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Everything posted by TopSix

  1. gamertag on PS3 is mappamundi for some mulitplayer.
  2. You're kidding? No terracing? Where did you read that?
  3. ...............and so the SatNav trials begin. I might come if you don't take the feckin SatNav. :P Or better still, tamper with it so that it takes a wee detour past north-west Glasgow: I'm not sure I can face that train journey on my tod if Arbroathawayday can't make it... SatNav will be an integral part of the day Caley Stan... Looks like it's going to be a roadtrip as opposed to a bus journey then.
  4. doofersdas, when you're drawing that comparison it doesn't bode well! I was also kind of thinking about away to sellic. That would be a good test of mettle. Hopefully the 9th of January will see us get a great away-day.
  5. I think he's building a team, and if he's given a good crack at it i believe that the team can find the consistency needed to mount a challenge for promotion. By a good crack i don't mean 'til the end of the season, i mean the 2 or 3 years that will be needed to finish what he's started.
  6. I'm thinking that the public transport might be a no-no for this one. According to my SatNav it is 79 miles each way - I'm going to go so at the moment it's me + 0. Caleystan mentioned a bus service which, from what I can see online, leaves Edinburgh at 0925 getting in to Dumfries at 1210 and then leaving Dumfries 1820 getting back to Edinburgh at 2050. http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=2624 Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to get there from Edinburgh? I've got a funny feeling that the pars are going to beat QoS on Tuesday and that we're going to take 3 points off them on Saturday.
  7. I'm just glad that there was only 119 people there to hear that clanger! I'm thinking that I might not live it down. Were you the fella in the Flybe jacket?
  8. Edinburgh City is my number one choice. Inverurie Locos would also be pretty cool. Have the dates that ties are to be played available?
  9. From this day forth I swear to only chant very simplistic songs.
  10. Give me a C Give me a A Give me a E :huh: Done. Ta. Getting ripped by Wyness101?! That's not on! As I said, I blame lack of pies! Was most of our away support Lothians based today? Good day, in fact great day out. Shitter about the result.
  11. Why do the players get chastised? Why are we chastising the management? There is no continuity in terms of our long terms plans. Is this the fault or Mr Butcher - no. Is this the fault of the players? Again, the answer is no. The game today could have (from what I could see) gone either way. I think a draw would have been a fair result but alas that was not to be. I don't think we're bombed out in terms of the season. It's hard to deal with in many ways - as a club, we've only enjoyed success. I now think it's up to those in charge to take the lead. Let's not kid ourselves that bouncing back up (especially on a shoestring budget) was ever going to be achievable. We go every week to watch players who are, in the immediate - to longer term - unsure of their futures. Can we really build a tilte challenge on so much uncertainty? I don't think we can. I think that those in charge need to sit down, assess our position and think long term. I for one am now of the opinion that we should either re-sign the management team on a longer term basis OR work out another plan without the current management team in mind. Can I also apologise for messing up my spelling of Caley today - I'm blaming the lack of pies! "Let's all be negative!"
  12. I'm at firhill. It's getting VERY misty here. Wouldn't be surprised if the game is abandoned. We started brightly, but Partick haven't really threatened us too much. Esson pulled off a fantastic save first half.
  13. No way! Was this only in print or on the website?
  14. Do we need him more than he needs us? I've said it all along, if TB can't win the league (or at least finish in a very respectable position) then where does he go after ICT? Perhaps he may give up on football and concentrate on being a pundit. To be honest I'm only thinking about the game tomorrow at the moment - let alone next year!
  15. How about a wee shed type enclosure where the singing section is? That's where I used to watch the games from and I still miss it. The G unit or whatever they fancy themselves as could get in there.... "Give me a C!" Roll on the weekend and partick!
  16. Personally I was gutted by the result. The atmosphere was good though. I wonder how the crowd would have fared if say the game had been played at victoria park say. Would Dundee have had such a large contingent? Probably not. More ICT fans at the game? Probably. Hopefully we'll get a fair support at firrhill on Saturday.
  17. "Let's all be negative!" It was a Sunday. The A9 is hardly a pleasant drive between Perth and Inverness. I'm not sticking up for people who didn't go, but I only had to travel from Edinburgh - and I got a lift. And it was on TV... This negativity is a bit heavy no?
  18. More to the point, where are all these fans week in, week out? Really disappoints me. If people would go to Caley park the club would have more money etc etc. Must say the atmosphere was pretty good. I enjoyed it. Especially my bud's chant of "I'd rather sh@g a sheep than a stag".
  19. If ever there was an advert for getting shot of the old filth and expanding the league this was the game. I was very optimistic before the game and still feel we're in with a fighting chance. Great first half, pity we couldn't have held out.
  20. It will never happen. Rangers Celtic wouldn't play each other as much.
  21. Does Liam Polworth get a game at this level?
  22. Good post. I noticed in the programme today that the winners receive ?28000 while ICT got ?18000. Hopefully we can get back to winning ways on Saturday.
  23. Why don't you want him with us?
  24. Just in the car home after hearing Terry on the Radio. He made it pretty clear that the league is priority. If anyone heard his comments after the game he seemed to be more interested in having a glass of champagne with the Dundee team. Lets get behind the team this Saturday in Glasgow. I'll be in Glasgow for it. And I still think we can win the league - if we can have more of that first half performance!
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