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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Jake Mulraney scores a 96th minute winner for Atlanta FC against Charlotte FC after coming on as an 83rd minute sub.
  2. Scotty HT: 0-0 FT: 1-0 1st ICT: Billy Mckay 1st Arbroath: Donnelly Crowd: 1568 CDN Girl HT: 1-0 FT: 1-1 1st ICT: Doran 1st Arbroath: Hamilton Crowd: 1288 SOS HT: 0-1 FT: 2-1 1st ICT: Pearson 1st Arbroath: McKenna Crowd: 1666
  3. Scotty: Montrose @ 2.00 CDN Girl: Annan @ 2.25 SOS: Stenny @ 1.85
  4. Have to disagree about the former chairman. He may have put things in print, or at least he had someone organise that for him ... but my experience with him, as a shareholder, as a sponsor, and as a service provider, was not in any way, shape or form in the slightest bit positive. I will leave it at that.
  5. There is Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, even TikTok if they got IHE to do it for them Then there is their own website, the Trust/Supporters Club, CTO, Wyness Shuffle podcast, Courier, HN ... and I am sure other outlets to get news or information out to the dwindling masses. So many options available but none taken which is a bit disappointing in this day and age. Chairman used to lurk here and read the site, and I got the odd WhatsApp message from him, but not sure if he is still lurking/reading posts.
  6. This Communication has always been an underlying issue at ICT. There's is and always has been a rationale from some at the club that knowledge is some form of sacred power and the fans should never be given that knowledge or power. I have seen (and heard) that first hand. Sometimes communication has been good when the club have established and maintained relationships - be that with us, the supporters club, the Trust, the Courier, or even just on their own website! Other times - like now - it is non-existent and that leaves a void that, whether you like it or not, will be filled with disinformation and rumour. We are still afloat, amidst a two year long (hopefully) once in a lifetime pandemic so the chairman, CEO and other directors must be doing something, and possible doing it very well ... we just don't know as they choose only to send out missives about hospitality or who has bought hoardings at the stadium. Regardless of how well they are selling advertising boards though, the judgement on how we are doing is on the pitch and that's not so good right now! The execs (like the team) actually started quite well at the beginning of the pandemic and when laying out the fact that we were skint and looking for the fans to bring in revenue and/or suggest where we might find some, but just like the team performance, that has tailed off and dare I say it tanked badly. I cant speak for other outlets I mentioned above, but I do know that when we had the ear of the chairman or other directors we were constantly asking for and publishing 'interesting' info, most of it with a positive viewpoint because at the end of the day we are all ICT fans on here and like to look at situations through our red and blue tinted glasses. The same is true of CaleyD when he took on a role at the club and was publishing whatever he could. There are things the club cant publish for various confidentiality, business or personnel reasons, but everything else should be fair game. Otherwise it ends up out there as a rumour, and seldom in a correct fashion. The 'rumour' about Roddy listed above is a classic example. "He's not turning up for training after a fallout with Dodds" - sounds plausible if you want to believe that, and on a poor run, where tempers and emotions are likely frayed then its no big leap and has the potential to grow arms and legs ... but equally the reasoning that "he was affected by COVID, then got injured and unfortunately had a recurrence of that injury when he came back" should not be a state secret if that is the case. You say that, people may criticise the coaching or medical staff for rushing him back rather than questioning the boy's loyalty to the club or making him look like a petulant child or opining that Dodds has lost the dressing room etc.
