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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. I don't think that there is any conspiracy from referees, however the lack of transparency and deafening silence only helps to perpetuate such theories. Would it be so terrible that refs explained the big contentious decisions like the throw-in leading to the goal on Saturday? Also (as far as I know) the public never see the reports that are made on refs performance, why not? It seems that they are virtually untouchable, no punishment or demotion in grade etc for regular mistakes. Most level minded people realise that everyone makes mistakes, but it's the lack of action taken to mitigate these mistakes that many folk get peeved at. As we are paying to see a product that can be partly ruined on bad officiating people have the right to complain and see improvements. If you paid for broadband and every single Saturday night it went off for 5 hours only to be told 'Well that's Steve's shift everyone makes mistakes, what can you do? ' You would get pretty pi**ed after a while. I agree with you Scotty that it would be good to see some technology used to help refs make the big calls. However one thing that could be done right now and at no extra cost to help refs would be for linesmen to man up and help make some decisions. As far as I can see they do virtually nothing aside from make the odd offside call. I've lost count of the times that they shy away from making a decision on something as simple as a throw in until the ref has and then they just follow suit.
  2. This pretty much sums it up for me too. First half we looked confident and really looked like having a go created good chances, with a well taken goal to boot. Second half Jambos came out of the trap better and we were second too most balls. We then started to get into the game again and the referee lost the plot and they scored, the ref's/linesman;s performance then decended into what I can only describe as like a scene from the 'Chuckle Brothers', a complete farce. Not to mention a sending off and several bookings in a game with no nasty challenges that I noticed. I have to commend the Caley players cos if it was me I would have had a hard time not punching Crawford Allan in the face. If I put a performance like that in at my place of work there would be a P45 waiting for me at the end. :annoyed: Rant over.
  3. So ICT agreed to delay, Celtic agreed to delay, and even ESPN have kind of admitted that whilst not ideal they would not have been averse to a delay even though it would mean the match probably couldnt go out live ..... yet some dickhead penpusher at Hampden with no authority to make a real decision quotes the 15 minute rule as a reason for inconveniencing everyone, and lets the referee shoulder the responsibility of actually postponing the game when a simple bit of common sense might have allowed travelling fans (of both teams not just Celtic) to complete their journey and see a game they set out early in the morning to watch ! What a wunch of bankers ! Had anyone at the SPL been willing to listen to the case being put to them they would have been aware that the police DID have concerns over this and would far rather have had the game delayed than called off. As a result of the call of they ended up with a situation whereby large numbers of travelling supporters landed up in Pitlochry while they awaited trains back home and Pitlochry were simply not prepared for the influx. Police would rather have had them complete the journey and spend an extra hour in Inverness as they were at least prepared for it. ESPN weren't happy, but they would rather have had only an hour or so to fill and shown as much of the game as the could than not show the game and have to fill the entire slot. A very strange rule that says you can postpone a game without sanction but delay it by more than 15 minutes on the day and we will fine you!!! I also find it hard to believe that, in the grand financial scheme of things, had ICT been told it will cost you ?5000 to delay or a larger chunk of revenue to postpone that they would have chosen the postponement. I very much doubt they were given the option. Can the SPL become any more of a laughing stock with it's ridiculous and petty rules and operation? I'd put good money on the answer to this being a big fat yes!
  4. Getting grief from a Celtic fan is like Gaddafi taking the moral high ground. It has to make you laugh.
  5. Oh FFS, never thought the rain was that bad. More cash down the drain and I'll no doubt miss the mid-week re-schedule :irritated:
  6. Fraz


    Dunno about up here in the Sneck, but after living in Weegie land for 9 years I never really had any bother with either side of the OF, just the usual banter. Although one time back in about 99' I had my ICT top on and a bouncer was about to stop me getting into a pub, but when he saw it was ICT he just said: 'Ach never mind big man, just go in, nobody will be bothered by that!'
  7. That looks awesome fun! Where can u get them from? the 'axonracing' site aint working.
  8. Agree with this. I can accept being beaten by the better team if we have made a good account of ourselves. However too often recently we have been 2nd to too many balls. There has been a lack of closing down and pressuring opposing teams, thus giving them too much time on the ball. Several players look also a bit disinterested for whatever reason. I find these things hardest to take as I accept we will never be the most skillful team in the league, but these are things that can be changed and should not really be happening. Motivation should be high at the moment as the players have the chance to make ICT history with a top 6 place in contention. I have also heard that the 'clear the air' meeting did not resolve everything as has been reported, but I guess that's just hearsay.
  9. Fraz


