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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. Jesus, it's been a long summer. I'd forgotten how much I love Foran. Sorry Ritchie, mate, I'll never go as long without looking at a picture of you again.
  2. They should be handed out to every home fan so whenever a cry of "No surrender" or "It's a grand old team to play for" comes out from the away end, everyone gives a blast on the vuvuzela. Everyone's a winner, as we finally create some sort of atmosphere at the dump, the Queen and Pope's children get represent their true historical roots and we don't have to hear it. There will be no need to use them as missiles as Artur Borac has left the SPL.
  3. What about FUBU or Wu wear?
  4. I'm out due to a stag do...........
  5. Surely there's been some mistake! This is great news.
  6. His mate told him, nothing alleged about that.
  7. Why? I just think that it's best that I do. Keeping it to myself will only encourage hatred to grow within me, and thats when the heavy drinking and bed wetting begin.
  8. i would just like to register my displeasure with Gabriel Heinze the player, and the person. I hope he doesn't get his hands on the World Cup.
  9. Each England player had a shot of being the star man and failed. Barry put in a huge effort for about three minutes around the sixty minute mark and Terry really fancied it for a couple of minutes just before the third goal. The fans appear to buy into the villain and hero culture that the media promote so heavily. The players buy into their own hype so badly and as a result, are either so frightened to make a mistake that might dent their ego, or are trying that 'Hollywood' pass to make them the hero. Germany just had a group of players that were playing a game, nothing more, and nothing less. When Robinson made that mistake against Croatia, which was nothing more than bad luck, he was crucified. All that achieved was the loss of confidence for their best goal keeper. Why do they do it? With the reaction to Green mistake I thought that I had maybe misunderstood, and that he had actually been caught masturbating whilst watching his granny sleep but, alas, he had merely mishandled the ball in a game of football. The game in the UK is played under a fear culture where players are too frightened to relax, and will never have the mentality to win anything, with the exception of the Kirin cup. Lampard, Gerrard, Roonaaaaay, Terry, The Coleseses etc all play better for their clubs because club supporters in the UK tend to be a lot more supportive of their players, with the exception of Zebi Zadi. If an England player makes a mistake he is instantly pants and a list of other players that should have been picked instead is instantly discussed. Why is it not accepted that people balls up every now and then? Also, getting rid of Capello would not be productive as he has lost two competitive games, against Russia and Germany, since starting over two years ago, which is not that bad. OK, they played poorly in the WC but who else could do any better? He should see it out to the Euros, just like Burley should have been left in charge of Scotland. The lynch mob mentality of the modern game has been shown time and time again not to work. The FA and Capello need to remain strong and ignore the teary eyed calls of the likes of Shearer for change. P.S That Lampard goal was genuinely laugh out loud I was soooooo gutted that I was by myself as I really wanted to hi five someone. They all new in an instant that it merely righted a wrong from many years ago, I forget what year though.....
  10. The Union Jack because he's representing the UK.
  11. Was "the knowledge" not there? I just noticed this one. ;)
  12. I think Germany will do a number on England.
  13. Was that written through watery eyes? I want to go to the Celtic game as well but thats only because it's so much more appealing to go to see the glamour and glitz teams. Why bother spending ?25 to see Motherwell when you can see a big team for the same price?
  14. On ITV they were talking about a guy who flew from Bristol to South Africa, without realising that Landycakes had scored that goal against Algeria, so he ended up in the wrong town.........
  15. I always see Chibber holding hands with unknown kids at Queens park 5 a side pitches. I don't get the meaning of it either.
  16. A soverign state is a country in terms of the uk? No it's not. No matter how much you want it to be Scotland and England are not the same country. Accept it the UK is not a country, it is a state consisting of countries. :D But I want the UK to be a country! :009: Still no Chick, or Hansen referring to we.
  17. I'll be at Beladrum but will be happy to Taxi share with anyone else who is willing. If i've been near any Black Isle brewery juice, then I will probably tell you "not to be so stupid, put your cash away" and end up paying it all myself. When the game(s) in England have a safer feel to the chances of them going ahead, then I'm up for a jolly on down. Antwerp folk, just make sure you don't get a seat in the main stand, the goings on will absolutely baffle you.
  18. A soverign state is a country no? The UK is a nation, a nation is a country. Scotland and England share a prime minister, does that not mean we're the same country. Alex, this stuff happens all the time, and there's only so far you can tale a topic on Chick Young.
  19. what about, right, if you moved to France, but married a girl from Holland, who HATED England, but had a British Bulldog?
  20. I liked the cheeky "Who ate all the pies" right after that object hoofed it in from the half way line.
  21. Are both not part of the UK? Regardless of user name, or the era in which you attended geography lessons, I'm sure you must be aware of this........ the amount of planes i've missed franticly searching my flat looking for my Scottish passport is ridiculous. It never turns up!!!
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