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Everything posted by dave26

  1. Yawn - if you got 3 points for possession I could understand Hughes philosophy, but you don't........ Second half improved when Watkins came on, we then brought on Doran and I thought yes - two wingers! But no we move them inside and play them behind Billy and Ryan ends up further back where he is less effective. Our formation for the last 25 minutes appeared to be 4-2-1-2-1. Hughes praised Shinnie and Raven for getting down the wing, it's a shame he won't let our wingers play there. Billy had few chances (one I think), I can see this being a long season as I can't see us scoring many goals. And finally, he takes off Raven who kept us in the game and puts on Horner who made no impact - a change in formation to 4-4-1-1 would likely to have been more effective or bringing on Ross for Christie (who I thought had a great game).
  2. I don't think we will see Fleetwood come back with another offer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28693469 It's a shame we never gave Sam Winnall some game time when he was on loan - look at him now!
  3. Very helpful! All I am saying is the club could do a little bit of strategic marketing and use their contacts to get as much PR as possible. If they can target fans for hospitality surely they can send out an email regarding Saturday. We must have a database and a marketing strategy? We are an SPL club are we not? Surely in the world of social media that we live in the club are being very naïve to think that an update on the ICT website is sufficient. What percentage of season ticket holders view the website or the forum each week? Most people plan their weekend so reading about it in the Courier on a Friday night or Saturday morning could be too late. I can guarantee there will be season ticket holders who are not aware of the offer. I've come across fans who went to the final and have no idea they can get in tomorrow for £10. Don't get me wrong the Club are trying to boost the crowd, I just don't think there is sufficient planning. It would be interesting to know how much income we anticipated receiving tomorrow from PATG fans prior to the offer - I would imagine £10k - £15k. I would imagine most of these fans will now be getting in for free / £10 therefore the income will likely be £5k - £7k. In hindsight perhaps the club would have been better offering FREE entry to all fans who attended the final. With the money made from the cup run the loss of £5k would be incidental. If we don't build on our success this season (cup final / top 6 'again') we will miss the opportunity.
  4. The club have made a great offer and we 'the fans' will do our bit. However is it just me who has not heard anything from the club about the offer. As a season ticket holder I would have thought a blanket email would have gone out to all ST holders encouraging them to bring a friend for free. I would like to think we have targeted those who purchased cup final tickets . So far I've not had an email, yet I was sent an email a few weeks ago about hospitality. As a season ticket holder hospitality does not appeal, I have my seat, I love the pies but an email regarding this offer would have been welcomed. I will be disappointed if fellow season ticket holders tell me tomorrow that they did not know that they could bring a friend for free. After all not all fans are on the forum or visit the ICT website on a regular basis. Final comment - OK headline in the Courier, but could have been better - Bring a fan for FREE - that would get more attention!
  5. Can we make Saturday a near sell out: 5 important games coming up lets give the team the backing it deserves and get more people to the games. The Hughes debate should be left for after the split.
  6. Brill Raven Warren Meekings Shinnie Doran Tansey Draper Ross Vincent Foran Subs: Esson, Devine, Tremarco, Polworth, Christie, Watkins, Mckay. Billy needs a rest, he has looked tired in the last few games and may gain some confidence coming on for the last 25 minutes and grabbing a couple of goals. A recharged Billy will be required for the Utd game next week. Ross was superb against Hibs, gets the ball down and plays it simple and deserves a start. Christie must be close to starting but probably needs a few more games as a Sub where he can come on and influence games against a tiring opposition.
  7. Used my Season Tickets to collect 3 FREE tickets today. I've got one occasional fan coming along with two 'new' fans for the day! Three supporters who would otherwise have stayed away - lets all give it a go! I think this thread deserves more discussion than Should Hughes be Sacked.
  8. Billy has looked tired the last few games and should have been rested against Hibs. We are a top six side with only one experienced / proven striker and we should have got a striker in on loan following our victory over Hearts in the semi. Unfortunately I don't think we can risk resting Billy against Motherwell, however I'd keep Watkins on the bench and bring him on for Billy in the second half (like we did against County). I hope we can sneak a 1-0 tomorrow, if not I'd take a 0-0 and a comfortable home win on Saturday.
  9. Fantastic gesture by the club! This is an opportunity for all the fans to show the team our appreciation for the season they have given us so far. I for one will be taking a friend for free and encouraging fellow season ticket holders to do the same. I hope that the patg fans who went to the final come along and give the team the support they deserve at home. It would certainly give the team a lift running out to a large home support, especially against a bottom six side! Lets all spread the word as it will be rather embarrassing if we can't get 4000 home fans.
  10. dave26

    What now?

    Lets hope we can build on the 7000 fans who attended the final, it would be disappointing (but not surprising) to see low turnouts at the next three home games. It's probably too late for the club to influence this Saturdays crowd, however they could offer a reduced admission price to the St Mirren game for those fans who attended the final. Alternatively they could put together a package to encourage patg fans to come to the next 3 home games. The club must have a database of fans who purchased tickets and this is an opportunity which should not be missed, it would be great for the team to be greeted by 4000+ home fans on Saturday rather than the usual 2,500!
  11. I'm just back from the stadium. No queue, tickets bought and I was able to choose seats within the section they are currently selling (SPFL instruction).
  12. Glad to see the club have 'finally' realised that we need incentives to attract more fans to the ground, in particular midweek games in February. Shame we did not do this for the Killie match, but it is positive to see that lessons have been learnt. It is now up to us season ticket holders to spread the word and take along a friend, I'm getting my £5 ticket tomorrow. I hope the club will be emailing / texting all season ticket holders to make them aware of this great opportunity as I've aready come across season ticket holders who were unaware of the offer. Please ICT don't miss out on the chance to communicate this offer to Season Ticket holder as it would be very disappointing to turn up on Wednesday night and hear fans saying they had not heard about it!
  13. dave26


    Is that not why we have undersoil heating!
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