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Everything posted by Oddquine

  1. What I can't quite understand is why is the SPL share is "owned" by Oldco Rangers and becomes a part of their assets even after liquidation, when they effectively no longer exist as a football club. I can see it being an asset for a football club being sold as a going concern, or even one which has agreed a CVA as long as the club remains in existence, and still has a chance of continuing to fulfill games and of finding a buyer in the close season....but why do they "own" it, given the use of it is not within their sole disposal, is subject to the vote in agreement of the other clubs and in some circ.umstances can be removed from them? Why not just "control" it as long as they fulfill the criteria for SPL membership, and relinquish it immediately when that is not the case? If that was the situation, there would be no Rangers oldco eligible to vote and muddy the waters...and a newco would have no other option but to start the same way all other brand new Scottish football clubs are obliged to do. Why is there no automatic mechanism to expel every football club from any league on liquidation? Is that just football, given the way the football economy is going, covering their own backsides in case "there but for the grace of God go I"?
  2. Think it's the rules that they wait 14 days for some reason. Seems to be the case. It is in their Articles of Association. Been amusing myself reading the odd Rangers forum... a lot of Rangers fans ranting about taking the SPL to court to make them hurry up. So another really good idea there, then!
  3. It doesn't have any bank account details for donations......can you give them? Will try and find out for you. Not Chorley anyway lol Thanks. IHE has tried that PO Box number before.......must think my head buttons up the back!
  4. Certainly seems to be what a fair few Rangers supporters are assuming on various forums and in responses on various blogs and newspaper articles........that would be in between threatening to boycott every club who put them in that situation, of course.
  5. It doesn't have any bank account details for donations......can you give them?
  6. Actually, no, I didn't.....ICTPaisley tried though!
  7. Are you too young to remember him tearing up the SPL? Not quite but it's easy to forget that just like its easy to forget the good butchers done when we have one bad season. Are you Butchers lovechild or something? your blind defense of him is something to behold. May i remind you....in Butchers time here, he got us relegated in his first half season here...from a situation that was salvageable, and he nigh on repeated that feat last season. So I think overall, his record is leaning toward sub-standard! To be fair, it was the players who got us relegated, not Butcher. He doesn't kick a ball on the pitch....so those who do have to bear as much of the blame as he does.
  8. It's actually the liquidators who will have the vote as they (will) control the company. Rangers (the OldCo) still own the share and that share entitles them to vote. As I understand it though, there's a whole lot that needs to happen before a vote can be taken and it's feasible that by then the SPL will have found a legally sound way in which to take back that share. Before a vote can take place..... A NewCo needs to be formed. It needs to have joined the SFA. It needs a compliant stadium. It needs a team. Directors need to be declared "fit and proper persons to run a club". And before any of the above can happen.....they need money!!!! It's one thing to offer up a few million to buy the assets, quite another to get the money together to put everything else in place...and to put it all in place in a VERY short timescale. But if the Administrators of Rangers get a vote, then there is no vacancy to fill in the SPL is there? Wouldn't they have to resign, or whatever it is they have to do to create the vacancy to be filled by Dundee or Falkirk.or any newco? Sounds to me a bit illogical that you get to vote for the replacement for you.
  9. Never doubted we would! Did any of you? Let's see who they are first before we decide we are sorted! Erm..no...wouldn't it be better to see how they play? Who they are, where they come from and their ages mean nothing......what they can do with the ball does.......and how they gel. But at least it looks as if we are going to have a squad.
  10. Never doubted we would! Did any of you?
  11. How would we go about donating to help the club out financially, though? I can't currently attend games......but I could afford the cost of at least one home game a month regularly......but how to do it?
