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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. For goodness sake Charles go and fill up your glass!
  2. Charles would have been spitting red, white and blue fire. I would love to see that!
  3. Good link Alex I like myth 9, there is no other road to use! It is off topic just Charles doing some Nat bashing!
  4. Alex... much of what Ayeseetee has said in this debate I have disagreed with, but I am totally with him in what he says in post 1614. There is also a sub-plot to the carrying of guns question in that it is certainly even less necessary in the likes of Inverness than it is in the central belt, but our one size fits all National Police Force dictates that our local cops should have to have them as well, hence depriving us of local control. There's the irony. At a time when there is much shouting about devolving powers from "Westminster" to Edinburgh, we are also seeing powers being centralised from areas like the Highlands... also to Edinburgh. Charles you and many others seem to be believing all the local media propaganda! The old Northern Constabulary were carrying hand guns before they became Police Scotland but it is not the routine arming of the police as stated by many. There are a few trained firearms officers on duty at any one time who will attend other calls if they are required and go into a shop or filling station to purchase lunch. I am not concerned at all if I see them on my day to day business and am sure others would not notice either if it was not in the papers every week. IBM, I am aware of that but the timescale is such that the decision was quite clearly influenced by what was equally clearly the shape of things to come. On the infrastructure questions, irrespective of which party was involved we are looking at extensive investment in the central belt while all we can see in the Highlands are average speed cameras - which most definitely ARE the creation of the SNP. Charles it is clear that you hate the SNP and only respond to certain parts quoted in posts. If the SNP had not got an overall majority the last time we would still be no further forward on the A9! I have driven the A9 over many years and remember when your travel time was 4 hours to Perth before it was upgraded when the Tories were in power. I have driven at high speed on the A9 before speed cameras were ever used on the roads and would prefer not to have them at all. The average speed cameras are being installed at a cost of 2.5 million, with the cost of a fatal road accident 1.8 million you would just need 2 less fatalities and you have saved money. It would also save a lot of heartbreak for the family and friends of those involved. I think that is why the only high profile person objecting to them is Danny Alexander!
  5. Alex... much of what Ayeseetee has said in this debate I have disagreed with, but I am totally with him in what he says in post 1614. There is also a sub-plot to the carrying of guns question in that it is certainly even less necessary in the likes of Inverness than it is in the central belt, but our one size fits all National Police Force dictates that our local cops should have to have them as well, hence depriving us of local control. There's the irony. At a time when there is much shouting about devolving powers from "Westminster" to Edinburgh, we are also seeing powers being centralised from areas like the Highlands... also to Edinburgh. Charles you and many others seem to be believing all the local media propaganda! The old Northern Constabulary were carrying hand guns before they became Police Scotland but it is not the routine arming of the police as stated by many. There are a few trained firearms officers on duty at any one time who will attend other calls if they are required and go into a shop or filling station to purchase lunch. I am not concerned at all if I see them on my day to day business and am sure others would not notice either if it was not in the papers every week.
  6. I would prefer the analogy that it might be better to have had the money spent on the A9 years ago rather than on a second Forth crossing or on the Edinburgh trams. For the SNP to blame "Westminster" (or is it OK just to call them "the English" again now the vote is past?) is a bit rich when the SNP centralises power on itself and on Edinburgh and continues the practice of marginalising the Highlands in which central Scotland has indulged for centuries. The SNP were planning to upgrade the A9 in the first term of being in Government after 8 years of rule by Labour/Lib Dems but they were outvoted by the 3 main parties in favor of the Edinburgh Trams which had run millions over budget! The work is finally started although it will take years to complete at least we will get it completed and hopefully within budget.
  7. Doofers Dad is absolutely 100% correct here. All the SNP/Yes were interested in from the start was getting people's crosses in their box and they were never all that fussed about how they did it. You are both correct on this but what you fail to add is that the other parties /No campaign did exactly the same thing! Politicians are all the same they want your vote and will tell you anything to get it. But to return to DD's accurate appraisal, much of the Yes vote didn't actually come from people who support separation. Many voted Yes because they were promised more cash in their pockets after Yes Both camps did exactly the same thing by saying you will be better of with them and the sad thing is some people believe them. There is also a further consideration which I fully acknowledge may offend some, but is a fundamental, albeit unfortunate truth. The experience of 37 years in the classroom told me long ago that, regrettably, perhaps around a third of the population are simply not capable of understanding the issues of the debate. I do not have that experience in the classroom but in the 10 years I was there I learnt enough to listen and make up my own mind on things.
  8. I have always thought that the UK Government is corrupted beyond repair and that will not change. What I think is sad is the 2 million Scottish voters that don't se it or don't want to!
  9. Not a chance it will take more than a referendum to stop us singing that
  10. Just a word of thank's in particular to Qddquine and Doofers Dad for their contributions and the many others who kept it going over the last 18 months. Let's not forget Laurence who started the whole bloody thing, at least he will be happy today
  11. I agree 100% with you on that caley 100! I am disappointed at the result but accept and move on, but will wait and see how long we wait before the broken promises.
  12. You are right in your last sentence Kingsmills. Yes 52% No 48%
  13. Your last sentence says it all DD! I think I am right, you think you are right but it is that close what we think wont make much difference tomorrow. The good thing is we are getting a vote without battles and killings and hopefully whatever way it goes our politicians will work together and improve things for us.
  14. You work for years away from home all week often having to work into the early hours and then have to additional work at weekends, a hard job. But on the plus side you are paid 3 times the national average wage plus expenses. You can stay in 5 star hotels or by a flat in London get a subsidized mortgage and then sell it at a huge profit when you retire. You can get free passes for your family to visit, long holidays, a subsidized bar at work and a pension when you retire that is far more than the majority get paid If you do well at your job when you retire you may get invited to join the retirement club which has all the same perks of the job you had and you can do voluntary work which will pay you £300 every day you turn up if you find it to much or had a late night in the subsidized bar just have a sleep and you will still get your money That is the Westminster Gravy Train which you the tax payer are paying £50 million a year for and that's just the Scottish MP's. If you are happy with this just vote No on Thursday but YOU have one chance to change this, simply vote YES
  15. I sincerely hope so Charles, you can still change your mind and vote YES. You can even keep it a secret
  16. The dozens of people I know that are voting YES are easy going hard working who just want a fairer society............And the three who are voting no are the same!
  17. Williams dropped Doran in, Doran scores an early goal a difficult one!
  18. Good! I hope lots of people still undecided will go against Tony Blair.
  19. I have not watched many of the debates but watched the one from Glasgow tonight and the most disappointing thing was that Better Together could only muster up George Galloway to back up Ruth Davidson
  20. Yngwye, that is what Labour and Tory Westminster Governments have been doing for years! This is our chance to do things different we just have to believe in ourselves.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29099431 Getting an update on the BBC website, cant help noticing the out of date picture of Inverness in the background on Alex Salmond's clip. It's squeaky bum time for the No campaign!
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