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Everything posted by HumbersideDude

  1. Totally pee'd off, I had Bellamy to be last scorer at 9/1 :sleep01: Should have known it would go into Man U time. No trainers on in second half, 3 subs and still 4 min injury time shown. Then 1 sub in that 4 min period, goal scored in 95:56. Only 16 seconds played after goal celebrations. Think ref could be in for a hard time, and rightly so.
  2. Took his advice too literally, he played like a Samoan rugby player
  3. HT: 1--0 FT: 3--1 1st Scorer ICT: Foran 1st Scorer Opp: Sutton Crowd: 2110
  4. Stranger things have happened. Did you ever watch that series called Embarrassing Bodies? They got people off the street showing the Doc and TV camera's all sorts of weird stuff, things that people previously wouldn't go to their own doctor with. If guys were willing to let it all hang out for a TV doctor, I think they will get takers for this.
  5. Am I entitled to image rights, and therefor a fee, if I am in the picture you are using?
  6. Living down here in englandshire for the past few years has changed my view on the Scotland england rivalry thing. I used to be one of these guys who would cheer on anyone against england at anything. But after living here and mixing with the natives my view has changed. I have seen how english people have responded to my accent, how they make comments on my tattoo, how they make refrence to my Scotland and ICT stickers on my cars, how they reacted to me wearing the kilt at my recent wedding. All of this has convinced me that I was wrong in my belief in cheering against england in sporting events. Because after all the racist abuse, vandalising my van and car to get stickers off, binmen who drag my bin 20 yards down the road because it has a scotland flagged number on it(everyone elses is left on drive) the laughter and abuse I got whilst in my kilt, and many other things that have happened in my time here, I think I will cheer louder, and louder at every game for whoever they play and at whatever they play at. EG Germany 6 england 2 in womans euro's the other day. Oh how I laughed. If this makes me sad so be it, but don't be niaive and think that england fans are not the same down here as fans are in Scotland. Its not just the media thats anti Scotland. Some of the general public are indeed more anti Scotland. And you will ask why am I here then? We all make mistakes, except, for meeting the latest mrs dude who is Yorkshireese. But like Scotland there are the exceptions, and there are quite a lot of good people here as well. Some of whom actually understand why some of us Scots feel the way we do.
  7. As one of the semi's is supposed to be on TV, albeit on the Alba, I can't believe it won't be our game. Good for us exiles, as well as more income for the club.
  8. Diane Louise Jordan, came across her a couple of times and found her to be an arrogant jumped up little prima dona. Apart from that she was ok
  9. Thats my prediction. on @ 20/1 Also Kuyt as first scorer and 3-0 @ 105/1 Holland evens to win. Should be money for nothing. At least if we get gubbed, I might make some money at it. And if we win, we might get to play-off, win-win. Just hope its not a draw.
  10. Annan, away, for the semi final will do for me then. Nice Sunday out. Then County in the final.
  11. HT: 0- 2 FT: 1-3 1st Scorer ICT: Foran 1st Scorer Opp: Baird Crowd: 1096
  12. Not as good as The Knowledge but here's my list Craig Levein, Byth Duff(Taggart) , Jim Whyte, So drunk he couldn't hit the dart board, Ken Bruce, really nice guy, Terri Nutkins, not very talkative Mike Galloway, when at Celtic, really funny guy, at the time. Andy Goram, always drunk, before 1990 world cup, Tommy Burns, friendly guy, Shahid Malik, wouldn't trust him as far as could throw him Noel Edmonds, Mr Blobby,(Barry) Didn't appreciate my sence of humour and had a wee scrap, Postman Pat, Rupert the Bear, Fred Fintstone, Bob the Builder, Denis the Menace, and other kids characters andThe nice Mr Blobby(lovely girl) Shared the stage with them at a show at SECC.
  13. Does anyone know when the game will actually be played?
  14. Sportsound is on SKY cannel 0116 and 0139 just now for those who can't get it on radio.
  15. :) ...perhaps those not interested, might not vote, therefor, those who do vote, are interested. :) ... giving you the number of people who are interested. Voila
  16. Its Daniel Park ^_^ I can remember him always being on the bench in the SPL, iv also got his signature aswell. I'm sure the player you mention will love the fact you have told everyone he is slagging off team mates. Will do wonders for team spirit, I don't think.
  17. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-1 1st Scorer ICT: Foran 1st Scorer Opp: Weaterson Crowd: 2144
  18. I was in the car park yesterday and it took 40 mins just to get out and then another 20 mins just to get into town. NOT THE BEST! We got a taxi from ground(yes, I know, lazy so n so) Only took 5 minutes to the Innes. Happy daze
  19. I was in the North stand and the booing there was comming mainly from one area, coincidentaly the same area where the fans started to leave 10 minutes from end of the game. DZ was dire on Saturday, but so were all outfield players that played. Why only single Lionel out? I have seen him play a few times now, and yes he is erratic, but he has also saved us on occassion, V Aberdeen, blinding clearence from under the bar is one that springs to mind and good display v Annan. Even on Saturday the block he made in the first half was pretty good defending. All the players where guff on Saturday, which makes the abuse singled out to Lionel totally out of order.
  20. Where is the "None of the above" option?
  21. Are you trying to say I like my food?? :021:
  22. Just a wee thank you to all the people in the Innes before and after the game for making myself and the latest Mrs Dude( know to most now as Jinksy) so welcome. Great to put faces to names and hope to see you all again soon, Thanks. You now all know why I have a pic of my dog Caley as an avatar. She is a lot cuter than me, lol.
  23. Remember its just one game. Yes i know its against the GYPOS but we've got to stick by them and makesure we give them our full backing through out the season I am not saying TB/MM out, yet. I am saying sort out the inconsistancy. I am told they were a top of the league team last week against Dundee, poor against Ayr good against Dunfermline and beating 3rd division teams for fun. Sort out what makes the team so inconsistant. That is all I am asking for. Oh and a team with some passion, oh and a team that can pass a ball, oh and a footballer who will not fall over if someone comes close to him, oh and some one who can score regularlly. Not much is it? :(
  24. MoM! MoM! yer havin a laugh. The wee guy in the u11's at half-time would be my MoM. At least he tried, at least he had a go at goal(and scored) another of the u11's used the ball, passed to team mates took on defenders beat them, and produced a cross. At least the u11's at half-time defended and challenged for the ball. That u11 team at half-time had more guts, passion, skill than that ... than that shambles that paraded on the TCS pitch today as Inverness Caledonian Thistle. If they look at their wage slip this week they should be embarrassed. Gutless, passionless, devoid of idea's, lack of basic skill on the ball. I have never seen so many professional footballers so easily pushed off a ball. Not one of them was up for the challenge, not one of them looked interested and not one of them deserve to pull on an ICT shirt today. They have embarrassed and insulted all supporters today. TB/MM sort it out now.
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