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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. There is no front door there now and it looks like there is not much to the rear as now although you can see the archway over the lane to the right.
  2. That's a clearer picture of them, no houses where Trafford Avenue is now.
  3. IBM


    Ah The Corries now that's better Front of late 50's Austin A40 Somerset, Ford Cortina, Morris Minor & Ford Prefect
  4. Only the old prefab's in Cornation Park, Wyvis Place and Kilmuir Road, no Flats or other houses!
  5. The old Station Hotel if that's what it was called with the station entrance to the left.
  6. IBM


    The folk's must have been easy pleased in them days
  7. You are right Charles about the original part which was the new operator trunk control centre started in 1949 and was opened in 1952 by Provost James Grigor. The new STD exchange on Friars Lane was opened by Provost Alan Ross in 1961 serving 3500 customers. The original sandstone was recovered from a large house that was demolished out in the Kiltarlity area but I can't remember where. My late father delivered a lot of hardwood timber to the site when he drove for Wm Ogilvie Haulage contractor Evanton. The newer part down Friars Street which is connected by a walkway over the old graveyard was opened in 1980.
  8. Learn to drive without anyone in the passenger seat I had never heard of that before, I notice the one in the picture had an L plate on the rear bumper but I think that would have been before your time driving. What a change to the machine you drive now mind you the A30 would be better in the snow than most of the modern cars we have now!
  9. Charles, the car could be an A30 or A35 with the A35 being introduced in 1956 an updated version. The A40 was the Farina had a more square body and was introduced in 1958. I do remember the chipper getting chips on the way home to the Merkinch from the Army Cadets at Cameron Barracks.
  10. Not much happening in that one, must have been taken on a Sunday morning when everyone was at church!
  11. Another Gem IHE the same year I was born but a lot further from............Eastgate looking east from the top of Ingles St. The Leyland tanker (a big one for that time) appears to be waiting at the traffic lights with the ERF behind and the old Austin further along the street. Note the registrations on the Bedford Dormobile and the Ford Popular are both JST and no yellow lines means you can park your Austin A35 while you go to the shops!..............I will leave it to the older generations to identify the shops Fraser & McColl is the only one I know.
  12. It reminds me of the Alice Brewery in Inverness 1983-88 which was delivered by horse and cart which was a bit of a publicity stunt. I am sure the horse was owned a Mr Ross but I cant remember his first name.
  13. You are keeping us busy and our brains active!
  14. ....like potential oil revenues? Oddquine, we disagree fundamentally on the issue of separation but your verbosity is hardly a major vice and I am somewhat prone to it myself. Furthermore anyone who knows what a Pyrrhic victory is and can spell it correctly has my profound respect. However I am these days transferring my CTO allegiance to the Old Inverness threads where I am actually also finding a great deal of empathy with some of my former adversaries on this thread. It will soon be time to start another thread for the General Election which I think will be more interesting than the last one!
  15. Oddquine you may find a connection to the Bannerman's
  16. If you are right about the swimming pool Charles that will make it between 1936 & 1947 when the power station closed. You can see part of the old railway bridge that was washed away in 1989 and that is the Black Bridge Scarlet, it has always been grey since I moved into Inverness! Along Portland Place to the left of the Black Bridge was the old Cameron Club. To the left of the picture is the Free Church on Chapel St and the Pentecostal Church which was known as The Model at that time (I think it was a Poorhouse) both churches have no spires but missing in the space behind that is the Friars Lane Telephone Exchange which building started in 1958 and it opened in 1961. And no McMurry and Archibald on Chapel Street!
  17. It will be to mark the entrance to the Caledonian Canal there is one at the other end of the loch at Fort Augustus.
  18. Stock car racing at the Longman That brings back one or two memories. More or less right on the current Caledonian Stadium site wasn't it? I remember the stock car racing well and recall John Harrison of Highland TV Services having a blue Hillman Minx but cant remember if it had a white roof and also remember the old hearse which was slow of the mark but could go like a tank! I think the track was more where the Kessock Bridge roundabout is now but would not put money on that. Does anyone know what that multiplicity of buildings are in the Lomgman airfield shot? They don't look like the kind of arrangement you might expect for a military establishment so I'm wondering if they might be some post-war creation - either industrial or emergency housing because there's something in the back of my mind which says that the airfield may have been used for that purpose immediately after the war. That is likely to be some of the old hangars that were dotted about the Longman or are you seeing something else?
  19. I met him this morning. He's still going strong, there's still that hint of a combover - and you will be pleased to learn that he was wearing a "Yes - Still" badge. Sorry Mantis - I realised I'd made a typo I needed to edit. I remember him from the High School although he did not teach me, His father was headmaster at Fort Augustus and his mother taught there when I was at primary school before moving to Inverness. I thought the name was spelt Dunoon the same as in Argyll where I was born but my spelling was never good in school
  20. This is longman airfield where you can clearly see the gasometer and the chimney from the old power station on Factory Street and Craig Dunain hill in the background.
  21. You have bet me to it Charles! They are good old photos again, #63 the gasometer is stands out like a sore thumb, on #64 the Cathedral stands out more than anything. Good photos again IHE!
  22. Charles you are right on this one! I didn't even bother to read it. Although I liked Oddquine's posts during the referendum
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