  7. Scotty : Kilmarnock @ 1.90 CDN Girl : Raith @ 1.90 SOS : Arbroath @ 1.80
  8. Scotty

    Picture This

    I have been taking pictures at BMO field, in the stands since the opening season in 2007. Getting the camera into BMO Field has always been an issue, so much so that for the first few seasons I carried not only a printout of the BMO and TFC camera policies but also a letter from Paul Beirne specifically noting that cameras were permissible for personal use and that my use had been verified as such. This website exists for friends and fans alike, its personal rather than professional and I never thought it would be around for 15+ years if I am honest, but it has just kept plodding along. There is no commercial element to it, and although we have google ads on here, realistically they have never generated enough to pay for a memory card let alone anything else. The site is actually funded based on Ad revenue from another site that I have been running for 28 years (CaleyThistleOnline). My photos have only ever appeared in print once (other than the odd Wikipedia page) and that was in Joshua Kloke’s book, for which I asked for and received nothing but a thank you. Over the years, with or without the letter from Paul (mostly without since he has been gone for a fair few years now), I have had varying experiences with security at BMO mainly on entry. Once in the stands in section 113, everything is fine. The security and guest services personnel are typically those who have been around for a few years so a camera with a zoom lens is no surprise. However, getting to 113 is sometimes a challenge as I have been told everything from its absolutely not allowed, to its a professional camera (I use a trusty old D7000 which is not exactly state of the art, nor good enough to be down pitchside with a mega zoom lens) to the fact that I need a press pass … I was always able to be assertive enough or ask for a supervisor to get me in the gate but its a bit draining to be honest. However, it looks like this may be even more challenging during 2022 as COVID measures from 2021 have been continued in terms of a more restrictive bag policy. I understand and respect what they are trying to do for everyone’s safety, but it seems just a little too restrictive for me. I have access to a regular camera bag (approx 1/2 size of a backpack) and this is not allowed. Fair enough its really a backpack type item and I basically didn’t take it before because it was the one that always seemed to draw over-officious security at the entrance gate like a magnet. I also have access to a small 6x5x4 cube camera bag that snugly fits and protects the camera and not much else. It just falls within the size limit for an allowed clutch purse but it IS a camera bag and that is explicitly banned according to the BMO Field website. It may not be worth trying to reason with security personnel for any of this and I don’t see the camera fitting into, or being protected by, any of the approved bags so there may be a dearth of photos again this season unfortunately. Got to figure out if there is a way I can take any kind of bag which I can use until I get to BMO then just put in my pocket (like one of the black TFC drawstring bags ~ also not allowed) and sling the camera around my neck as the camera policy hasn’t changed, just the bag policy. I will endeavour to keep the stats and other pages up to date as I know there are several people who come here regularly to view that info but in case anything is a little behind then I absolutely recommend that you follow @martyn_bailey on twitter if you don’t already. In fact, follow him anyway as he has all sorts of instant stats at his fingertips that he regularly posts before, during and after games. I’ll keep bashing away at the stats for as long as I can and maybe make some other enhancements to the site if the photos become an issue. Lets hope we are all posting some positive stats this year both from the football world, and the real world. View the full article
  9. Recognise anyone in the Courier pic? Perhaps someone may know where they got it .... https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/city-residents-show-support-for-ukraine-267430/
  10. They have now come out and said they will not "play against Russia at ANY level". This follows England and Wales who said they would not play them.
  11. This is so wrong from FIFA. If they try to justify this decision in any way then they are far worse and more morally corrupt than I gave them zero credit for already ... We should all stand in support of Poland, Sweden and the Czechs in their current playoff scenario … Also, if the game against Ukraine goes ahead in Glasgow next month - which I doubt - then I think as a nation we should forego the lion rampant or saltire and every home supporter should wave a Ukrainian flag (or perhaps a blue and yellow saltire). It may not be much, but 50,000 tartan army members creating an atmosphere like only the tartan army can, sends a message of solidarity to Ukrainians. (Flag of : Solomianskyi District (Kyiv City, Ukraine)
  12. Nope - he answered the question ! that's not in the handbook !
  13. 6/30 points in 2022, 10 games without a win. Simply. Not. Good. Enough.
  14. Scotty : Peterhead @ 2.05 CDN Girl : ICT/Hamilton draw @ 3.20 SOS : Cove @ 1.75
  15. Scotty HT: 0-0 FT: 1-0 1st ICT: Billy Mckay 1st Hamilton: Ryan Crowd: 1166 CDN Girl HT: 0-1 FT: 1-1 1st ICT: Sutherland 1st Hamilton: Kennedy Crowd: 1005 SOS HT: 1-1 FT: 1-2 1st ICT: Samuels 1st Hamilton: Moyo Crowd: 1255
  16. Normally means what Yngwie said .... I have also seen the odd occasion - not necessarily at ICT - where players (or managers) have wanted to move and the "club doesn't stand in their way" then they 'mutually terminate contract' to remove any contract issues. I could be wrong but I also think that a similar term was used a couple of times when players have left the club under a cloud and may or may not have ended up dismissed for gross misconduct if they had tried to stay. Doing it this way saves face for the player and the club from any unfair dismissal accusations ... Have also seen it used when a player wants to move to another club outside the transfer window ... cant do that unless a free agent so likely some confidential conversations and a sudden mutual termination ....
  17. I suspect he got an appearance fee from the Beeb rather than any wage. Self-employed consultant or something like that. Not as lucrative as some might think.
