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Everything posted by dougal

  1. More fool you then, most season books were sent out free they obviously didn’t either know who you were or what way you voted then. The fact that you welcomed one of them into your own home tells its own story though. Dougal
  2. We had a supporter on the first ICT board however it was a complete and utter waste of time from memory. Outvoted and outnumbered at every decision it was completely fruitless. Look I applaud the Trust for trying and I wish them well but having a trust member on the board is not the divine saviour they think it would be. The problem is the actual board members in the past and present have never had the clubs best interests at heart. It’s all about egos and self interest. Unless the right people step up to become board members we are finished and that is the harsh reality. Dougal
  3. This coming from the one of the biggest freeloaders that has ever entered the dump. You just can’t make this up, utterly unbelievable!! While the club remains in limbo at present I’d be astonished if anyone in their right mind would purchase a season ticket even if it was at half the price unless you wanted to contribute to someone’s redundancy package. Dougal
  4. Why would anyone want to join the trust when that same trust won’t divulge what appear to be important information to its members. I would also like to know what the trust do with all the joining fees they have inherited of late with the extra members they allegedly have signed up. We have all chastised SG and the club for a lack of transparency but some need to look a lot closer to home. The trust need to remember they do not represent the entire ICT fan base and they never will. I’ve said it before the Trust remind me of the peoples front of Judea having meetings about meetings. Transparency from the club and the trust is paramount now if not it’s going to be too late. Dougal
  5. Wow absolutely horrific blue red and black look just don’t merge well with each other. What the club should have done would have let all the primary schools in Inverness let the kids design the new kit but then again that means communicating with the fan base and the wider community. That kit just epitomises the shambles that is ICTFC. Dougal
  6. Duncan needs to walk now he is NOT welcome back. As a player he was a fighter and a battler there is no doubt but as a manager he is a serial loser and has about as much tactical awareness as a four by two fence post. Dougal
  7. If we enter Administration we lose the bronze license the same license that Buckie Thistle never had so couldn’t play the play off against East Kilbride. Unless something happens in the next couple of days it’s looking grim. I believe there is a statement being released on Wednesday regardless. Dougal
  8. Morning Leaky I’d watch this short clip in preparation for you away journey for the coming season Dougal
  9. If I had a choice I’d read mein kampf before another weasel publication Dougal
  10. From what my source is telling me administration is almost a given now and the announcement is imminent by all accounts. I still find it astonishing from what I can see anyway is that large number of fans who seem to welcome going down this route. If we enter administration we will be hit with a points deduction at best for two years but also demoted to Division2. At worst we could be applying for the Highland league or if that failed the North Caledonian League. The silence from the so called guardians tells its own story. Im not convinced there is a future for ICT under the present guise. This may well be a turning point in Inverness Football history it’s maybe a tad late to build that Hotel and petrol pumps down the Longman with Fiona Larg Dougal
  11. Taking a side step so to speak the Great Willie Rennie is from Kelty. Is it worth targeting him with our concerns especially when he is busy canvassing as he’s desperate for votes. Inverness Kelty Thistle sounds so wrong on so many levels. Willie get Gardiner and Morrison telt ya Ken eh!!! Dougal
  12. First time I think I’ve nearly been lost for words. Sad thing is although how absolutely ludicrous this sounds it doesn’t surprise me like it has most by the sounds of it. This has taken months of organising and for this not to have been leaked speaks volumes of the internal goings on within the club and the secret meetings. This is only the start of things to come. Boycott season tickets that’s where it will hurt them the most. Free masonry at its finest Dougal
  13. This would be the same CC who fully engaged with and definitely never ignored the fans while he voted against them when he was a player was it? Think the word hypocrisy springs to mind Green Brigader does it not? Im all for ex players calling out the current regime but they have to have a bit of credibility first. Dougal
  14. Gardiner and Big Dunc must know their coats are on shoogly pegs when the blue rinses have turned against them. Not 100% convinced self entitlement route is the way to go though. Gardiner and Dunc it’s time you start packing yer bags. Dougal
  15. dougal


    So Robbo was getting paid by the club while they spent most of his time at the Global Staduim working for the media or taking in the County games? Mind boggling. ICT definitely a club like no other Some of the revelations that are coming out now are hard to believe to be fair Dougal
  16. Look I know tensions are running high at the moment but let’s not get too overly dramatic. In his defence he will be looking at you the same as any other fan no different unless of course you are-an employee of the club ? Is so I apologise. Dougal
  17. An abortion of a statement which easily could have gone out right after the game. Puting this nonsense out stalls them time and they hope the unrest will simply go away. Staying full time I guess is still a positive but we will be in the third tier so wages will be very low safe to expect a fresh group of loans and jobbers incoming. The route we are going down is not sustainable. Dougal
  18. dougal


    It beggars belief that he is still on the payroll. You got to wonder what other unknown secrets lie in between the walls of the dump? Dougal
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