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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. That Alex Smith ain't much good. Apparently his football style is horrible.
  2. I don't get it really, I've been to more games than I can think of in my life and not once have I ever felt the urge to jump the fence (full time of the 1st Division Championship game in 2004 being an obvious and understandable exception). I am guessing though that some have a bit of a sheep mentality and want to look like some cool dudes! Not that the club should get a fine for that mind. That's seems a bit excessive.
  3. I don't know what you people are on about! These two were the ones for me - Mmmm, David and Zibi. They were the ones for me.
  4. Was it not hinted on here a while ago that ROK will be ICT's next sponsor?
  5. His record elsewhere is quite good I believe.
  6. I think this with blue instead of white hoops with the red would be pretty snazzy actually.
  7. It'll probably be revealed (in the normal case of ICT), probably sometime before the start of the new season. Probably July-ish I would've thought. They normally go on sale about a week or two later.
  8. Hmm, I think you might be trying to trick us here! BUT you were right last time round about the removal of the stripes and the change of strip with panels etc. IIRC. But anyway, I was looking through some of Errea's designs for next season. Of the ones that I think would possibly be the next design for the ICT kit are: This one - I could imagine this one - This one (as mentioned before) - Red and blue hoops perhaps - Or what about this? Perhaps a blue home kit with a red cross and a red away kit with a blue cross would be good - Or perhaps something that looks a bit like the new Cheltenham Town kit -
  9. Was John Robertson not wanting to take part this year?
  10. That's not that geezer that shouts "Come On!" during the anthem is it? I find that quite cringeworthy. Agreed, I'm just saying that we'll be disappointed on who it is, compared to the rumours of who it will be.
  11. You know what'll happen though, all these rumours will start swirling around that it'll be Sting and Paul McCartney and all sorts, and then it'll come to half time and we'll all be very excited and then to our annoyance, it'll be a novelty act of a couple ICT players doing a song, probably ending with Lionel with a harmonica solo and we'll all be disappointed. That seems to be the way these things go.
  12. Let's hope not! What's your problem with having a pipe band like? Just the sound of them...ugh, it's like nails on a blackboard!
  13. Surely it's time for some sort of ICT XI to play Inverness City.
  14. I was hoping for a more The Who, Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, U2 kind of size band myself. :021:
  15. Agreed, it always used to annoy me a while ago when, if you didn't rate the ICT manager or the ICT whatever, then you weren't a "true fan". There's a couple of posters (who shall remain nameless) who seem particularly bad for it. Really annoys me. Beat ya, I've got Richie Foran wallpaper on my bedroom ceiling! I've got Richie Foran in my bedroom. TELT! I am Richie Foran. That must make me the best fan of all.
  16. In other words, someone we've never heard of. But please, if it is someone well known, please not McFly or any of that rubbish. Hopefully it'll be a real band, who play real instruments. Any ideas?
  17. It's the British flag, I don't know why (or care) that it's got that cross, that's the way it is.
  18. Don't think I'd like the site of England flags at ICT! Why, what's so offensive about it? One half of the ICT management team is English, as are plenty of the ICT players and supporters. Or is it just for silly petty reason....? Assuming you are unfamiliar with the more rancid elements of Scottish football (otherwise I'd be stating the obvious), how about: 1) Irish flag 2) British flag 3) English flag 4) Any flag with a swastika on it. This list is by no means comprehensive. I hasten to add that I personally have no time for this tricolour/union flag cr&p, however, I do not pretend to be unaware of it's existence. What does the 'British flag look like? This perhaps...
  19. Guinness is inherently racist as it has a white head suppressing the black liquid below. Best stick to lager. Why don't you just have a nice glass of milk? Oh no wait, that'll be discriminatory against black people!
  20. Yes, I am one of the sweetie rustlers and did not invade the pitch. However as a season ticket holder who has been to all the home matches, cup and league, as well as the majority of the away games I think I have the right to celebrate how I want. And I don't want the club to incur a fine. I just hope that all those who invaded the pitch now buy season tickets, support the team through good and bad times, and don't just turn out to be glory hunters. There were quite a few "supporters" yesterday in blue tops - old scum blue tops. Ecxuse any typing errors but now that I am home just having a wee celebratory shandy! Old scum blue tops? What are you trying to say there? Rangers perhaps...?
  21. MM would be one of the coaches! There's no place for Cowie, Rankin and Black as they didn't play for ICT in season 2003/04 or 2009/10, this squad is just for players that played in both championship winning seasons.
  22. What would your "dream team" be of the two 1st Division winning sides? For me - Esson Tokely Mann © Munro Golabek Wilson Bingham Hayes Foran Rooney Richie Subs - Brown, McCafferey, Hart, Cox, Duncan Manager - Robbo Assistant Manager - Terry Butcher and Donald Park Blue - 2004 Red - 2010 (If a player played in both, the colour represents which era in which they played best for the club)
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