  18. If only real life were that simple. Its not a matter of (solely) having the guts to sack anyone. You need money too. There is such a thing as employment law and when dealing with fixed term contracts, the reality is that we basically have to negotiate if we want to pay someone off to end their contract. That's where 'mutual termination' is spouted, it means we negotiated and came to a deal. If no deal can be reached, then we might have to buy out that contract (put them on gardening leave or give them a cheque and send them on their way) but unless there is some form of gross misconduct, and however offensive we find it, losing a football match is not in that category, we cant just sack them without cost or consequence. As for the 'money excuse' ... what excuse? We haven't got a pot to p*** in. Necessary cost or not, if you don't have it, then you cant spend it ... ask Gretna or other teams who went to the wall how 'necessary' some of their financial transactions seem now. We've been out of the Premiership too long to get decent money from the SPFL, we are on hopefully the backend of a pandemic that has seen far more lucrative businesses than football clubs go to the wall, and we traditionally make a loss each year if we don't have some form of windfall from TV, Cup runs or something else. Keeping us afloat is somewhat of an achievement in that respect. I do agree that any replacement does not need to be expensive ... but who? and how do you define expensive if you dont have any budget for replacing staff? Don't forget that any manager we put in place, per UEFA club rules, needs their badges if they want to coach at highest levels or be in the progress of obtaining them within the next 6 months if we get back to Premiership so that in itself means they will want decent compensation for their role. We cant just hop down the Bught and offer the job to someone from the Amateur leagues ... so again, talk of money is not 'pish', its realism! We have had mixed success with inexperienced managers - Brewster being good first time round, but terrible second time and Foran who we all wanted to do really well unfortunately being a disappointment. Dougie Imrie seems to have started well, a bit like his terrier like rise through the leagues as a player, perhaps we need someone like that or with that type of personality and drive. I like the idea of someone like Rosscoe if he is up for it and if he has done his badges, but not sure if he has those or if he has done any coaching ... big difference in talking about the game for the media and doing it for real as a manager ... as we have discovered! Would not want him if he has not worked his way through those as I would hate for him to tarnish his legacy as a club legend. Would also love Charlie to take another shot at it, but thats not going to happen. He hated the goldfish bowl last time around and seems happier behind the scenes. - Do I like our results? NO. - Do I think that BD should remain? I am rapidly approaching the NO camp. - Do I think he should take others in the backroom with him? YES if they cannot do the job. - Should the CEO go? Not sure. We do seem to be top heavy in 'execs' but given he has overseen us through the financial and COVID storms for now, then perhaps he is not doing as bad a job as some think? I really don't know. Pixellot seems to have been his biggest mistake so far but that was rectified by finally listening about resources we already had that were miles better. The single biggest thing he, and the club, can do now, and must do now is to communicate. They have been terrible at that for a long time now, and its not a good time to be silent!
  19. Mmmmmm .... hard choices Calder, Mann, Duncan, Christie, Robson, Wyness
  20. Good job Johndo wasnt there ... he would have been wearing them I'd be more concerned with the rockets in the dugout !
  21. actually, just found another, slightly less blurry. no league badges on arms, but definitely the wrong badge. The other thing about this shirt is the CityLink sponsor logo was an iron-on logo so tends to bend after a while. This picture looks perfectly flat and the borders of the writing are also wrong - look at left and right margins.
  22. Definitely fake as hell .... I think the shading looks all wrong (although that could be the picture) but the glaring error is the badge. That's an Inverness Caledonian Thistle badge not a Caledonian Thistle one. I don't have a good pic of the 94 kit, but this pic that came from the club back then (of Mike Andrew in full flow), zoomed in as far as I can without getting too pixellated shows how big and clunky the badge was. A similar picture from the following year shows it more clearly. There does not appear to be SFL badges on the 94/95 kit otherwise that too would have been a red flag for a supposedly authentic shirt.
  23. Scotty : Stirling @ 1.80 CDN Girl : Montrose @ 1.44 SOS : Cove @ 1.72
  24. Scotty HT: 0-0 FT: 1-0 1st ICT: Bill Mckay 1st Ayr: Adeloye Crowd: 1801 CDN Girl HT: 1-1 FT: 3-2 1st ICT: Sutherland 1st Ayr: Maxwell Crowd: 1901 SOS HT: 1-0 FT: 2-1 1st ICT: Samuels 1st Ayr: Ashford Crowd: 1849
  25. Players have to shoulder some of the blame for performance but if the manager and coaches have not set them up with tactics and a game plan then its on them just as much .... When you fail to prepare you prepare to fail !
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