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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. Stirling Observer - Jack Daniels - the Aviemore Hooligans - The Warsaw Pact . That was the best trip I've ever been on. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  2. I am happy that we are still in the SPL and I look forward to yet another season. But this season has been the worst ever from my perspective. The togetherness factor has sadly slipped - for several reasons - behind closed door decisions that are bringing this proud club into disrepute. A good feckin spring clean is what we need and possible another season of survival to build the bricks that have become tattered and torn by the very people who put the feckers up.
  3. I had a 90 hour feckin hangover at the end.
  4. Were you one of the middle aged singers - or should it have said "swingers". :rotflmao:
  5. The Bazza chant was a feckin statement of derision. Niculae looked good on saturday because he has sublime control and awareness - but he is also a lazy fecker BUT he uses his experience to cover the fact very well. But the blame is all off the pitch.
  6. Cowie is the key - we were at our best when we started playing to his strengths and to Rankins. We were at our best when we had Black, Cowie and Rankin playing in tandem. They had enough energy and pace to make Duncans role a simpler one and they made up fer the lack of pace and movement of Marius. Despite having a bawl at Marius - how can you play him as a lone striker at home - with a holding midfield and a deep defence. I actually do not feel we are playing to his strengths any more either - we are playing to his strengths of yesteryear. :029: And if ever a game cried out fer Barry wilson - it was Saturday. And I am still convinced that things have been sour from the first game of the season - and we have been on a roller coaster ever since - and most of you know who I blame.
  7. Is it me or is there something wrong - or have I said that before. :023:
  8. Poor Marius - yet another fiasco created by men in suits. Starting with a 4-5-1 and a deep defensive line!! I still feel that there is and has been a togetherness divide throughout this season. Nevr wind about Niculae - what has happened to Don Cowie - he is the player who we should be placing a system around.
  9. [img width=500 height=375]http://www.sandsational.com/drunks.jpg My winning entry in the Nairn Sandcastle competition - I based it on people from this forum.
  10. I have to say that I was rather impressed with Feb 8th and page 3 - it was abit rough but it fair got rid of ma cling ons.
  11. Dawn is breaking on the HMS Sneck. :rolleyes02:
  12. FAO - davie b and fellow obsessives. I agree with all of CD's post - have a feckin look folks - he has to sit on the fence but I dont - which has led to problems for me when I attend the TCS. I BLAME the Management - they brought in Marius on a wave of media hype and fan hysteria - lets face it - who knew him before this season - then we got the youtube tapes of the Marius of old - They broke a well worked wage structure to bring in a player with a clear history of serious injuries and a player who had struggled to make an impact for several seasons - THAT WAS A WRONG DECISION. They set the poor man to fail OR perhaps they underestimated the SPL ?? Financial gain for WHO I ask ? And then they play him when he clearly was far from ready - to justify the wage. CC did NOT want him - he was overruled - Marius inadvertently brought about the demise of CC. He should NEVER have played at Well or Midden - and what does that intent say to the players ?? Did I not note that he was slow without movement and clearly carrying injury from the word go - and I have been proved rite - so are you telling me that nobody else noticed?? !! And not to bore ya all - as I have said before - which often goes unnoticed - The guy exudes class - he is a "natural" - he is an example to all about playing the game "simple" - his touch is sublime - on a training ground he can be a role model - at home he is a luxury that is affordable - I have always advocated that he should play at home - he can produce a moment of class that can win a game - as he has. But AWAY from home he is a "ball and chain" - other players have been sacrificed to play to his supposed strengths - He has no pace and no movement. He has wound up the squad with all of that. And finally we have created "systems" to suit him and not the team - That is not his fault either and maybe it is not Brews ?? Marius came here - fair enuff - to be resurrected by Romania and maybe he convinced erseholes in our management that he could do that and earn ICT some highlights .
  13. [img width=500 height=355]http://www.visionwebsite.co.uk/Uploads/Site613/Images/j01185991.gif DAVIE B :023:
  14. But you have started the rumour... unless of course you state the source You have a good idea who my source is - this is started by the Marius situation - but not by Marius - You can ask fer a transfer even if you are on a contract - Look at the Well line up and he surrounding rumours - watch fer the Hibs line up - make comparisons. :029:
  15. You are like a man possessed. No - obssesed with the present and future of our team - I aint going to reveal this one until it is official.
  16. I simply feel that there are too many behind the scene issues to determine the team - I fear that we may be in frefall. :33: Roll on next season.
  17. Hey KB - I will be in the Ha'penny in Temple Bar (dublin) at 14.00. :sillywave:
  18. Yes I think that JK did get it spot on the first time before the edit. And I accept his criticism as it was probably aimed at me BUT then we get erseholes like davieb who do not realise that it is aimed at the likes of him as well. :029: I note you are posting from Russia JK - you know me - I say my piece for the good of ICT - MN has been a DISGRACE in his away performances and that is where I see him most - I bait people and I admit that I have gone OTT to do that - The problem is that our season really has revolved around MN but I also say what I think for the good of ICT - so I will make one more Marius statement - and if I am asked or need an opinion I will post this again: I agree with all of CD's post - have a feckin look folks - he has to sit on the fence but I dont - which has led to problems for me when I attend the TCS. I BLAME the Management - they brought in Marius on a wave of media hype and fan hysteria - lets face it - who knew him before this season - then we got the youtube tapes of the Marius of old - They broke a well worked wage structure to bring in a player with a clear history of serious injuries and a player who had struggled to make an impact for several seasons - THAT WAS A WRONG DECISION. They set the poor man to fail OR perhaps they underestimated the SPL ?? Financial gain for WHO I ask ? And then they play him when he clearly was far from ready - to justify the wage. CC did NOT want him - he was overruled - Marius inadvertently brought about the demise of CC. He should NEVER have played at Well or Midden - and what does that intent say to the players ?? Did I not note that he was slow without movement and clearly carrying injury from the word go - and I have been proved rite - so are you telling me that nobody else noticed?? !! And not to bore ya all - as I have said before - which often goes unnoticed - The guy exudes class - he is a "natural" - he is an example to all about playing the game "simple" - his touch is sublime - on a training ground he can be a role model - at home he is a luxury that is affordable - I have always advocated that he should play at home - he can produce a moment of class that can win a game - as he has. But AWAY from home he is a "ball and chain" - other players have been sacrificed to play to his supposed strengths - He has no pace and no movement. He has wound up the squad with all of that. And finally we have created "systems" to suit him and not the team - That is not his fault either and maybe it is not Brews ?? Marius came here - fair enuff - to be resurrected by Romania and maybe he convinced erseholes in our management that he could do that and earn ICT some highlights . GIVE ME A FECKIN BREAK. JK - Moscow - I will now go back to SARCASM ya commie ******* - but my match reports will remain as I see them.
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