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Drochit Blue

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Everything posted by Drochit Blue

  1. any of the 'more experienced' (ie. old and knackered) here interested? P'raps? I think they play Sundays. Could be a laugh.
  2. Haven't had that one for over 10 years, but it was a excellent, the best traditional english beer I've ever had. as far as I know they sell 500ml bottles of it in Tescos!
  3. Best: I'd go a long way for some Timothy Taylors Landlord ale Worst: anything in a can
  4. Why City? The most minted club in the world! More likely a team like Pompey or Wigan (whose income doesn't begin to pay their way). Utd are ?660m in hock, or Liverpool who have to renegotiate their debt soon could have problems. [admission: I have a vested interest in City, having watched them for years, but I honestly think they will be ok. Whatever the Press say the new owners are doing sensible things - talking to ex-players, fans, youth academy coach etc. They aren't as gung ho as our papers make out. If I'm honest I'd love to see the Caley Board doing that!]
  5. in-laws were going to travel from Exeter.....and have decided that changing at Edinburgh is too much hassle. to be fair they're elderly and would prob end up on the wrong flight! So I'm driving us down to visit them instead....at least it's downhill on the way there Re: flights.....cut them to a few a week fair enough, but to cut them completely and then still advertise as if they are providing a good service is a bit off imo
  6. Flybe have cancelled loads of flight routes for the winter from the end of Oct. That means I'll have to drive around 2,000 miles instead of my in-laws flying up here for xmas. They don't mention that in their ads in the Coutrier do they...... I'm busy colouring them off my Caley shirt
  7. grate voices....Paul Carrack and Peter Gabriel. Personally I like Geddy Lee of Rush, though he's maybe a bit too high-pitched?
  8. I'm not at all convinced Burley is the right man for Scotland. His club sides passed the ball around nicely but never played as if they could dig out a result if they had too......and besides is he still drinking too heavily..allegedly?
  9. at a proper match: last game of the season about 3 years ago. Man City vs Boro. City needed to win to get a UEFA place and were 1-1 with 5 minutes to go. Stuart Pearce subs Claudio Reyna, sticks our reserve keeper Nicky Weaver in nets and puts David James up front. Mayhem ensues as James at 6'6'' is like a giraffe on roller skates, one lunge for the ball takes out 3 Boro players but he wins a penalty...which Robbie Fowler duly misses. Great entertainment though in a match I was playing: midfielder on the other side returning too early after a vasectomy. Their keeper clears the ball which lands on my mates toe...he volleys it and it goes straight in the balls of the recent hospital patient. Those of us who weren't laughing or crossing our legs in sympathy arranged for an ambulance to come get him.
  10. ...that thought keeps me awake at night...
  11. Hey DB, can you use your contacts and get us a few loan deals? yep, what do we need? Decent pies qould be a start
  12. Strange, strange times in football..... Caley doing ok and my other team has suddenly become the richest club in the world. I'll wake up in a minute I'm sure, meanwhile.........
  13. typical....been out for ages with a crocked ankle...and after 2 setbacks it has just recovered in time for the football to die a death Should I turn up this Tues?
  14. I just got the latest 442 today...Scott Booth has us to go down too...... It's not the front 6 but the back 5 causing the problems apparently. Still.....wtf does Scott Booth know?
  15. must come as a shock first time though. The M25 is much easier cos you're only doing about 5mph!
  16. here's a questiopn for you who have grown up here (I was transported to Manchester aged 2 regrettably)....how do you learn to drive on motorways?? It's deffo a skill, but there's none within 200 miles.
  17. what's going on? 4 more dead on the A9 this afternoon, one other killed in a crash between Culbokie-Conon Bridge as well. Tragic waste imo. May they RIP
  18. saw Brew on his mobile this avvy about 4pm at the JJB store....looking tanned and sounding French!
  19. worth it if Brewster can get him imo. Much as I hate Utd their youngsters are usually well coached. Might have to dye his hair though, ginger would clash with the red bits in the Caley kit - he'd look like a trafic light
  20. You're not wrong it is a beautiful backdrop....then I saw this place being used for Euro 2008. Those hills behind it are a wee bit bigger than the Black Isle Tivoli-Neu stadium: [img width=500 height=333]http://visualrian.com/storage/PreviewWM/3174/38/317438.jpg
  21. Scottish Despite living in England most of my life, i was born in Scotland and have always supported Scotland in sports. (anyone know how I can get rid of an English accent?)
  22. [Monday 11:50pm] starting to warm up now and apply strapping.......should just about be ready by 8pm Tues. Anyone feeling particularly useless this week, so I know who to mark? :023:
  23. Caley are on a par with English Div 1 (3rd tier) imo. At least Caley try to play football (yes, honest) compared to English Div 2 (4th tier) clubs who just hoof the ball up to a big lad who has a fight with the centre halves
  24. I'm out for 2 weeks, crocked my ankle and I'm away next week down south. Roscoe will have to find someone else to nutmeg :014: Have a good game folks
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