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Everything posted by collectiveaction

  1. S.F.L ground. Partick, Ayr, Clyde, Airdrie etc Shouldn't take too much to organise. If it gives each player even 1% more on the energy levels front they should stay down in the central belt.
  2. Most players do get dropped when they're fit. They also get back in the team when it's obvious that their replacement is a liability. Get it? Actually you probably dont and never have! Night night.. Your poorly put together "argument" is sending me off to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  3. Eh.....because he's not fit yet! I assume there were other defenders in the team when we leaked goals. Also we had a great tactician as manager. Ah, but it was all down to Hastings. Laughable - better get to bed early for school tomorrow.
  4. Wise up donut... youth player!!! Hastings was dropped because he was gash, Lionel had a bad game today but so did a few other players. Proctor was terrible but you dont slag him off, Imrie worked hard but by feck does he need to work on the final ball, Roy was aimless and really caused them no threat. Where was our two big central defenders for their goal? where was Proctor for their goal? Hastings isn't playing due to injury. When fit he's a much better option than Lionel. Stevie Wonder could see that!
  5. Agree get Hastings back. He's reliable. Calf injury just now but ready soon.
  6. IHE, I share your frustration, the guy is a bombscare and needs to be punted NOW. Bombscare? He's a bomb that explodes about 15 times a feching game! 8o% of what did today was really scarey stuff . 20 % was passable -JUST! Liability!
  7. Next two games , as everyone knows are vital. Should the squad stay down after Motherwell game until the Kilmarnock game? Cost a bob or two but might be helpful when it comes to conserving energy, cutting out an unnecessary trip up and down the A9.
  8. Jimmy demonstrates to Jimmy Nic how he'll karate chop Andy Considine!
  9. Correct team selection Controlled aggressive play. Cut out the long ball sh*te NULLIFY ANDY DORMAN Don't give Dargo any opportunity to run at defence Keep focussed if we go behind WIN!
  10. No disputing that it's a really good cause but be lucky to attract 2000 to this.
  11. I sit in the family section in the north stand and things are always livened up there when one of I.C.T's character fans comes out with some random rant directed at the opposition players. Always good for a laugh. Any other characters within our support? What do they do/say that would put them into this category?
  12. Brazil won the world cup in 1970 by playing beautiful football.
  13. Brazil won the world cup in 1970 by playing beautiful football.
  14. Tommy McLean, Colin Stein, The Orange Lodge, The Union Jack, Donald Findlay, the tea lady, David Murray, Ally McCoist, Broxy Bear, my neighbour, John Smeaton, Peter McCloy, Derek Johnstone, Chick Young, Glory HUNters who wear Rangers kit throughout Scotland - YOUR BOYS TOOK A HELLUVA BEATING! Feel free to add to list.
  15. Sorry, but what is the big deal about being an Academy pupil??? I went to the other school and it hasn't done me any harm!!! Pupils who had the misfortune of being edikated at the other schools tend to be sensitive to perceived critisism.
  16. Willie Fin is a gem of a guy with excellent business acumen. He is also a huge Caley Jags fan. Ex Academy pupil and big bro to Raymond and Matthew.
  17. to the tune of Pilot's Magic Oh oh oh Mihadjuks You Know Has just scored a no-o-ther goal Mihadjuks you know and repeat......
  18. When will we get our own identity? When people no longer feel the need to ask the question you've just asked.
  19. So why does he put Tel at the end of his txts ? When he texts me he signs off Big Tel! Terry Butcher and Diego Maradona keep it tame Nov 20 2008 YOU put your left hand in and you shake it all about, you do the hokey-cokey and you score a goal, that's what it's all about, ohhh Diego Maradona! Big Gerry who works down the JobCentre told me to kick off like this. He's a colonel in the Tartan Army and according to him it's the footsoldiers' version of the Hokey-Cokey. Anyhow, it seemed appropriate since Diego's in town and everyone was talking about "La Mano de Dios". Ithought it prudent to write that in Spanish so Terry Butcher wouldn't twig I was referring to "The hand of God". Apparently big Tel has barely slept a wink since that June day in the Stadio Azteca 22 years ago when Maradona and God were in cahoots in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. Worth mentioning since in one technical area at Hampden you had the little Argentine who once upon a time had the audacity to cheat the English and in the other you had a large Englishman bearing a festering grudge. The football was incidental, for potentially this was the stuff of docudrama and it's why viewers from 150 nations were glued to their TVs. Would Butcher skelp Maradona before pulling out the nails of every finger of that infamous left hand with a pair of rusty pliers? Or would he finally bury the hatchet, literally or otherwise! Juicy drama to drool over, that's what we wanted, but what we Scots got was a boot in the scraggy sporran after eight minutes when Maxi Rodriguez scored with training-ground ease. Still, I was relatively unperturbed since we had Chris Iwelumo up front, so I reckoned the Argentine defence had better watch out! Unfortunately the Prince of predators got hooked at half time. Altogether now, "ohhh Diego Maradona", catchy, intit!
  20. If Butcher had been given the job 6 weeks ago, when alarm bells were ringing loud and clear, I'd believe big style -at the moment I just hope. Jesus - I might even pray!
  21. Was on Moray Firth News today.Yeh, says he will probably do a decent job as a player in ther first division.
  22. Highlanders are world renowned for our welcoming ways. Anyone have any ideas for a banner to welcome El Tel? Best idea wins a whisky soaked haggis wearing a kilt!
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