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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. Agreed. So obvious. The club are run like Saddam's cabinet. That was the ministry of information there with a subtle let down for the Imrie lovers.
  2. Thats a really good movie by the way, and a really good indication into just how paranoid the board are. Why don't they do something to address the criticism rather than remove the criticism. Bunch of tools. How long have they been round this club for? They should leave it alone and go buy Clach. What are they trying to achieve whilst being in charge of this club? You really do worry. Soulless, selfish and crooked. Running the club into the ground. Go away.
  3. I'm delighted. If were are all to react the same way we did to the news we couldn't afford him, i'm really chuffed we're one of the best run clubs in Scotland.
  4. Here, if we all just used google there would be no point in the quiz. Renegade should be given mod richts for his/her quiz.
  5. I've not managed to get any of them.
  6. Reading that made me think, what if the board don't want to commit to first division players now, incase their move is seen as a lack of faith in the management and squad? Of course, if they offer SPL wages and promises the now, they could completely butt savage us if/when/in the unlikely/likely circumstances we don't go up. In saying that, I guess they are there to make those decisions, so they should.
  7. I would agree with that, if yo add on the Robo era.
  8. I reckon so because we're at a lower level now.
  9. Pot kettle black The classic 3 word answer.
  10. It needs to start with the management team doesn't it. Either they're good enough, or they're not. Sign them up or sign up somebody else. Then the players can decide if they want to stay or not. P.S Who was I talking to there?
  11. What was the score? In Pro Evo Boca are really good. Palermo is alright at penalties as well....... I went them for the first time on Sat night and I embarrassed my brother. Which I can also do by telling folk about the time he actually crapped himself in school.
  12. I was at Columbia v Tunisia in 1998 and the Columbia fans had a huge banner up with his picture on it. See when people die, you know how everyone always says "Oh, he was an amazing person and everybody loved him" even if it's not true? With Escobar I think he genuinely was Columbia's best defender for years and was one of the few in the 94 squad that actually performed the way he was supposed to. However, are gangsters sooooo unreasonable that they will murder a footballer whom was trying his best, for what was clearly an accident, or was he involved in something that he shouldn't have been? Always wondered what the point was in killing him.
  13. What if Wyness is pants though? What happens then? How is he remembered? It would be a risky one however, if he was the tits, then he would be a double club legend, so, yeah, go for it Tel. It's a guaranteed way to keep the fans behind the club.
  14. Here here! Amborsini is as good as any in the air and he puts double the effort in of any Milan player, other than Gattuso. I reckon he's there to remind the likes of Ronaldinhio what it means to play for a club like Milan. On Huntelaar, I thought he was brilliant when he played on Setanta sports but now he's on ESPN he doesn't seem to play any more. What's that all about?
  15. As long as you and DC are standing at opposite sides of our 'HATS' (hands around Tulloch Stadium) love raiser we'll be good.
  16. EH!!! How did you get that? Was it a copy 'n' paste job or do you have access to that button?
  17. If Mel Gibson couldn't even unite the clans, what is your strategy for uniting the fans?
  18. They genuinely are. I used to like a good face to face but now I prefer text or cyber beefs. I need loads of drink for a face to face argument now a days. I think it's the drink that allows me to stick to my guns, no matter how wrong I am.
  19. Inter were brilliant. Ronaldinhio couldn't have cared less about the out come of the game. My main question though is, with all those Inter fans standing, jumping and RUNNING, how come there was no Hillsborough? I'm sure I saw a flare as well. Why were those responsible not ejected for ruining the viewing of the folk behind them? The big flags as well. It must all really ruin the enjoyment for the majority.
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