  12. Is it about preparing the newbies for the SPL.....or preparing them for playing as team against any opposiiton?
  13. Note, feel free to delete this and rap me on the knuckles if I am posting an opinion which will get the forum/site into trouble re our libel/slander and being nasty to people laws..or shift it to a more appropriate thread. If Charles Green is only in it to win it, as he has said....quote from the Daily Fail article of 8th June...... However, he did agree with King's claim that Green - like Whyte - will not last a year at Ibrox. He added: 'He's absolutely right on that because the minute I finish doing my job here I will leave the club. 'My job is to remove the debts, get Rangers on a sound footing and put £20-30million in the bank. Once that is done, I'm of no use to the club at all.' So was it Green who saw a moneymaking opportunity for himself.....regardless of what happened with Rangers......and went out looking for investors.......or was it investors who went looking for a front man to help them profit from the previous bad management? Seems to me, if Green and the accumulated unknown investors had really had Rangers interests at heart, rather than just their own, they'd have offered the £20-£30 million he thinks he can make available for a possibly acceptable CVA, and not hang onto it to buy players for a newco in the SPL. How has the "we are important to Scottish football and have the money to ensure it even if we have to shaft others" mindset changed? Quote: We said from day one that our intentions were to acquire Rangers and the CVA was always the preferred option. But not, it appears if that means putting the money into Rangers as was, to hold on to the history etc and maybe come up with a CVA which would give the creditors more than 9p-0p in the pound, then not having the money to spend as a newco to keep them in the top two in the SPL when the currently self interested money grubbing clubs vote to let them off with their illegality because moral and ethical has nothing to do with making profit to expand the shareholder take.. I'm hard pushed to differentiate between Murray, Whyte and Green in the chancer stakes....but if Rangers get accepted as a newco, how long is it gong to be before we are back posting like this again? Dundee got conned twice by chancers and were punished......how much leeway is Rangers going to get just because the SPL deem themselves above the SFA, because it is the self-interested vehicle for the OF? Didn't think the SPL should have been allowed then, and I have never changed my mind since. An elite group with two clubs at the helm, able to control everything and decide on their own regulations to suit those two clubs, completely outside the SFA rules..has given us a "top" tier which has sod all to do with Scottish Football, and everything to do with making profit for the OF. Unfortunately, while there has been no great benefit to the "other 10" in attendances as far as I can see, there has been in income, given the media is keen to televise the Rangers/Celtic bear garden which gets SPL clubs a measure of extra money...(much on the lines of reality TV where the completely irrational makes good telly)....and certainly makes immediate concerns re what can "I get out of it" more important than giving a toss about how the Scottish game is perceived in Scotland, far less world-wide. Is that worth killing the Scottish game........really? Do we make our game the laughing stock of the world for the sake of two clubs, both of which, if we are going to be completely honest would more than happily bugger off out of Scotland if anybody else was stupid enough to want them? They don't really want to be here.....we don't really want them here....but we still allow them to dictate the terms of their participation in our game. I think that we have far too many clubs for our population and support levels, tbh, and would welcome a re-organisation of the SFA.......but that reorganisation must include bringing the SPL back into the body of the kirk and not having them as a separate entity above the rules all other clubs have to endure.
  14. Big problem here, I think the point you're missing is so obvious. It's about more than talent. Pro football is a trade, just like plumbing or joinery. Apprentices serve their time and then are kept on or leave to find another club. Unless the player is an exceptional talent he will not play in the SPL at 17- most players are in their mid 20s. Ross debuted at 17 in div 3 and worked hard and continued to develop. Each time he has stepped up and continued to learn the game. So even if his legs have gone he has 7 years SPL experience. Compare him to Richard Hastings who at 17 was tipped for great things but seemed to stop developing about the age of 21 as many folk here will tell you. So as I said I will be delighted if Gary Warren proves people wrong at the age of 27 or whatever but I gave you plenty of examples where Butcher has got it wrong in the past. So it's nothing to do with the HL being as good as the BSBP. Although back in 96 when Ross signed for ICT, the HL select WAS capable of giving the English equivalent a game, it was an annual fixture. Nowadays it would be no contest I reckon. Not wanting to get into how good bad or indifferent Tokely is or was.......never having seen him play (to my knowledge.) I responded as I did on all threads purely based on the fact that he went to the media whining as soon as he was offered a contract which didn't suit him....or at least as soon as he could ensure he wouldn't be able to get an appropriate send off from the fans, because I have no idea how long he had already been thinking about it. Do you? Care to point me at any media whining from other ICT players who were not offered a contract which suited their opinion of their worth to the club? And care to point me at any other player who then on two other occasions went whining to the media to emphasise they were not given what they thought they deserved? I'm not asking anyone to have faith and promising everything will be fine. I'm asking everyone to have faith and stop sodding assuming everything won't be fine based on a level of no knowledge and never having seen new signings play. See, I can't attend first team ICT games at the moment, though I hope to in the future (Highland Council willing)......which is why I never give an opinion on their ability in the match threads or the various other threads devoted to trashing players (though in the latter I might comment on unrealistic expectations depending on the player being trashed)...because I have never seen them play and feel that this fact means I have nothing sensible to say because I would be posting from a position of no knowledge and feel I have no right to comment in that case. Tbh. even if I was able to attend games, I'd likely be more inclined to put positional errors and mis-kicks down to pressure or bad luck rather than incompetence, not trying or being another Butcher failure, because I don't think anybody, regardless of their occupation, deliberately sets out on a job to fail...but that's just me. Not sure if I said it on this thread or one of the others in which I have posted in the same vein, but this is the face that ICT presents to the world and it in general, doesn't give a particularly good impression. I have been reading the jailender forum on the Ross County site, and I don't think many posters on there are a lot better than on here. I'm referring in particular to the comments about Ross Tokely.....but they at least have been watching him and listening to him for 16 years, have seen him play and have formed their opinion over time, rightly or wrongly, not just on the back of a report in a paper.
