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f*ballers wife

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Everything posted by f*ballers wife

  1. oh my!!! currently up the eifle tower sweeti.... but in a couple of years i;m going to have to make yugoslavia the new france.... so you must now make russia the new yugoslavia.... afterall, the world looks apon us cali gals as trend setters!!! :thumbsup:
  2. oh my!!! vic..... that sooks the little beggers back in..... allEGIDLY!!!
  3. oh my!!! and some of us have perfectly healthy pelvic floor regions, so therefore no need for such garments!
  4. oh my!!! oh yes, lucky tatties... yummmmy! caramacs.... the biz! still get them black jacks, saw them not so long ago but they looked tiny, looked MUCH bigger when i was wee!
  5. oh my!!! dam you girl for posting such a waste of time..... :evil: :x * * * * * * * * * * * 486.1 so far :boldblue:
  6. oh my!!! great idea sweeti, i'm all up for getting my vits as easy as poss! peach schnapps... that too eh? cider, gin, the berries! hells bells girl, a WHOLE new diet opens before my very eyes! :shock:
  7. The Geography of a woman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between 18 and 20, a woman is like Africa. Half discovered, half-wild, naturally beautiful with fertile deltas. Between 21 and 30, a woman is like UK. Well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash. Between 31 and 35, she is like India. Very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty. Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France. Gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit. Between 41 and 50, she is like Yugoslavia. Lost the war, haunted by past mistakes. Massive reconstruction is now necessary. Between 51 and 60, she is like Russia. Very wide and borders are un-patrolled. The frigid climate keeps people away. Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Mongolia. A glorious and all-conquering past but alas, no future. After 70, they become like Afghanistan. Everyone knows where it is, but no one wants to go there. THE GEOGRAPHY OF A MAN Between 15 and 90, a man is like the USA ...... Ruled by a **** so girlies.... where are you..... bonjour mon amis?!?!
  8. oh my!!! is that my first problem howdi? well, dont be worrying your self about it babe, size isnt everything remember! :P oopsy just realised what site i'm in.... sorry, i'll go back to where i belong, to the triple p's..... (talking trot threads!)
  9. oh my!!! manni, will you STOP that! you know how excitable i can get! talking about such things.... meat loaf! now THERE's a guy and a half! :D
  10. oh my!!! oh dear. beastie, you're too young for me... dam... unless ofcourse you're into the older more, mature, vintage?!
  11. oh my!!! with you on the first three but cant QUITE put my finger on the last one! unless it had something to do with captain pugwash and seaman stains..... hmmm.... :roll:
  12. oh my!!! that'll be cos i'm an OLD tart..... granted, not QUITE as old as you sweet~peee!
  13. oh my!!! how about an agony aunt/uncle thread for the non footy ones amongst us.
  14. oh my!!! tom petty, and the eagles.... making me want to go rake out the old cassettes.... remember THEM!!!
  15. oh my!!! now jaki babe, who is it that i should be getting the room with.... beastie or johnboy.... cos i hope you are NOT sugESTING all three of us, now that's just down right RUDE, i'm not THAT kind of girl you know! oopsy maybe you ment beastie and johnboy.... oopsy,
  16. oh my!!! beastie babe, a girl has to try her best you know! 8)
  17. oh my!!! oh gosh johnboy, sweeti.... have they been pickin in me, at me, ON me, and i've not noticed....? :?: beastie, i can take ANYthing you throw at me... but howdi babe, four fingers is just pure greed, not need.... two is MORE than suffice for anyone!
  18. oh my!!! did any of you guys venture south to aviemore? the rock night, chevvys, mr sirs???
  19. oh my!!! only as old as the one you feel sweeti, and if yours happens to be 35, then honk on babe!
  20. oh my!!! now kcj, i wasn't going to point out that he can only count up to, well, erm, ONE.... i was happy to over look that bit, bless !!! :angel:
  21. oh my!!! BEASTIe, my little lotus bloosom, long time no.... erm, ... read? :!: :D
  22. oh my!!! cali babe, it has absolutly NITHin to do with you WHAT manni got for my drawers ..... suffice to say he went off with a smile on his face and THAT, my darling, is ALL you need to know!
  23. It's a gift and one I like to share. So the rumour that you have a six inch tongue and can breath through your ears is true then ? oh my!!! rig, my new SWEETheart, i NOW need your NUMBER!!! text me and we'll meet behind the bike shed! 8)
  24. oh my!!! and sweeti~pie..... we shall leave you there, in that little world, cos you seem perfectly happy there!
  25. oh my!!! oh my!!! oh my!!! or just all move inland, and leave them there..... twitterpating!
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