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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. I was with a Ross County fan, Celtic, Aberdeen, Rangers and one other Caley fan who all don't normally go to home games. They all came for a good game and they got it. Being on a Sunday and in Perth, it was easily attend-able (I'm not sure that's a word, but it should be) for central belt folk whom can't get Saturdays off, to come along. I was at Airdrie, Morton and County (1-3) at home and I reckon the atmosphere in the ground is directly related to the football on show.
  2. I reckon you should just ban the people that repeatedly annoy you. Even better, you could block the offending posters so no-one, apart from other offending posters can see what is being said, so they can argue and name call forever and ever, whilst no-one else is even aware of it. Written word has always been the hardest way to express sarcasm and a lot of offense starts from this. I was in a foundation English class in school, which I thought was as low as it got but some of the writing on this site is impossible to make sense of, which leaves me wondering how much lower it goes? It's hard not to comment on it sometimes, especially because this takes place in spite of the built in speel checker. Despite this, I realise that attacking a person's education is always going to lead a thread to an irritating and messy conclusion so I'll never do it again. I respect the mods, even if that's after a couple of personal messages to remind me that was is said on this site can be seen by any member of the public. I admire the amount of time I assume you all put in because I spend large chunks of my bosses time reading the posts on here, and still don't get through it all, and I have the luxury of ignoring bitchy threads. It must take all the mods a significant amount of your free time. I'm glad your feelings have been expressed, instead of you keeping it all to yourself and then one day suddenly pulling the plug. This site is a vital information hub for ICT (and Dundee) fans and is hugely appreciated. PS. The friends only invite is an excellent idea is it provides posters with a little accountability. PPS. We're not a big enough club to satisfy the modern desire for 24 hour, 365 days a year news that a lot of the modern EPL/champions league force fed football fans (me) require, and this could lead to people posting for the sake of creating an argument, to keep them occupied (not me).
  3. If it's called off, I will hold Gordon Brown responsible.
  4. Combination of the two. Just like diving. The ref should spot it but it's still the actions of the player that cause the injustices in the first place.
  5. Even though he's unhinged, I agree with Roy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/i...als/8370327.stm If you apply the same logic to all, then Roy Keane is clearly a Rangers supporting England sympathiser....
  6. THIS IS FOOTBALL. This is the culture that football exists within. If you can get away with it, then it's within the rules. "I don't blame Henry, if it was myself or Robbie (not the fat dancer from Take That I assume) then we would have tried to get away with it." Thats what Duff said. Oh, I get it. It's the referee's fault. Just like it's Gordon Brown's fault for the economy for going into recession. Everyone has a part to play. If Miller had done the same for Scotland and put Germany out, everyone would have LOVED it. THIS IS FOOTBALL. They're all at it. My second team in club football is Spurs and I have rights to an Irish passport (why would you want one?) but Robbie Keane would have done the same without a second thought. Could anyone imagine if Henry had gone to the ref and owned up to what would have happened? He would have lost Dominesh (speeling?) his job, and his nation the world cup appearance that we all want. Goal line technology, for an obvious reason, would not have helped and anyone calling for extra officials behind each goal should watch the UEFA cup. Football is what it is and we can't change the rules because Eduardo dived, or Henry hand balled. We're a wee team, the big teams have it all their way is a pish argument as well. What about the blatent penalty France were denied? 'Plucky' Irish, keep plucking away.
  7. Can't find the post that made the point originally but, as my internet got cut off (er, sorry Virgin media, Royal Mail must have lost the payment in the mail. Yep, that's what happened), I couldn't respond at the time. Whoever said the players can't even pass the ball, your soooooo right. Like what happened so many times against Airdrie, if we could play the ball for the running player to RUN ONTO, rather than directly at, or just behind the ankles, then we would be at the top of this league, and perhaps half way up the next one. It's fundamental errors that are being made. Why can't Golly hit the ball straight? Tokely will no doubt have apologised to the Physio for that wee out burst.......
  8. Myself plus 5 others will be meeting 2 traveling down from sneck. Getting the 11:45 from Glasgow.
  9. Anything less than 3-0 will surprise me.
  10. I would say so because it's not natural.
  11. County 2-1 Inverness Inverness 4-1 Morton Ayr 1-5 Inverness Inverness 1-1 Dunfermline Raith 0-1 Inverness Inverness 1-3 QOS Inverness 1-0 Ross County Hardly the form to sack someone.
  12. 2-1 away against a team of similar standard is no disgrace. I didn't see it but, as its the results that count, this is no catastrophe. We're seven points of the top. He should have until his contract runs out in the summer.
  13. I think, considering how poor overall we have been this season.....we can consider ourselves very lucky to only be 7 pts of top spot. Shows how close this league is True dat. It also shows how bad some of the other teams can be as well.
  14. Nowhere near it! Even last week..i thout we were marginally the better team (despite the score) When we beat Morton a couple of months ago I didn't think we were much better than them then either.
  15. I really enjoyed that. His technique makes me believe I can play pro football.......
  16. I agree. I was fighting to get today off because I thought we would pump County but, I'm a little glad I didn't go now. I forget we're still not the full package.
  17. I doubt we will see anyone. We would need to get rid of players first. Who is going to take Barrowman, Mcbain, Zadi or Renegade from us for the kind of money we need to bring in another player? The best we will get is a couple of contract extensions and Duff back from injury.
  18. This interview is a few months old but I'm not sure if any of you have read it. http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/lea...ky-1734909.html
  19. The gel is a truly excellent idea. I try and time it so someone else opens the door and I sneak out behind them. A wee bit off topic but the home support could show a wee bit more of a community spirit by making sure they 'sort' themselves out so everything is going in the right direction. The amount of damp concrete below the urinals forces me to stand further back than I would like to, just to keep my Sambas dry. Come on, who is it that is causing this? I believe it was because of the amount of human moisture on the floor at the 1980 old firm Scottish cup final that forced the ban on drinking at games. Everyone was far to careless at that game and it led to a terrible mess.
  20. I know. everyone was being positive yesterday. I think the 4 3 3 has changes everyones mood.
  21. That's true actually. I don't know why I mentioned Odhiambo, I don't even know how good he his. I remember he played well at Ibrox last season but that's about all.......
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