  15. Obsession with the past? Because we would take Blackie back? A man who's just picked up a Cup winners medal? You must be Dougal at the wind up. Nope...I'm just somebody who didn't support either Thistle or Caley before the amalgamation,...and supported my own local HL team for most of my life. I'm out of the Inverness loop, and always have been. On moving out of my home area and up to Caithness, I have chosen the teams I support., bearing in mind I hope I'm not up here till I die. All I meant with that comment was that, from that article, his options currently appear limited.....and the ducklings/swans remark was mostly aimed at I believe blackie will be on everyone's wish list in Scotland this summer with the exception to Celtic. I can see him going to rangers if everything works out for them or a fairly decent English team, lower championship or high league 1. I'd be delighted if Ian Black could do a job for us and could be signed....but I'd not be keen if the only reason for signing him again was because he had picked up a Cup winners medal, given he was released not that long after.....and once left ICT to better himself so his loyalty is suspect.
  16. What does how long or why I support ICT have to do with anything? If you read my posts, I am pretty upfront with everything and you would already know. And there is a difference between how long anyone has supported ICT and how long people have been members of this forum. (just in case you are foolish enough to think that one equates to the other) , It's a fair point he makes. Some of us have seen ICT hundreds of times. We've seen it all before and we can see what's coming....... If you're not sure, it's got 10 letters and begins with R. Nope.....you can see what you think is coming, maybe even hope what is coming perhaps, so you can add "I told you so" to your sig and preen....but you can't see what is coming........particularly at this stage in preseason, any more than I or anyone else can. I'm an old-fashioned football supporter.......the kind who does support through thick and thin....guess spending all my formative years supporting the Can-Cans will do that to anyone. I'm the kind who assumes that a football manager isn't deliberately set on making a pigs ear of the next season (even if only because he knows that he is going to be hard pushed to get another decent job when sacked). I'm the kind of person who assumes that ( given the point in brackets above) the manager will do what he thinks is best for the team, given the financial restrictions he has to accommodate, and I'm the kind of person who will wait to see how that works out. I'm the kind of person who expects a minimum of 100% from the players, even if that produces nothing much, and will not accept anything less..why should they be exempted from the level of performance which keeps most of the rest of us in work? But, pre-season with not a game played, I don't assume that any player will not live up to my expectations and I don't form opinions from a level of no knowledge whatsoever. Given we are not even into the English transfer window yet, I see nothing coming but possibilities......but I am obviously not blessed with the same Crystal Ball gazing prophecy ability some of you seem to possess. I'm just what I call a realistic pessimist.....which is hoping for the best, and preparing myself mentally for the worst...been doing it all my life (but even then I have been bitten on the bum). But that's life! I don't see any problem with wondering about the make up of the team next season or thoughts on replacing players.....isn't that what the "Possible Transfer Targets" thread is all about....and the earlier "Who should stay and who should go", one.....and there is also the "Trialists" thread, and you could even add "Team for First Preseason Game" and likely more if I could be hacked off looking for them. Where I have my problems is whatever happens certain elements in this forum can't just accept what they can't change and hope for the best, and don't wait at least until some pre-season matches have been played before getting into carp and whine mode. ICT have signed a player nobody up here has ever seen play, and notwithstanding the fact that they know sod all about his abilities, we get remarks like Is this the standard of players we should be expecting from now on? Guess we'll have to wait and see what he's like. I won't be holding my breath ; I know he has financial restraints and has to scramble around to get players to come, but how does this guy get to 28 without making it at some point? I think it shows the trouble we are in that Gary is probably good enough to get a game for us at the arse end of the SPL. That's not the same as being good enough to cope in the SPL; OK so that's the squad/back up player signed. Who are we chasing to be the first choice?; I see a player who has been playing part time football until the age of 27 as a signing that might be for squad depth. I certainly won't be expecting him to walk into the team and i'd like a couple more players with a better CV at the club looking for a starting place but i will give him his chance to show what he can do. (that last almost succeeds in being pragmatic....but would have been more appropriate after seeing him play in at least one game.). There are players who have come to ICT from lower leagues, and with no ICT inherited ethos.....Ross Tokely for one, who did well...to which about seven threads on this forum testify. Is anyone saying that the English Conference level of football is immeasurably worse than Highland League?
