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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. Hear hear G J, well said, short memories and lack of vision with some Youth is a fickle time especially coming with aspirations of Arsenal and beyond, difficult for the young lad but he certainly has more ability than some on here seem to realise and will be a strong player one day soon, given the right opportunity. Could even emulate the great Denis Law. A player of his age leaving two Celtic players on their Ass's and the rest of the defence bemused before crossing the ball for that goal, I laughed my socks off or should I say larfed my socks off, brilliant talent. Fate played it's cruel part when he missed that penalty, that's when his confidence fell flat, but it will come back. There's none so blind as those who cannot see!!!!!!!!
  2. Are these the people who moaned about losing so many ''good'' players at the start of last season making judgement on young Roberts? If so, I hope we sign him on a three year contract
  3. Safe enough as long as you don't wear rose tinted glasses! Someone has even pinched them off the Smileys
  4. Maybe 'cause he was adminicastrated, (someone took the ball of him).........(twice)
  5. Am stickin to the font of youth
  6. What was the name of that cider again !! I thought that stopped after what happened last time? He made a full recovery I believe, but only seen him once since. His carer seems nice though. Do tell! does it involve alcohol or shagging? Of course it does but where can we hire a sheep for the day ? Ask the Seethe he will know someone.
  7. Aye DD you have got it in a nutshell. Respect, fairness and honesty all now, sadly, lacking in the game! Whoever coined the phrase money is the root of all evil deserves reverence 'cause that is where it all stems from. Transfer listed at Tens of millions of pounds, multi million pound wages are they worth it ? No none of them are,, not in my opinion anyway! Diving, shirt pulling, elbowing, deliberate fouling with intent to injure, faking injury, appealing to the Ref to send players off ! all part of a list of blatant dishonesty that goes on and accepted by the powers that be as the norm. Why do I watch football then if that's what I think? because I love the game I grew up with and just occasionally I am treated to almost ninety minutes of sheer joy when the game is played as it should be. Don't get me wrong I like to see strong tackling, the odd shoulder charge and real competitiveness, just cut out the cheating the namby pamby stuff, the disrespect and get back to real football.
  8. Good points IHE!, my theory why we don't have the Quality in the 'yoof' nowadays is lifestyle is as follows: Unfortunately it is very much a sign of the times. How often nowadays do you see the youngsters out kicking a ball in the fields, jackets down for goal posts, a big mix of ages in equally balanced sides. That was where the learning came from in the times before TV and computers. Goals and byes, three and in were common place depending on numbers and as others arrived sides were picked and a full scale game would ensue, lasting well over the ninety minutes. The youngest learned the hard way playing against the big lads and if and when they were knocked over they would get up quickly to prove they could take it and weren't Sissies. There was schools football, boys brigade football Sunday school football Street football and any other football they could invent. That was where the trade was learned before being found by junior clubs then welfare clubs those who shone eventually made the Highland league. Now it would appear that monied parents can buy their kids into coaching schools and training facilities regardless of abilities, whilst the less well of, many of them who have keen talented offspring don't really get a look in or cant get places because of lack of funds. Another factor imo is this attitude of competitiveness being discouraged and the mamby pamby 'its not the winning that counts it's the taking part.' pish! Its taking part and wanting to win that matters. Teachers, youth leaders etc should all be encouraging sport and winning. People gave up their time to help them along in life without payment so why shouldn't they do the same for this generation. Getting off my high horse now to give it a drink !! or rather share the one I'm going to have
  9. Excellent management and direction full marks to the Board of Directors. Take note Celtic we don't have to buy our place in the league we earn it. ICT leads and leads by example. True winners!!
  10. Come on you exiles, these big crowds? can't you organise some charter flights to fill the seats at TS? Just think they would be able to watch some real football
  11. It is a great shame but understandable that we cannot coax Craig Gordon on to our books, Scotland's greatest ever keeper would be a wonderful asset both in coaching and when fit enough as a back up or when full fitness comes our number1. This multi talented fellow through his media involvement and other interests may not, until fully fit, be looking for impossible (ICT related) money and could do so much for our Club, Even on a short contract with as many get out clauses as he wanted, the kudos he would bring to the Club would be enormous. Well we can all dream but never the less I'm sure we will find a very suitable replacement for Reguero before the season starts. Ryan in the meantime in the close season can get himself back to full fitness and hopefully show the alertness of old that he lacked this 2012/13 season and that problem will be solved. Whatever! it looks like exciting times ahead and I eagerly await news of these other probable signings.
  12. Aye sounds like a bonnie day oot.
  13. Ideal for the singing section then.
  14. A durbs match but nae steelucks, fags as prize, Woodbine or Turf
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