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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. It's just that the more limited players are far more likely to spend more time at the club.
  2. Yeah, from our point of view I reckon it's better that Falkirk go down but, thinks never go the way I want them to. If they don't go down this season, they never will.
  3. Are we doing this based on how long someone has been at the club?
  4. I'm obviously not having a laugh because I didn't put a smiley at the end. If Tokely left the team, at any point, I think he could have been replaced. Black, I think it will be a long time before we get a player like him again. He is much better at football than Tokely. Took a while to settle in but when he did, he demonstrated class and technique.
  5. Do his next of kin have to take the suspension?
  6. Man - Horse - Bicycle - Car - Women training for 5k pink cancer run Thats the order of evolution on the roads. It's pure impatience that leads to annoyance with slower road users. It's mental (politically incorrect, but so is our election system) how people get soooooo annoyed and righteous in cars. Share, and you will feel so much happier. Side note : Some folk that cycle the roads will also be paying road tax. Not me, but some will.
  7. 90 's would be Ian Stewart and 00's Ian Black
  8. Do you all feel like you wasted your time voting? I wasn't missed, Labour won south Glasgow anyway, and we still don't know who's in charge.
  9. Chibber uses my jokes nearly all the time without permission and Renegade quite clearly steals his formations from Rinus Michels.
  10. I'd take him back, he would be good cover NO1
  11. Aye, that worked. I like the one where McBain looks like he's stood on something sharp.......
  12. Don't worry min, he goes fishing now.
  13. How is the players of the month decided for the three SFL divisions? I say this because none of the game are televised so the people doing the judging can only watch one game a week. Does anyone know? Is it the refs? Most MOTMs? Newspaper reports?
  14. My understanding is that if required, ICT can pick up most Highland league keepers at will. Im pretty sure Ali Ridgers has come back from the highland league a couple of times as back up. It just doesn't make sense to waste a wage on the basis that two other keepers might get injured.
  15. This all makes me think he has plans for the summer.
  16. I know how you feel, I'm 26 and currently have a similar plan in operation involving Ryan Esson........
  17. I think we all know by now that they're all over paid, what gets me though is why do the clubs carry on paying it? I remember when Steed Malbronqe (Speeling?) went from Spurs to Fulham, Fulham offered him 60'000 and Spurs, quite rightly, just said no way.
  18. Why don't we sign Tuffey as back up?
  19. I passed my Cycling proficiency test in primary 6 and I don't think I was in the right mental space at that age to cycle the roads. I cycled from the bottom of this country to the top and only came across cycle lanes in Lancashire, which were choked up with parked cars. Cyclist can't pay tax because it would mean that every kid in town would need to pay. Tractors hold everyone up, as do buses, as do accidents, TAX THE BARSTEWARDS!!! Going 41 in a 40 MPH zone is illegal, but EVERYONE has done it. Same as a bike going through a red light, difference being, the cyclist is the only one to lose out if the situation is ill-judged . I reckon i've gone through every red light in Glasgow (even Anderston :ph34r: ) about 10 times. That means that all car drivers (except class A) should give me no quarter when overtaking. Also, I don't think i've ever seen a pedestrian mowed down by a bike in my life. I got flipped over a door and I looked really stupid. I went to over take a bus and pushed so hard my chain snapped and I crushed my fun bag of my cross bar, and looked really stupid. I've paid my tax.
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