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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. You are right in your last sentence Kingsmills. Yes 52% No 48%
  2. Your last sentence says it all DD! I think I am right, you think you are right but it is that close what we think wont make much difference tomorrow. The good thing is we are getting a vote without battles and killings and hopefully whatever way it goes our politicians will work together and improve things for us.
  3. You work for years away from home all week often having to work into the early hours and then have to additional work at weekends, a hard job. But on the plus side you are paid 3 times the national average wage plus expenses. You can stay in 5 star hotels or by a flat in London get a subsidized mortgage and then sell it at a huge profit when you retire. You can get free passes for your family to visit, long holidays, a subsidized bar at work and a pension when you retire that is far more than the majority get paid If you do well at your job when you retire you may get invited to join the retirement club which has all the same perks of the job you had and you can do voluntary work which will pay you £300 every day you turn up if you find it to much or had a late night in the subsidized bar just have a sleep and you will still get your money That is the Westminster Gravy Train which you the tax payer are paying £50 million a year for and that's just the Scottish MP's. If you are happy with this just vote No on Thursday but YOU have one chance to change this, simply vote YES
  4. I sincerely hope so Charles, you can still change your mind and vote YES. You can even keep it a secret
  5. The dozens of people I know that are voting YES are easy going hard working who just want a fairer society............And the three who are voting no are the same!
  6. Williams dropped Doran in, Doran scores an early goal a difficult one!
  7. Good! I hope lots of people still undecided will go against Tony Blair.
  8. I have not watched many of the debates but watched the one from Glasgow tonight and the most disappointing thing was that Better Together could only muster up George Galloway to back up Ruth Davidson
  9. Yngwye, that is what Labour and Tory Westminster Governments have been doing for years! This is our chance to do things different we just have to believe in ourselves.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29099431 Getting an update on the BBC website, cant help noticing the out of date picture of Inverness in the background on Alex Salmond's clip. It's squeaky bum time for the No campaign!
  11. That could be a good move for him, hope he does well.
  12. That's mine done and ready for the post, Yes :scotland:
  13. Don't think so? Car was in corner last week waiting to be used but was outside the bar yesterday..... Hope the driver was not in the bar!
  14. What happened yesterday were there no entrants this week?
  15. Never seen any in the North stand today!
  16. I was only stating what was announced at the stadium today, while it is disappointing the crowds are low the ones that are going are well entertained at present.
  17. The crowd announced was 2830. Another good game and great result. The only one well below standard was the Ref who killed the game at times!
  18. Give the man a break all his ex players might not have a twitter account
  19. IBM


    Good picture IHE, is that Inverness? I don't recognize it but some older than me might! The registration CRA also makes me doubt.
  20. It's the same for us over here Scotty in the terms of playing fields unless things change............but that's another thread
  21. IBM

    ICT video

    Working all right for me on surround sound!
  22. Ness Motors money is safe on this one, I think they could even take a chance and offer the car for the prize!
  23. Best home game for a long time, superb performance keeping the celts at bay and preventing them from scoring, a well deserved 3 points, already looking forward to next week more of the same I hope.
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