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Everything posted by robbylad

  1. Paul Sturrock you say?! Have you mentioned Paul Sturrock before???
  2. 1: Defenders not even facing the ball as it comes into the box. Instead, trying to bodycheck the opposition players. 2: Players stealing 15/20 yards at throw ins or free kicks. 3: Players who fall down in either penalty box hoping for a penalty or to take pressure off their own defence. 4. Pity I'm only allowed 3 choices.
  3. My problem with the new road is that it's being built to open land up for development. Nothing wrong with that in itself but, anyone who has driven up to Milton of leys knows that, with its countless mini roundabouts leading nowhere, that road isn't suitable for large vehicles. That's what we will get with the new road. Therefore, the problem of lorries thundering through the town remains unresolved. I know certain councillors have argued that it isn't a bypass. It's clear that it's a bypass that's required not this piece of nonsense.
  4. The last thing we need is another swing bridge. That's just ridiculous.
  5. Really? Well 996 on the thread anyway
  6. By hook or by crook I'll be 996th in this book
  7. Unlikely that stv will be correct. Tyrone saying Chris Sutton.
  8. A wee bit off topic but, best rolls I've tasted in ages are from "three little bakers"
  9. According to the tv tonight, applications for job close tomorrow. Maybe someone could distract the postie and if there's anything with a Dingwall postmark they could grab it and burn the bloody thing!
  10. Pity Adams didn't stay at Hibs.
  11. I'll take anyone who shows a bit more class than Butcher and Malpas have in the last few days.
  12. I don't think that's the correct spelling. I think "Bartincek" may be closer but not necessarily completely correct either. Bartniczek. I know this cos I was in school with his son Richard. Really nice family.
  13. I remember the cado belle concert at Eden Court. They were terrific. Still have their album in the cupboard. If I recall correctly the first rock band to play there was The Edgar Broughton Band. My sister and her soon to be husband took me along. What I remember most about it was during the interval an amazing sound was being played over the sound system. Turned out to be AC/DC album High Voltage.
  14. A lot of misinformation all over the place at the moment.
  15. Doesn't say if he means 'He' as in Butcher, or 'He' as in Marsella himself. If it is the latter, it would certainly verify the rumours last night that Marsella told an ICT keeper that he himself was not going to Hibs. "He's not leaving" is a quote. Marsella must be talking about someone else. But who????
  16. "Agreed terms" story aside, we know TB is in talks with hibs. Keeping people dangling won't win any goodwill on either side.
  17. This is doing my head in. It's quite simple. Stay or go!!!! This not knowing is torture
  18. One of the local journalists stating on twitter that he queried this last night and was told that the club never stated that we would refuse permission. Was wrongly reported apparently! Standard of reporting has been dodgy at best
  19. County getting another doing. 2-0
  20. Andrew shinnie was my mom. the whole team were totally up for it today. great performance all round. don't know how to get the crowds up but aanyone who says spl is boring obviously sits at home on their laptop in a vegetative state
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