  17. And that is the problem with Scottish football.......if the refs are getting that, then you can't wonder that the players want more than that and clubs are having financial problems. What sickens me is that an RGN with years of experience is getting half that for a full working week and one helluva lot more responsibility and use to the community. Never quite got my head round the celebrity/sport culture.....paying people a lot for not a lot of any use.
  18. Given that most players have agents, and agents are out to make themselves a few bucks, wouldn't you expect that they fire off CVs to every manager who can read at every opportunity? Re the lower leagues in Scotland where players are less sophisticated I wasn't really kidding when I said I'm sure that every member of this forum with an opinion as to how well players perform or how crap they are could more than adequately identify a player with possibilities to do a job for ICT.......so get out there...attend Highland League, under 20 and lower division matches and flag up absolute gems to be checked out by Marsella or somebody. I'm sure somebody could tell you where to send your suggestions. I was maybe in irritated mode when I put it like that (can't remember which thread I'd been reading before I posted that in this one), but why not? Why does identifying a good prospect for the team you support require that you be paid to do it?
  19. Nandos is a Portuguese restaurant that specialises in chicken. Oh, right! You live and learn.....wasn't aware peri-peri was Portuguese. Its the same kind of locally produced stuff (from Greystones Farm) I can get from my local Costcutter and cook myself at a fraction of the cost. A slightly more upmarket KFC?
  20. Wait and see what exactly? Courier article of 8th June? Though the position would depend on his value of his worth, ICT's abiity, or even willingness to pay it........and whether anybody else wants him. I believe blackie will be on everyone's wish list in Scotland this summer with the exception to Celtic. I can see him going to rangers if everything works out for them or a fairly decent English team, lower championship or high league 1. Wasn't on Heart's though, was he? Given the Courier article, doesn't look as if he has had many decent offers, else he'd not have been saying he'd consider any offer made to him by the club who couldn't afford Tokely. I'm being mischievious here...but I really don't understand the ICT fans obsession with the past and the eternal assuming their ducklings are everybody else's swans.
  21. I can understand the panicking...but what I don't understand is the way so many do it with negativity rather than hope. Frustration is one thing, pessimistic projection is another. The first does not necessarily produce the second unless that is the mindset. What does how long or why I support ICT have to do with anything? If you read my posts, I am pretty upfront with everything and you would already know. And there is a difference between how long anyone has supported ICT and how long people have been members of this forum. (just in case you are foolish enough to think that one equates to the other) , ICT is going to have a job getting supporters if they have to have been supporters before they become supporters, don't you think?
  22. Wow, how can you have faith in a board which can't control it's manager, doesn't give him a budget to compete with the tinks and goes cap in hand every year to cover the regular £250k loss. This board needs a shake and get the man who is willing to make a very sizeable investment as long as long as a certain individual leaves the scene! so you would welcome a Green or a Whyte then?
  23. Wait and see what exactly? Courier article of 8th June? Though the position would depend on his value of his worth, ICT's abiity, or even willingness to pay it........and whether anybody else wants him.
  24. If he reads this forum, he'll be off down the road running as if all the banshees from hell were at his heels. If what I have read from so many has been produced when he hasn't yet pulled on a football boot and placed it on the hallowed turf of the Tulloch Caledonian stadium, what the hell is he going to be subjected to if he misplaces a pass, as many legends have, or punts a high ball to nobody, as many legends have, or skimmed a ball over the crossbar, as many legends have, or been red carded early in a match as many legends have? If you all want to do pessimism and misery, take it to P&B.....that is the place nobody with an ounce of intelligence takes seriously. This place represents Inverness Caledonian Thistle on the internet...and it does not give anybody reading it a good impression of the fans of the club.
  25. Oh crap! would that be the same panic button that has been being pressed with such monotonous regularity all last season? I never paniced last season, was a horrific season for injuries and i dont think once we have the strongest 11 on the pitch. If we had limited injuries this season and kept the spaud together i would have been very hopeful for the coming season butover a 1/3 of the first 11 have now left the club. Should i not be worried? Nope.....not before the signing window slams shut and we don't have a team of any kind to play when the season starts. Given the carry on so far ahead of time, if next season is bad, all you are going to have left to do to show how upset you all are is to cut your throats.
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