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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. Best ever that I've seen with my own eyes (not been in the bog, buying pie or not there in total) Has to be DI's free kick last season, Ive missed some crackers while standing waiting for a Pie or Pis$
  2. Thats fair enough big yin, your right It was Rooney taken down but Eagle played him in the box, in the second half he was played on the right n was wrong footed most of the time so fair one there, in the first half he was on the left, so played on the left i think he'll be a weapon, he played a few of our chances in to the box IMO.
  3. I agree with De wagt he was great on the back line, young, big built, not scared to get stuck in.. As for Eagle's... in my IMO you are so far off the mark with him, after all hes left sided and was playing on the right side in the second half and still managed a goal.. which last seasson we were lacking in both.. Goals and some left sided players.. the man was fantastic IMO all the same, remined me of a young Danny Macdonald in style and looks lol!! Eagles was, Fast, problimatic for the defence (Citys), got in space, has a touch, if you remember he set foran on the run for the goal on more than one occasion and also put the ball to forans feet just before he took it round there keeper gifting the goal to barrowloads. as well as scoring himself, he had a hand it all 3 goals.. layed on one, im sure he was taken down for the pen and scored one himself.....
  4. Yes he pulled up not long after his goal, I think it was more a damage limitation that an actual Out of the game hammy.. Roony came on for him but didnt show the same as Barrowman..
  5. this is my understanding from "An old man last night" Thistle had him up but let him go... Danny Sanchez came on in the second half.. this is who the Announcer said it was, he was a wee forward who looked nippy but looked to be pushed off the ball a couple of times and didnt seem to much of a threat, saying that I was at the Caley end that half and may have missed things...
  6. caleymad, Reading your Smilometer your account of the game sounds like a goal fest... I wouldnt say so, Danny didnt have a crack at goal (or Two) he didnt have any chances from what I saw. Now I've has a sleep, I stick by what my thoughts from last night were, It should have been a goal fest but I noticed that we seemed to be giving chances away, I mean in that Foran Gifted Barrowloads his goal, we seemed to take two may touches in or near the box, Djebi and Duncan seemed the only two what had cracks from distance.. The lad beside me was getting frustrated as I was at out inability to just have a dig at goal...
  7. Funk him, he?s gone now and long may he never return!! He has shown no Loyalty, we as a family club hold this deep in our hearts, he?s gone, I?m over it!!! Vive la r?sistance or what ever B)
  8. Robert Eagels V's Elgin, the man was awsome ran his arse off, He is left footed but only left footed!! his goal the night was great but he needed to take on 3 defenders to get it on his left foot as he seemed to be playing on the right side the second half, hats off to the boy though!! we should give him a crack.. Im not sure who the number 17 was but again I thought he did a job for us in the Center (more left) side in defence. The Lad that played in midfield (Not sure how PC this is) he was a coloured fella, he was shocking This is just how i saw them last night at Elgin....
  9. Im not going to nit pick what you said CaleyMad but were you watching the same duncan i was... he was bbbaaaaddddd....mostly everything else you said though I agree with Lionel played a peach, big change of heart for me, and munro hummm i will disagree, normally id be the first to pick out munro but i think hes changing for the good, his along the ground passing was better and as for the long ball a good few found Eagles.. he played fantastic i hope we get him... aye it was the coloured chap, he was pish!!
  10. I totally forgot to mention it doh!! it was IMO the goal of the game taken from abit back too.. Jack had a blinding game to and deserved it.. Not really much to blame it on, there was blue shirts and a red one in the way of it, he picked his spot...
  11. who ever the lad was on the right mid field in the first half was a nightmare i didnt rate anything he did, he was on par with duncan too, sorry.... I was also standing beside a lad who reminded me of why we dont have sex with family... he was such a fanny!!
  12. No it cant be him also found him, but also found a Danny Sanchez from peru and one form Real Madrid B so not sure and Daniel Stratford is a midfielder who hasnt had a club for a year I dont know if this helps but a lad beside me said that Thistle let him go because his was pushed about, what thistle tho im not sure.....
  13. Thats me just back in from the game, heres how i saw it while its fresh, Foran, great first half, fair play for gifting Barrowloads the goal, didnt see much the second half Andy played well first half too. Cox had an ace game, kept the ball well, played it and passed it well to Munro today turned me, he passed well and commanded the back line well too, he was the safty man big time Rossco, Not much first half but did link up well with Robert and played a few good balls up Eagal.. Near the top of my MOTM list played fantastic, moved around made space... only thing is... he has no right foot but that is not to take away his over all game, did fantastic, real promise... even if he had to turn for his left foot to score.... Lionel, I like the man he played well ran well but at times he was the Lionel we know and love... BOMB Scare.. (I got a wink off him...) in the second half i we didnt see much of Sanches but he looks quick all be it abit small. The number 17 center left defender that came on, he looked good, great touch, didnt flap and he is a big lad.. Rossco size but a bit younger and munro used him well Roony didnt really show much, his penalty was well struck but the keeper nearly had it.. over all not bad, Mcbain did well the second half but for me and i hate to say it... Duncan was the 12th City man, he was a desaster and should have never played the 90.. never mind 45.. he always passed back apart from his two wide shots and seems to be stuck in that negitive brewster games never playing it forward. my top players and in this order Cox (from what ive seen of him hes a worth while black replacement) Eagals (ran and ran and gave chase great Target man) Munro (keeps up this show and i might just change my mind on the man)
  14. Here go?s, I was looking in at the friendly threads when someone on here is text commentary from the game they then post is up on here, It?s a mint idea, Looking at this and ways to make it better does anyone on here have one of those Broadband dongles and a laptop that they?d be able to take to the game and then update the site as it happens.. It?s a long shot but maybe if we spoke to the club about having an area in the main stand that we could run this from?.. I don?t have the equipment or knowledge of the other first div player to be able to do it.. But just a thought on how to get first hand info from home games.. Open to criticism, over to you?. (I?m all for the radio broadcast idea to online)
  15. He never played a game on the pitch.. Managed yes played no
  16. He's a big man, with a strong will, I hope he is fine and pulls through we are all praying for him (In our own ways)
  17. http://community.caleythistleonline.com/in...mp;#entry198591 It says Foran should be able to "Lead us to the SPL" I'd have thought that would have been Munros job to lead us back.....
  18. Thats proper Rock and Roll big yin!! Carry on Regardless.... As for the top.. It was the So called Jinx top all the same lol.. Tops off great show!! :mellow:
  19. It said he had picked up a knock, him and Rooney both on side lines with knocks....
  20. agree!! Caleys best would for me be... Wyness (Not 101) Wilson or ROSSCO (LOL)
  21. your 17 :mellow: Oh dear.... Master as in Jnr, IHE Jnr... I thought he ment master as in master of the forum Thats where my Elgin Academy Education shows through :P Fit rang wee Elgin Academy.... My son will be going there in 15 years... I hope they get the act together.... Or is there a High School in Lossie.. I should do my research..
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