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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. Looks like togetherNess is working well nearly all signed and still a good chance of Reguero being with us for a while yet. I believe he will become first choice next season, he has developed well since joining us and continues to improve with every game he plays, his handling and positioning skills are first rate, he is brave and exudes confidence to the defence. A little more flexibility going down to the corners when he dives is required but he is a big lad which low balls can pose problems for but he even seems to be working well on that area. He will become a class act under the TB+ regime, who at the moment seem to be just keeping him in check not letting him think of himself as one of these Billy big boots!
  2. Charles your last line, Is this another way to gain sympathy for the BBC in order to increase the cost of licence fee ? Glad my seventy fifth is coming up.
  3. been there , done that, didn't keep the keeper shirt, 'nuff said.
  4. I've got a sneaking feeling Toni may still stay with us, he likes to wind us up now and again.
  5. H T: 1 - 2 F T: 2 - 4 ICT: Doran Hibs: Griffiths crowd: 8496
  6. Theodore sounds good; Theo maybe better, OTJ sounds best to me
  7. Sad that Reguero is (if true) leaving us, he has done a great job for us and will continue to do so 'till that day comes. Quite sure he will do his best to get us that second spot regardless of the switch. Good luck Toni, you helped to get us on the winning trail so thanks for that.
  8. It is great for the Highlands and makes the lowlanders use a bit more mileage. Let's face it they don't particularly like coming up here.
  9. From me ........All the best Owain you well deserve your cap, good luck
  10. Quite right CaleyD current position proves this yet some people are still not satisfied, probably never will be so let them think we have the money and facilities of Real Madrid 'cause that's the way it sounds.
  11. The first phase of reconstruction should involve the people that are supposedly reconstructing it. i.e. Doncaster & co. how or why they have survived is a mystery to me. Second phase is to find a working established successful formula. Third phase implement that. Until then leave well alone, this has been and still is the closest and most exciting season for yunks ( however long that is ?) Really all we have to do is rid ourselves of the other thorn in the flesh, which is currently sponging up all the money then equality would balance the power and bring even more to the SPL. As for the Colts idea............well
  12. IMO it is very important to have David Raven as well as Tony on board next season; David has come on leaps and bounds throughout the season and is one player that I believe will achieve so much for us as time goes by. Really it is a pity we cannot keep the whole squad together, they gel together so well and the team spirit is noticeably higher than the last few seasons. It would be wonderful for this team to pit themselves against Euro opposition as I think they would thrive at the challenge, so fingers crossed for second spot.
  13. looks like there could be another slap in the face for De ADAMSeeeeethe
  14. I never doubted it, when we had our little slip I said we were on the side of a mountain but it wouldn't be long before we got back up towards the summit. My prediction at the start of the season was third place, now I'm thinking second !
  15. I like the EASE of seeeethes , could even be fermenting into bitter don't you think.
  16. And now for the Euro race, Well done ICT absolutely fantastic.
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