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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. H T: 2 - 1 F T: 4 - 2 I C T: Mckay Kmnk: Heffernan crowd: 2964
  2. and I always thought it was taffy.
  3. The questions you pose are all valid in their own right to a certain extent I will concede that.Do remember though we are virtually the poor relation in the league. We do not have the luxory of having game changing players available to switch tactics so easily as some. We are predictable yes but it is a system where all our players can adapt to and fit in to the scheme of things. As I said before we still get in to the scoring positions ripping defences apart with this system all we need are strikers that are brim full of confidence to put these chances away. Yes I was surprised at first at the choice of your little Rastamouse coming on but on reflection I thought about the mess he made of Celtic in the last match so imo it was a very fair gamble. We haven't seen Pepper for some time T& M have so I go by their judgement rather than my own. What I do bow down to is the matter of Shane I do grant you that wholeheartedly. Incidentally my frustrations arise at negative attitudes and booing not the team performance. Love your last line, thumbs up to that. I go for two wins in a row. Raise you five, your call.
  4. Sorry but we have been tactically sussed out - it was clear too many weeks ago - This has been a GOOD season but it is in danger of falling apart. We have ONE system - we are trying to put replacements in to that system who do not fit - we have not got anything other than Plan A - we are sticking to some players instead of looking at alternatives - we can not adjust to counter the formations and danger men of the opposition - we have become predictable to every other coach in the SPL. We are basically tactically inept. Must disagree here IHE, the system does work is working and will work all that is missing is clinical finishing. The chances have been made but spurned and that is why you are not heaping praise on the set up at the momment,. We have torn defences apart, left keepers stranded, frightened the s**t out of other managers, done everything but put these chances away. Why ? imo lack of self belief. At the other end we have lapses of concentration through an overeagerness to keep the attack flourishing, when a team breaks through you can feel the apprehension in the defence. Fortunately both attack and defence issues can be resolved and T&M will make sure they are. We have never been in such a high position before at this stage, liken it to a game of poker when you are holding a really good hand, you are just a little bit scared the others have been dealt good hands too, the stakes are high, more than you can afford, you get nervy. Keep your chin up IHE trust me, I am not a doctor.
  5. I stand by what I said in boos to players!!!
  6. Some people need reminding that ICT have been a revelation this season, they have played magnificently and so has the management. Still second in the league they have made a lot of people sit up and take notice. Rome wasn't built in a day neither is a football team, this side have been and still are on a learning curve that was obvious today by the nervousness in the front line and the many chances missed. They out played Celtic in many spells in the game and only apprehension stopped them from giving Celtic a real hiding, this can and will be overcome as the season progresses I feel certain of that. Just take a long look at the excellent football they were playing, it has got better and better each match. I for one was proud of the whole team, management again included. So we don't have our local lads playing all the time but come on, we are very much a premier league side striving for the top six and even the chance of playing in Europe so we need to fit the right blend into the side, not at all an easy task but one that is being undertaken by TB in a very professional and yes successfull way. We have lost some very important games, yes, disappointing yes but the rest of the season is equally important and ICT can recover from the results of these last few games and get back the winning form of the first half of the season. As for the boo boys all I can say is they haven't got the inteligence of brain damaged rats and know little about football. An angry bughtmaster
  7. H T: 1 - 1 F T: 3 - 2 ICT: Doran CEL: Watt crowd: 6037
  8. TB on news tonight, Foran and Shinnie to be given every chance to be ready for Saturday.
  9. I'm sure the lads will do their very best regardless of who plays in either side, We have a very keen, ambitious and enterprising team they could very easily make NL a very anxious man. Wish ICT all the very best, no injuries, no cards just a bundle of goals. Go to it ICT togetherNess will win.
  10. Wishing you good luck Billy, hope you make the Malteese cross
  11. Dotage Scarlet..........when does ours start?...........
  12. Reguero for me, defence look more confident when he plays and has the better record this season.
  13. Another senior momment ! I sit corrected.
  14. Try a glass of malt with drumbuie in it then.
  15. Mood swings IHE ??? Maybe there are pills for that too
  16. Scotty is right about tradition but as a gimmick a conga sounds a good idea, put the stewards in a tizzy though they will either join in or spoil the party. Good luck!!
  17. Could be hard to cheer you up, we have done so well with the settled ' injury free ' team but where there is ying there is yang so here goes. Reguerro, Raven, Devine, Meekings, Warren, G Shinnie, Roberts, Draper, Ross, Pepper Sutherland. Subs. Esson, Gibbons, Taylor, King. I can definately see Gibbons and Taylor having a role to play in part of the game, what a chance for someone to star and prove togetherNess works.
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