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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. So it was you that tried to clip it's wings?
  2. bughtmaster


    Thanks again I enjoy these tweets
  3. Good on ye IHE great spirit, and that, in my reference to yourself and Scarlet, is what I found missing at the matches I did attend at TS. People with the 'fun of football watching' with a ready quip that would get the crowd going. These people have gone and the tension release and relaxation with them. Scotty's reply with his morgue like appraisal of the atmosphere eloquently explained many of the reasons how that has come about. It is a sad state of affairs. If that is what has killed off the enjoyment of football then instead of playing better safe than sorry the self destruct button was pushed. Back to the positive!! Yes your yoof is what is needed, get them flooding in, singing, shouting and genuinely enjoying all aspects of what football started out to be. There never has been a better time than now with what is happening at ICT. Success breeds success and laughter is infectious. Hopefully the worthies of the future will be created and people will attend for the craic as well as the football. It may take time but the Yoof have that.
  4. Someone better explain to Dougal the difference between positive and negative before he does post
  5. Looks like I got this all wrong, all replies are verging on the negative side Lol. What I am saying is that on this forum things have been looking so much more positive. Maybe we are only three games into the league but wonderful results to date and the team and management should be proud of that. So should we be! I doubt anyone is clever enough to guage all the reasons for non attendance at Tulloch Stadium and come up with the solutions for that but at least we are getting increases in the numbers on the forum and that alone may lead to increase at the ground, even if it is only fractional. Scotty you repeat it here, it is so perplexing given all these positives you mention why the crowds are staying away. It struck me when I first returned to the Highlands just how apathetic a huge percentage of the locals were towards todays football and especially ICT. Going to the ground even the home support that were there were quiet or critical about what was happening on the pitch.There was no real noise backing for our club, just shouts of derision at any mistakes that were made by our own players. When we scored they got a polite clapping in way of applause. My God how things had changed from the old days. Gone were the shouts of encouragement, gone were the local worthies that would chip in with their catchphrase humour. Gone were the fans hoarse with their roars of laughter at the other teams expense. Crowd self entertainment had vanished. from the scene, will it ever return? who knows. Where have all the 'characters' gone ? The IHE's and Scarlets of old with their fun quips, are they all in their armchairs now? Back to the Positive We have enjoyed a great start, keep on lauding what is happening and maybe just maybe people will get the message and turn out for the Team.
  6. What a difference this season, the forum has never been as happy as this since I first started reading it. Steel, strength and style yes and what does the second letter of each word suggest Togetherness it is all there and everyone is noticing. Am I right in thinking too that there have been a record number of recruits to this forum this season ? each time I sign in I seem to see new names appearing. Just goes to show success breeds success. Long may it continue on and off the field! New theme song ''Happy days are here again''
  7. A really big challenge faces us next week, Lennon will be glued to his video player doing his homework all week and he will realise the only way to beat us will be to get us riled up and frustrated. Hopefully we will get a referee who is wised up on their sly dirty tricks routines and it will backfire on them. I expect there will be a lot of spoiling tactics in operation to try and stop our midfielders from tearing them apart. Our defence is sound and despite their wealth I cannot see Celtic scoring against us, providing that is, if skulduggery is not employed by them and overlooked by any referee. We will get scoring chances and very likely a penalty so I am going for a definite win. Sleepless nights for Lennon and all I have to say to him is ''We're top of the league and you're no '' as Iamthecaptain1 has said. Really looking forward to this one as much as the others.
  8. H T: 0 - 1 F T: 0 - 2 ICT: Vincent Ctic: none Goal 32 mins.
  9. Well done ICT 100percent and counting
  10. No wonder it broke down, I got the bragging rights !
  11. I believe Terry wants to be here a long time yet, he is a fighter and will not give up easily in his attempts to bring in the crowds. What a wonderful start to the season we are having and people are missing a lot of entertaining football for whatever reasons they have. Times have changed, at one time football was very much the in thing, even the Welfare league got good crowds turning up. Caley, Clach and Thistle all had a good following. Prices were relatively cheap and the standards pretty good. Above all football was enjoyable for the supporters, there was tension yes but not the aggressive tension that there can be today. Some how the majority of locals got out of the football habit, Maybe it was the merger, in as much as from going from affordable football that saw there teams competing at the top of the H L to dearer football where they believed in a typical Highland attitude of We are not up to that and looked for other hobbies to follow. Just a thought!!
  12. H.T. 2 - 1 F.T: 4 - 2 ICT: Vincent Mwl.: McFadden Ist. goal 09 mins
  13. No matter how level you think a playing field is, it would be only a short time before envy and greed came in to the equation and the field would be level no more. fact of life !!
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