't look too convincing at times, but I said before - we're not going down, so I'm gonna enjoy the season and hope we can show improvement and challenge for the title.
  23. Oz (or maybe it should be Oztrich). The thread had a decent chance up till post 9. Now away and read what you've written. In your haste to show how prejudiced we all are, you've brought out a whole raft of prejudices of your own and managed to patronise those that contributed at the same time. You can't wait for somebody like Joe to come along (even assuming he's serious) so you can tar us all with the same brush (post 51). And they say Scots have a chip. Sheesh....
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