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Everything posted by DJS

  1. I hear the Arabs have signed a new striker from Hartlepool. The rest of the SPL will be quaking at the news! :015:
  2. Blackie? - I'm not sure. I still feel sore for the 6-2 walloping Caley got off them at Brokenville circa 1990 so I'll be hoping to get that out of my system.
  3. Aye, but apparently it was all drunk by a tall visiting stranger from the Lothians. Was talking to someone about Caol Ila over the holidays. He described it as "going down like a torchlight procession". I liked the description! :005:
  4. Not sure my car's up to it! :015:
  5. Actually, there is a rumour going around town that IHE is acting as a tactical consultant and will this evening text CC with the team selection and tactics for tomorrow. He may have missed the Chief Executive's position but he is clearly pulling the strings (somewhat tangled presently :007:) on the pitch.
  6. When Rangers fans were giving it laldy with his name early on I thought they were chanting EEEE AW. I now think they might have been. :015:
  7. A quite astonishing evening. ICT fans have put up with some pretty awful stuff lately but we can have no complaints tonight. This was less a case of Rangers playing badly and more one of Caley Thistle playing really well. For all the pretty patterns the Gers wove around the park they could not unlock the ICT defence and I don't believe I have seen Grant Munro play better. It was an absorbing game throughout and no Caley Thistle fan who was there will forget it. Funniest moment was Charlie Adam losing the head with Sebo (EEE AW) in the last few minutes after he was slow to get up after a challenge.
  8. An interesting post from Dan but I would disagree with him on one point. Getting rid of any manager in the second half of January would be disasterous. ICT appoint managers slowly, if the past is anything to go by, and the new man would have no time to do anything in the January window.
  9. From 400 miles away I, too, can feel Johndo's pain. :007: Now that's clever! :003:
  10. While the share transfer still needs the final approval of ICT we are confident this will take place in January. Like L_G, I am on the Trust board and so far we have been going around a fairly sharp learning curve. Some things have gone very well while others have been more problematic. We'll learn from these difficulties. Here are a few conclusions I have come to in the last year. 1. Les Kidger dances like Baloo the Bear and bowls like Fred Flintstone. It's quite uncanny. :015: 2. It has taken time to build trust between the Football Club and the Supporter's Trust but I think we have now succeeded. Educating fans about the trust and its aims remains a priority and needs to continue. We do try to get our message across e.g. handing out information leaflets and application forms to all home fans attending the recent Hearts game. We are happy to consider other ways of doing that 3. ICT fans are hard to enthuse and often unwilling to get involved. The Supporters Club have found this to be the case for years and I don't think this has changed. For example, we have recently been trying to help the club set up a crew of people willing to help get the stadium ready for matches in adverse weather conditions. The Trust has highlighted this issue on this website, in match programmes, over the tannoy on match days and at trust meetings. The response has been very disappointing.
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