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Action Man

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Everything posted by Action Man

  1. A couple of years ago, I think it was against St. Mirren, Yardley had been diving about the park like he was being mugged, after one incident when he was being assisted of the park ( again ) an ambulance came across the bridge to a cry of " taxi for Yardley ". Priceless.
  2. RiG, part of my job is to provide transport provision for the disabled and socially excluded. If I can be of any help give me a shout at... admin@intrans.org.uk I have qualified MIDAS accessible drivers available to assist. Caley100, ask your missus to contact me, there are other options available.
  3. The real contest is between the SNP and apathy...............sad but true. Get off your erse and vote! And tell your mates to do like wise! :022:
  4. You can change the forward line as much as you want, if there is no service being delivered no one is going to score. Need a fresh approach quick. Are there any quick wingers in the lower leagues we can sign in January.
  5. Shame on you all, a wee lassie from a deprived background rises up to beat the odds despite everything and wins a shiny wee trophy, making her granny in her wee but n ben awfy proud. :014:
  6. Well summed up RiG. It's time for a change, but not of manager, not yet anyway. It's not what a manager wears, it's what he does. Without bringing in new players this situation was going to arise whoever was in charge, CC should be judged on what he does to remedy this. Go CC :022:
  7. Thats what they all say...I thought you were different... :017: :015: Donation...
  8. It gets better, they are going to introduce road charging tolls, while closing our rural shops, garages and post offices,forcing us to travel into city centres for basic necessities. Oh...and in case you didn't notice, the tax on fuel is going up again. Nice one Gordon!
  9. The best and the worst of European football, goals to die for and idiots to aim for. Why?
  10. Heilandee gringo scotty imh maime FW EWS L-G CALEYD Action Man Johnboy Subs, Caley100, Gringo jnr, Mrs Paulibee. Would you like to face this team?
  11. Heres one for Heilandee..... Who's that coming up the A9...... No seriously, who is that?
  12. One for most visiting teams...but this one just for HOM " Whats that coming up the A9.................. are you Romanov...well you can feck off..
  13. " Whats that coming over the bridge... is it a tinker...yes it's a tinker..........." :023:
  14. Fair comments ICT_Away, but it could also work the other way with large businesses relocating to a flourishing independant Scotland. Heres another thought after yesterdays news, when an independant Scotland declines to host Trident, where do you think the government will relocate them? a/ Bournemouth b/ Brighton c/ Belfast
  15. We should name and shame 'em. There's one in Keppoch Road that is distracting pilots bound for Dalcross.
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