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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. Me plus three for the Diddy Cup Final.
  2. Red card for sure but, whatever. We won and Hayes seems to be alright.
  3. Did anyone see Cruyff's swing there? Terrible technique, he nearly fell over.
  4. ZATTOO player ;) You are a genuine hero. It likes Macs as well. Thanks u. x x x x
  5. BBC Iplayer is saying they can't show the game for legal reasons! Arghhhhhhhhhh
  6. One of the greatest movies of all time and easily the best war movie. "Hookey, Hookey, where's Hookey?" Outrageously good film.
  7. When we played them of the park (stole a victory) at Ibrox last season, Bougherra was their biggest attacking threat. They really will struggle without him.
  8. i can see what DC is saying, what are we actually paying him for? Is it just as a PR man?
  9. I thought that at first but what it might be is there are loads of people who read the message board, but don't post. I reckon most of whats on here doesn't interest them, or they don't feel they have anything to add but when it's on the topic of borderline racism or the management team, then they feel they have something to add. I just don't think the club would be as obvious as your suggesting.
  10. Since I swapped my mega drive for a PS1, I have been a PES man but this is the first time since then that I'm considering swapping back. The last FIFA and PES were closer to each other in terms of game play than they ever have been. I've not played the demos yet but if FIFA is still improving at the rate it has been, then it will probably be the better of the two.
  11. The player we have probably held back most is Dougie Imrie. He could have been so much more if he didn't come here. I wonder if he'll ever get that move to Rangers........
  12. I ken there is already a topic on ESPN but, I was wondering if anybody knows if you can get ESPN, or Top up T.V on play T.V for the PS3? I just moved flat and can't get cable anymore and am really not wanting to pay sky what they are asking but, unless I can get this resolved, I might just have to.
  13. My word! Could you imagine what would have happened if Leeds had Tokely, Seth Johnson, Lee Bowyer, Dominic Matteo and Erik Bakke all in the same team? Christ.
  14. Why? We will be out before then! Dont see the harm in it at all but then, we have only lost ONE* penalty shootout in our existance against Alloa in Cup final in 2000 *i think? ...and fouth round of Scottish cup 2006 v Partick. Lost 4-2 on pens *Scratches head. dont remember that one? Your head has quite wisely stopped your memory from finding that one. cold cold cold night.
  15. Dougie Imrie's ego is so inflated, it can lift up an entire stand from Victoria park.
  16. I was discussing this with my mate last night and it was decided that people north border just can't connect with Andy Townsend and Matt Smith. We feel warmer with Butcher's seriously clever jokes and Rob Mclean's safe presenting style.
  17. I reckon Tel's jokes are bad publicity for us. They are woeful. Anyway...... there is no way that driving down to Glasgow a couple of times a week can affect his work at ICT. It's not even a 5 day a week job he has with us. I'm not saying I agree with his management of the club but I don't think his T.V work is causing him to ignore Russell Duncan or continue putting Rooney on for the last 3 seconds of a game.
  18. You should check out simplify media as well. You can link up with 20 of your mates, and stream the tunes from each others Itunes. It's legal. A bit like swapping tapes.
  19. Does he deserve the full season though? If the results we've had so far are matched in the next seven games, it could be time to think about things.
  20. It's because I only go to away games. It's my fault. Sorry everyone, I'll start coming up the A9 on Saturdays.
  21. As has been said in another post, we are to cautious. It's down to the lack of confidence and is hurting us at the moment. I'm hoping this will get sorted quick sharp.
  22. I agree with what your saying there big yin, but whos fault is it they are here? It's just the level we're at. This is the type of player a club like ours gets.
  23. We need to accept that this is the standard of athlete we have at the club, normal guys, who treat football like I treat my job, with mild contempt. The majority are average athletes and a little above average footballers.
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