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f*ballers wife

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Everything posted by f*ballers wife

  1. oh my!!! granny is gorgeousness.... works for me! lolly! cheers! blackcurrant flavour, to dip in my rum if that's ok! ta!
  2. oh my!!! so good kcj, you said it twice! :shock:
  3. oh my!!! can i come for one too.... and a pint?!?
  4. oh my!!! this is our family all over eh? ANY excuse for a .... for a .... BBQ!!!
  5. oh my!!! i COMPLETELY agree, WHOLE heartedly! here here!!! :roll:
  6. oh my!!! what party.... which side of the family... what you talking about... i wasnt there. it was a maLLLIshshshOUS rOOOmer! :P
  7. oh my!!! now, i'm starting to get a we bit confuzzled here... i AM the GRANNY you know, i'm alLOweD to BE! this must be great granpa on granpa howdi;s side.... yes??? :?: :? :shock:
  8. oh my!!! was in edinburgh at the begin of the week and found skulls in the dungeons.... the very place for them i hear you shout! of the sweeti kind, yummy!
  9. oh my!!! COURSE you can be our pet, can you be of the tropical variety, i need to watch you swim round to relax me babe, is that ok?
  10. oh my!!! tell him from me, he a cutey! (kissi smillie) (that may or may not be a good thing, considering my taste in men!!! )
  11. oh my!!! well second to grany's it's fabby doodle hun! :D
  12. oh my!!! dont be eating big hats mantis, you'll get hellish heartburn!
  13. oh my!!! as it happens, i have two large ones there! big for their age! and a bro~in~law, sis~in~law to go with my luverly pair of niece and nephews!
  14. oh my!!! that's my girl, like granny , like grandaughter! and hi great granpa, not seen you since me and howdies 25th anniversary party when you buggered off wi all the silver!
  15. oh my!!! poor you babe, nnever mind, next time i'm in the bristol area, i'll buy you a pint to make it all better! :P
  16. oh my!!! well, now you COME to mention it..... i do have a large box on the top shelf.... can you go up the ladder for it for me? you will be wearing your kilt wont you, you true scotsman you!!! :shock:
  17. oh my!!! rig, is that handsome chap YOU??? :shock: :D :shock: :D :shock:
  18. oh my!!! O..........VD!!! and co....ke! ooopsy, slip of those fingers again! darkies bum and coke, must be OVD tho... lambs is fine as is captain morgans... but OVD the first choice. and while in skye, i encountered a black beardie... YUMSTER! thanks to rab in the pier! (kissi smilie)
  19. oh my!!! i was meaning with a cordless screwdriver..... hmm.... see what you mean tho!
  20. oh my!!! now here young lady, yer grany isnt as old and daft as she looks.
  21. oh my!!! nothing like it.... bank holiday DIY for a bit of family bonding!!! :nuts: :evil: :shock:
  22. oh my!!! if you shake it right when you take it out you dont need to irony it babe,..... all in the wrist action!
  23. oh my!!! oh my!!! oh my!!! howdie, that's QUITE enfu of that.... stop taking pics o yourself. go get the vics inhaler out the bathroom cabinet! :evil:
  24. oh my!!! any chance o ya taking yer old granny oot for a wee cherry brandy one sunday afternoon? :nuts: and beastie, you're right... we'll all be right BEHIND him.... specially uncle gringo...
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