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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Any defeat is disappointing, a defeat at Easter Road to the current Hibs side is no disgrace, and by all accounts we've played reasonably well. Certainly the BBC's radio coverage described a few chances, and their goalie had to be in top form. Good luck to Michael Fraser at Parkhead.
  2. Very interesting IHE. If my memory serves me right Booth was a pro with a club like Charlton ? a good few years ago. He's summed up things fairly well in his brief time watching ICT. A couple of things I wouldn't agree with :- Whilst he likes Bayne, I don't think it fair to say he was like a "headless chicken" Don't really fancy the thought of Barry Wilson in the playmaker role , I might be wrong but I cannae see him strutting about in the Hartley style. I think Barry was born to be a wide player, albeit he's lost a bit of pace. Interesting nonetheless. :021:
  3. I wouldn't like to see anyone dropped from yesterday. Blackie on the bench for me.
  4. Fantastic news. :021: Grant Munro, for me, is an even more important player than Dods. The guy has slowly grown in stature over the last 2 or 3 years to become the excellent defender that he is. A great signing by Inverness. Similarly, Bayne typifies the club. as far as I'm concerned, he's the first pick up front. McBain, I'm happy to see sign the deal. He maybe wouldn't make my first team, but he's been a great servant and will remain a good squad player to have.
  5. Aye it was a sore one to lose that goal so late but I suppose that evens the score from the late show at Pittodrie earlier. Another fine performance from ICT in my opinion. Graham Bayne WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I said it before he scored, I really thought he did everything a target man centre forward is expected to do and more. I can understand folk wanting to go with 2 footballing strikers, **** Wyness and Dargo proved last season with their goalscoring exploits, what they can do, but for me Bayne is a must to start. Also thought Barry Wilson was excellent and Rankin gets better with every game.
  6. Aye, the narrow Celtic victory has made the chances of 2nd place pretty slight. It'll be brilliant though if a victory tomorrow night at least puts us on equal points with Hearts.
  7. After much thought this is the line-up I'd like to see. Apologies to McBain but I think Richie can give us something extra. With the absence of Blackie, I think Duncan must play in order to give the midfield a bit of bite.
  8. Stevie


    Ended 4-2. Paterson under pressure :001:
  9. David Pleat is like the Archie MacPherson of England, he talks absolute pish but is tolerated because he is an old senile bar steward!! HA HA ! Aye and he seems to think he's the new "Dixon of Dock Green" with his "evening all" at the start of the game. Showing my age there a bit :010:
  10. Gotta agree, re-Tyldesley. I found his ramblings during the World Cup incredibly annoying. Whilst Rooney was at a training session he said something along the lines of "Rooney, you just can't take your eyes off him " In my opinion the SNP party should utilise Tyldesley's commentries in their election broadcasts. They'd win the election out the park ! Tam Cowan has a crackin' piece on Clive in today's Record
  11. Inverness to beat Aberdeen on Monday night ? Very possible. Celtic to beat Hearts tomorrow ? almost certain. Dundee Utd to take a point at home to Rangers ? Why not. Inverness would be sitting on the same points as Hearts and indeed if the goal differences go our way then the ICT could be sitting in outright 2nd ! We'll talk about it later !
  12. Yeah that's an interesting point, Dods may well have saved Brewster at United. I think Dods is a very underestimated player (not at Inverness mind), ICT are a similar success story to what St Johnstone were in the late nineties. No coincidence that the big fellow was a member of both teams. Nothing however that Charlie can't sort, wether it be McCaffrey or someone else. It would be nice though if Dods was the only loss to deal with.
  13. Great news ! As you say we'll keep our fingers crossed though. Dods is the big worry for me, should he go it'll be a **** of a loss, but at least we don't have the "Dundee Utd exodus" to worry about anymore :003:
  14. Sorry I also meant to add that Charlie would certainly get my vote for MoM.
  15. The outstanding stat from last season was the 11 league game unbeaten run, which included draws at Ibrox and Tynecastle plus a home draw v Celtic. In fairness Brewster was in charge for the majority.
  16. Very valid point regarding the slow St Mirren defence, Zander could well have exploited that. Didn't see the performance in as bad a light as yourself (I'm aware you are one of the more optimistic ones IHE). I enjoyed the match although as we are all agreeing on, the second half was difficult from an Inverness perspective. Our phenominal away record goes on though and a draw at St Mirren isn't too bad. Dods and Munro, as you say, were sooperb, hate to think of Dods leaving ! Whilst I like Rankin, I couldn't believe "The Sunday Post" gave him Man of the match, I thought he was very average. McBain was very quiet and Duncan inconsistant (given he 's no' had much football I suppose it's understandable). On hindsight I would have liked to see your midfield playing, Richie deserves more of a chance. My general feelings of the second half are that Charlie felt that introducing Wyness possibly in an attacking midfield role could have won the game but more likely lost it, as St Mirren were taking control. Like last week I think he called it right, and we've ended up with another good away result. :005:
  17. You're dead right Harry. I'm certainly delighted with the way things have worked out. It's a superb effort for ICT to be in their current position ! My youngest boy was scanning the league table last night and he informed me that should (and it is highly possible) Hearts get a spanking at sellik next week Inverness could , all being well, actually be sitting in second next Monday night !!!
  18. In fairness to Duncan, granted he had some poor passing throughout, he did a power of work and did a fair bit of breaking up the St Mirren possession, e.g. the run up to our goal came from Duncan's efforts.
  19. Stevie


    Think the problem yesterday was that had we brought on Wyness, then he could really only have replaced Dargo. (who was playing reasonably well) We needed Bayne for his aerial strength and we he eventually ended up knackered, Rory was the best option to replace him.
  20. I think it speaks volumes for Steve Paterson when you go back to his last team selection, almost 4 years ago :- Brown; Tokely, Mann, Munro, Golabek ; McBain, Duncan, Hart, Robson; Wyness, Ritchie: Pele signed them all, and 8 of them still play here. Unbelievable consistancy. Thank goodness we've got Charlie Christie at the helm to carry on the good work, can't imagine it's easy though. :003:
  21. Has "expert" Andy walker ever got anything about football right EVER? I've rattled my brain about a bit, thinking about this and can indeed confirm the answer to this question is an emphatic NO !
  22. And to think that "expert", Andy Walker had ICT as his relegation favourits
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