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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. Totally agree PerfICT. The last time he was here he was waiving the yellow cards like it was going out of fashion and I think he may have got a flee in his ear so yesterday he kept them in his pocket to long. If he had made a booking in the first half when he should have things would not have boiled over in the second!
  2. Someone with a north accent was on BBC Scotland this evening, he had asked for discount on 25 tickets for the game today for his young football team who were playing in Inverness this morning. The club gave them free tickets! A good gesture
  3. Just great! it's a pity we have a break next weekend.
  4. Have to go on the attack tomorrow it is our big chance to go top again!
  5. I made a comment about national service being for old timers (me being a young 57) but must have used the wrong emotion as Charles gave all the details about it which I did already know. I know many who did their service enjoyed it and enlisted for longer but it was very hard for many who served just because they had to. The nearest I got was in the Army Cadets where I was also taught how to shoot with the .22 and .303 which I mastered very well after the initial bruising on my shoulder!
  6. National Service is that not something old timers did
  7. Yes ocg just round from the Courier Office
  8. You are on your high horse today Alex!
  9. Foran's wife just opened a new business in Inverness at the weekend.
  10. Scarlet, it is Rangemore Road to the right of the High School crossing Dochfour Drive to Caledonian Road.
  11. The last time I was up there that was a huge pile of ground and rubble!
  12. Spent a lot of my wages in that shop!
  13. There is not much in Dalneigh, the High School looks new and there are no houses on the west side of Laurel Avenue, looking at the block 21-27 it looks as the roof is half slated and others beyond look under construction. Could you imagine how many houses Macrae or Tulloch would have built there!
  14. Not an old foggie yet but not on facebook, keep them coming!
  15. Next week will do for me as long as it is not us!
  16. Another great performance and 3 points after the first 10 minutes despite all the fouls by united! Must have been our best home game since Hughes took over as my son did not stand up and shout at him throughout the game
  17. Gordieict, that says it all for me and many others no mater what happens my view on independence will not change!
  18. IBM


    Didn't see many of them in the Hayloft!
  19. IBM


    Must have been a good tail wind! I remember giving a work colleague who was a non driver a lift back from Edinburgh on the old A9 in my Ford Corsair reaching speeds up to 100mph. He was terrified and asked to stop for a drink in Newtonmore. What I didn't tell him was the speedometer was reading about 30mph to fast!
  20. A very legitimate question because I really don't see any solution emerging from that half billion pound talking shop at Holyrood. A very legitimate question which you haven't answered! I think I have, inasmuch as I have suggested that the calibre of politics in Scotland at the moment is such that I really just don't see any satisfactory solution at all. (PS - is it OK to say things like that again or am I still in danger of being dragged before the Uncaledonian Activities Committee of the referendum era to be sentenced to five years in the St Kilda Gulag for preaching seditious "negativity" and "anti Scottishness"?) No Charles this is not your tough Tories in power here, 2 years reduced to 1 year with good behavior will be enough. Now I am away to have my haggis
  21. IBM


    Yes, the glory days of the Hayloft. Never to be forgotten, although I think they served Skol lager for a while which wasn't great. Skol lager, the bar was swimming with it and if you stood to long in the same place you stuck to the floor!
  22. IBM


    I knew it as the Hayloft was only in it once and never went back again! I think it was called the Gateway at one time. The Domestic Discount Stores is now Lochgorm. The lorry is a Seddon and the car is a Vauxhall Victor.
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