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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. HT: 2 - 1 FT: 5 - 2 ICT: McKay St. M: Imrie Yellow: Imrie crowd: 3527
  2. bughtmaster


    OTJ deserves all the accolades he gets on here, a truly great player. Since we got our act together each player in the team in his own right has deserved every bit of praise given and each has been outstanding at some point or other but the wonderfull thing is the way the team is playing for eachother, a true team spirit manifesting itself in points on the table. A team of players from keeper to strikers hell bent in showing that they are capable of overcoming any mishaps and striving to make ammends no matter what the odds. Perhaps Mr Bannerman will one day write another book, a book about this team and entitle it ''No matter the odds'' because I have a strong feeling about this squad going down in history. The potential is there the desire appears to be there and what they have accomplished so far is phenominal. It is a pleasure to feel we are witnessing a success story.
  3. Just got round to this one..........a classic........well done!
  4. Aye it's good, a few eyes have been opened not just our own 'Pessimistic Brigade' who have suddenly awakened to reality. And I don't think it's over yet, not by a long chalk!
  5. With the successes (minor though some of them were) in the Scottish cup in the old days, the talk we lads had was about merging Caley, Clach and Thistle and having an Inverness team to compete with the ''BIG BOYS'' we rekoned we would win the league easy. Beginning to think all my old contacts, like me, had to leave the Sneck to get on in life. There was little chance of getting anywhere staying in the 'old town'. National Service had a lot to do with opening our eyes and minds so there was a bit of an exodus by the pro merge brigade or so it would seem as there wouldn't have been this stupid underlying bitterness that is so apparrent nowadays. Incidentally in my 70's and still just the one team for me. ICT with Caley at the heart of it. Merry Christmas one and all, Together-Ness rules.
  6. H T: 2 - 0 F T: 5 - 2 ICT: Doran DUN: Nish Crowd: 3268
  7. DoofersDad and Yngwie, double yokers, fairly came out of their shells there.
  8. My eyes ain't too good is that a P or an N at the start of the words ''in the north'' under the Caledonia sign ? I dread to think what IHE's drinking!. Compliments of the Season to all concerned with ICT and Lang may the ba hit the back o the opposition net.
  9. Like I have said before Terry is going to stay with ICT until he is Knighted................ The Ferguson of the Highlands!
  10. I do not believe that our team knows how to be complacent. They all want to win and to make certain of a win! Barring woefull decisions and accidents they will win. Hope we have enough in the coffers to keep these lads together, not just 'till the Summer but next season too. TogetherNess with a highland Capital as somebody else spelled it is the operative word. Board, Management, Staff and supporters ....TogetherNess.
  11. When Terry set the dogs on there was very little to grouse about,, he hatched a nice little plot there.
  12. Fantastic ICT, well done one and all, special thanks to Billie. NORTHSTAND YE HAVE LITTLE FAITH. !!!!!!!!!! Another classic!
  13. Just take it as it comes and enjoy it. This team is doing a fine job playing for eachother. I like the word togetherness so lets stick with them eh!!!
  14. H T: 0 - 1 F T: 2 - 4 ICT: McKay D U: Flood crowd: 6527
  15. Think it was the old newspaper it was wrapped in! Aye and the extra salt and watery vinegar, fish supper, pickled onion all for under a bob.
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