    Oh for the love of God perhaps a better poll would have been - 'How many people still (or ever did) care how may refusniks there are?' (aside from Dougal) If people don't want to support ICT in one way or another very little is going to change their minds, regardless if it is due to allegiances to clubs that no longer exist or perhaps they find TCS a bit cold, maybe it's due to the crap pies or indeed that Tokley scares them. Whatever the reason and however many there are, why give a :******: they have made their choice and I for one see that as the end of it.
  10. IF she has a baby boy and IF we win you'll have to name him after the player who hits the winner I'll put that idea to the missus TSNY but I think the response will be
  11. I'll be there cheering on ICT, unless I'm in Raigmore maternity ward cheering on the wife!
  12. I don't think that there is any conspiracy, just that the refereeing is very poor and inconsistant. What I do not understand is why nobody in the SFA ever seems to pick up on it and when constant mistakes are being made take said ref off games for further training, but they seem immune. If they apoligised sometimes, people would (might) have some sympathy. If I was constantly making mistakes in my job, you can be sure the customers would complain and that my boss would take action! That said even if Gollom, sorry Collum had personal training from Colinna he'd still be sh*t!
  13. her name is iona mcmurtrie and its her 16th birthday on the day of the dundee united game(1st march) I know the announcer, I'll pass this on if u want when I see him 2mor.
  14. Fraz


    TBH I wud rather they put their time and energies into improving the official site.
  15. What! You mean when a helicopter is not available you don't immediately fashion a rowing boat A-Team style and then make a bee-line for the mainland (I'm guessing u work offshore). You truly are a terrible supporter!
  16. Well...yeah....your in similar financial dire straights to me, so its understandable not being able to make games. Unlike me tho, at least you have a season ticket. Firstly...i couldnt even begin to think about buying one, coz of a) not got the money nd b) Im lucky if im free to go to a handfull of games all season, because i got my wee ones or i do not have the money. In days of old...when my circumstances were different, i would have been there yesterday, even if it had been Whitehill Welfare they had been playing. But how many stay aways yesterday didnt go, just because it wasnt a big team ICT were playing? Thats the side of things i struggle to get my head round. When next season rolls around I've got a bad feeling I'll no be able to get a ST either Smee! Mind you maybe I could get into the family section, on second thoughts nah I'd prob get shouted down for saying naughty words!
  17. Had a feeling this would pop up, unsuprisingly from Dougal. Wasn't at the game with the missus yesterday. Our season tickets are bought and paid for so we make all the league games (unless it's midweek and I'm working away). Quite frankly I was not going to pay around ?50 for a day out in the cold to watch Morton with my 8 month pregnant wife. I have a baby arriving next month and every penny's a prisoner. I said a similar thing in a thread a while back when someone was having a go cos more people do not go to away games. Ultimatley everyone's circumstances / priorites are different and who is anyone else to judge. Of course we would all like to see more heads at TCS but in the current financial climate I would rather a fan made 5 or 6 games a season than none at all.
  18. My missus saw Hayes in town this afternoon and noticed he was on crutches. Hopefully just a precaution. Thats a relief if he was sitting on a mobility scooter doing his shopping then we have got big problems. You know the type of scooter I mean, similar to the one Craig Brown sits on when he does training sessions. Yeah I know the type, I wanted one mysel but apparently being a lazy bstard does not make you eligible!
  19. My missus saw Hayes in town this afternoon and noticed he was on crutches. Hopefully just a precaution.
  20. I would simply ask him- 'Are you a fking idiot or what?' That is all.
  21. Firstly I never said I had a lot of money, quite the opposite - I never said u had plenty money, I was just trying to get you to realise that everyones situation is different. I never said I was better than any fan / Anyone reading my post should have enough intelligence to see that I am clearing playing 'devil's advocate' by simply asking the question. - If you want to play devil's edvocate then be prepared for some people to disagree. However your OP was not such a question, it implied, in my view that supporters who travel (such as yourself) are more loyal. It also seemed to imply that people who did not travel were some kind of away game refusniks, which again, in my experience is not the case. Also I am in debt following ICT, I am still paying for some of last years tickets - OK, thats your choice, personally I would not put myself in debt to watch Football as much as I love it I have other more pressing financial commitments. My main point is; If you do have the time and some money or credit available and a spare day and you still do not want to support your team away from home: why ? - That's perhaps a more sensible (devils advocate) question as at least it's not implying that one set of fans are more 'loyal' than another.
  22. As a season ticket holder along with the missus we make all the home games, we went to a gd number of away games when we were in the 1st Div as it was a bit more affordable. I would love to go to away games now that we are back in the SPL. However wee things like our mortgage and saving for the arrival of our wee one in March get in the way. We used to mostly make only away games cos we lived in Weegieland, but now we live back in Sneck things are different. In a nutshell everyone's curcumstances are different and people should not be judged on what games they attend. Conversely I'm sure there are those out there who would love to buy a season ticket but cannot afford it, work on Saturdays etc, so just make some home games, does this make them any 'less' of a supporter? IMO the only supporters that are irratating are those who seem to perversly take great glee in the team playing badly and take every opportunity to criticise or shout abuse at the players/management. NIgel if you would like to leave your bank account detals I (and others I'm sure) would be more than happy to take out a reasonable amount so we could follow ICT on the road. Now stop with the and be happy to follow
  23. Me, the missus and the bump. Gonna have to look out the thermals for this one methinks.
  24. Fraz

    BBC disgrace

    fixed it for you Cheers!
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