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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. When are you next playing in the North West ?
  2. Marius got a hefty knock in 2004 and has never recovered. His main aim this season wasnt the Top Six - it was a recall to the Romanian squad. There is far more chance of the former than the latter unless money talks in Romania as well. :023: Lets go back to playing a team system and one that is not built around Marius - he WAS a class player - he IS now an accomplished and professional individual with some beautiful touches but has quite clearly lost the pace and mobility to play at the top - nay even the SPL. :018: He is a potential bonus at home but a total luxury away - we now have three tricky away games on the bounce. I wouldnt be surprised that Marius now hides behind an injury - an acceptable excuse - as his away place was seriously in jeapoardy, his team mates are getting increasingly frustrated (perhaps even to the lengths of not passing to him ??!!) and he must realise that playing for Romania again was a mere wish. Our relationship with the Messiah may be reaching the last supper stage. Lets look to the future and give the games to the likes of Patti and Imrie - I would like to see Bayne back in the fold as well - at least away from home - and hopefully we are already looking for a true centre forward for next season.
  3. So where exactly did Cowie play ? At Midden he was practicaly in the hole as a second forward with Niculae going deeper and Cowie going forward. I thought that was not the greatest of ploys away from home but may have worked at the TCS. Why are we fecking about with Cowie - he had a run of 4-5 sooperb games in a Bazza type role and since then we have given him some wasteful "roles".
  4. Feck me Gringo Jnr - I didnt realise that I was all on ma tod - am I winning ? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  5. What the feck is Brew playing at ya mean - He starts Denzil last week and hooks him completely out - Wilson looks really sharp last week and he hooks him completely out - Patti thankfully comes back but with only 10 minutes to go but Imrie is favoured to start- Royster retains his place despite recent insipid performances - He puts Watt on the bench despite playing Bayne at centre half in midweek - and the Messiah is hooked yet again after 60 minutes. :029: :029: I am having second thoughts about travelling to Well. :018:
  6. It was both cheeks - as I recall - or close enuff - and it was a french one too. :023:
  7. That is why they call me Odjebijohndo in your parts - and is my old mucker Varazdin Vladimir Vasilj still alive and kicking.
  8. When you get to Sneck just ask for Odjebijohndo. And remember - people in Scottish public houses should not throw out White Stones.
  9. What a feckin good idea DJS - Hay caley4life can you ask Smiffy if he is also OK with flares and smoke bombs.
  10. French Kissing tips This is a guide to basic kissing, i.e. you learn the basics and get the basics right, then experiment and try different styles and more advanced techniques. The basics 1. Brush your teeth, get a good bath, nicely groomed and clean and fresh, before meeting the other person. There's nothing worse than kissing the rear end of a garbage truck 2. Get into a comfortable position - you can't kiss if your back feels like it's gonna break. Suggestion - Sit side by side on a comfy sofa. 3. Hold your lover , firmly but gently - don't cause pain. Suggestion would be to hold the shoulders, the neck or gently on the side of the face, one side or both sides. 4. Move your faces closer. Don't bump noses. Suggestion would be the guy angle his face slightly so you don't bump noses. 5. Kiss gently, normal closed lips kissing, and close your eyes. Closing your eyes increases the sensations you feel, and also sets the mood. 6. Continue kissing gently. Get comfortable with simple closed lips, lip-to-lip kissing before going anywhere else. 7. If fine till here, tentatively, slowly and lightly draw your tongue across the other person's lips. 8. Chances are from here, if the other person lightly parts her tongue, slowly explore the other person's tongue in a light licking motion. 9. The tongue has a very sensitive surface, which is why tongue to tongue is the essence of french kissing. 10. After you've tried lightly licking the other person's tongue, you can try sucking on it, wrestling with it ( see if you can hold it to the floor of her mouth ) and other things like that. 11. Explore the other areas of the mouth. Especially the roof of the mouth. Lightly lick, or tickle the area with your tongue. 12. Don't bite. whatever you do, don't bite. 13. Don't swing your tongue round and round like a windmill. Explore lightly, don't drill your way through. 14. Breathe through your nose. Breathe through your nose. I say again, breathe through your nose. 15. Follow so far? You can lightly use your hands too, lightly rubbing the other person. Suggestions, along the waist, along the back, the arms, especially the inside of the arm, the neck, maybe running your fingers through her hair. Again, don't cause pain. 16. Continue kissing
  11. I rushed to Tescos at the last minute and came across 12 red roses on offer at ?4.75. I took them home and gave them to Mrs IHE who was aghast that I had bought her roses. Then we sat down to watch the telly and the first feckin advert was - Gentlemen keep it quiet from your loved ones - 12 red roses at Tescos at the knock down price of ?4.75. :029:
  12. Did ya realise that your nom de plume is an anagram of orbicular **** ? IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER - HONORARY MEMBER OF THE FC VARTEKS HOOLIEULTRAS.
  13. What :029: You put full tins of beer in the bin ? :crazy07:
  14. Don't beat about the bush, mate.... Say what you really think - lay it on the line... :015: Can I just check if it is OK for me to join in with this debate ? :023:
  15. I cant believe ya had to ask - ya must be as thick as a feckin brick. :sillywave:
  16. If you do manage to see Mr Smith I have a suggestion on what you can do with the redundant 6ft dowling pole. :018: Oh and you had better be sitting down and completely sober when you do meet him.
  17. Good luck to him I say. He was probably waiting for a sniff of a good offer and he has cracked it. Bet he cant wait to sign the bottom line. And I understand that he has always kept hold of his residential caravan in Tain.
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