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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. In all seriousness though, why do you not like to be called Partick? I know where Partick is, and where Maryhill is but, it's in the name.
  2. But last week Foran and Sanchez were brilliant..........
  3. but it is true. Nothing like putting somebody else to make yourself feel better eh? When we are moving at pace up the pitch, we are often let down by one pass. If Hayes or Eagle is running up the wing, the ball will often git hit behind them, or under them. This takes the running player out of his stride and slows the attack right down. It may just be the level we are at though.
  4. I can always understand a player that dives, they are cheating. I think Eduardo did it out habit. He can't control which games he does it in because there is a growing culture in football where deceiving the ref is normal so he does it all the time. Here, in all seriousness though, did you see Celtic playing last night? They would get diddled in the champions league.
  5. So what do you propose to combat this problem? It's up to the clubs and the players. They can stop the cheating. I think that its a problem that's here to stay though.
  6. I'm out, can't get of work due to someone else going to see Billy Connelly.
  7. His jokes were rotten and his commentary generic. Duncan dived because he thought it was going to gain ICT an advantage. Eduardo dived because he wanted to gain Arsenal and advantage. Cheating. Our players do it too. Didn't hear many calls for Adam Rooney's two match ban from those that thought he dived against the unwashed. Artur Boruc has shown contempt to many of his opponents throughout his career, so **** him. Remember Lennon's 'simulation' against Juanjo at the tip? It was just Celtic's turn to be on the receiving end. In some countries diving isn't viewed as that great an offence but in this country folk go mental. If Tokley crunches someone we all stand up and cheer, yet if someone dives we want blood. There is so much cheating, done by all teams, and ICT are as high up the list as any team. Eduardo is still a sneaky wee jobbie stabber though and Falkirk probably do top the (my) cheaters list.
  8. I sAW Terry on the t.v last night. His patter was pish. He was talking about Eduardo's dive against Celtic but, I didn't hear him say much after Russell Duncan dived against Falkirk last season...... They're all at it.......
  9. http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/3840/38/
  10. You win. Winner. Pat Jennings takes it.
  11. I agree. RVP tried to swipe his legs and Adebayor was just giving him some back. Still, RVP merited a yellow and Adebuyor a red. Running the length of the pitch to wind the Arsenal fans up must have felt good. It's also given us another rivalry to get excited about. Arsenal should be charged with the cave man reactions of the Gooners and Emanuel should be charged for his part. As should Man City for failing to control him. Thats why you need a good captain in the pitch. Someone like Dave Mckay would have rugby tackled him at the halfway line to stop it all. You could see it coming a mile off.
  12. "This lifted the Nairn support and the players very nearly responded with a leveller on 85 minutes when Craig Campbell robbed the otherwise faultless Lionel Djebi Zadi of possession but from 15 yards the former Elgin midfielder blasted over." Doesn't sound like he was bad to me.
  13. but I put my own race at the bottom of the pile. To be racist, you said I had to say my race was superior to another.
  14. Simply put...it is in NO way any form of racism. Racism is when an individual expresses his belief that people from a different race than his/her own are inferior. What if I think black people are better looking than brown people but white people are the ugliest? By your definition I'm not being racist. However, if I say white people are the best looking race on the earth, I'm being racist? It's all racism.
  15. The English are a race. Race is not only defined by colour. Rivalry based on nationality is a form of racism. The same as rivalry based on colour. If I came on here and said "I absolutely want China to lose to anyone they play in sport. I hate them. They think they are better than us and their media is far to nationalistic" that's racism, the hatred of a group of people, based on where they come from. Same goes for England but that's alright for some reason. However, this is way off topic and I shouldn't have brought it up. They have a good chance, if they can finally mix it with the top, daddy teams.
  16. Impossible, he is only allowed on when the result has been decided.
  17. Scored a really good goal but then it was disallowed for Offside which I reckon was slightly harsh Agree with everything you said. A really good performance I didn't see across the line but the Morton fan sitting with me thought there was nothing wrong with it. Nevermind, we can see it on football first......oh, wait, it's not on anymore. How long have we been out of this division for?
  18. Saying you will support anyone who plays against England, is the same as saying you will support anyone that plays against blacks. Think about it. Saying "I'm Scottish but I don't mind the English" is like saying, "I'm black but I think brown people are alright". It's not really something to be proud of, it's kinda expected of you. England have failed every time they have had to mix it with a big nation. There is a difference this time, rather than just having good players, they now have SOME great players, and a great manager. Even though, so do Spain, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina (well, maybe not a great manager) and Italy. They at least have a chance but will need to turn it on against some top teams. I want them to do well but, I want the best team to win. For the record, I'm a walker, but wheelchairs are alright in my book. I'm sooo sound.
  19. Should be the same as today. I think it will remain this way until Dougie 'i am Puskas reincarnated' Imrie comes back from injury. I reckon I can predict at least one substitution as well. Rooney on for Foran in the 91st minute.
  20. Sanchez was excellent today. Went for everything, kept running, showed good control, and scored a goal.
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