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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. Sir Terry is staying, he wants the Euro challenge as much as we do. Think ahead, the support and the money will come pouring in next season when we become the top Scottish Challengers for European glory. The days of the Celts are nigh!......... ICT are on their way and with Terry at the helm there will be no stopping the charge of the Highlanders. Keep the faith, TogetherNess will win.
  2. Maybe they are preparing for rutting........darling
  3. Roberts has made a large contribution already to the success of this team, Terry is nursing him on in his usual casual but strict style. Watch out for more explosive play by Roberts before this season ends, this lad has bags of still unused potential which he hasn't even opened up yet!!
  4. There was a chippie up in Castle Street, Hetty's I think it was called. Sold chips as thick as logs. Rumoured to have a reputation for 'goings on' never did find out the truth. This doesn't help your Italian research much Charles but hopefully might just lead someone's thoughts on to your subject as this was very much at the time of the Italian / Inverness era. Trouble is there are not so many of us old Geezers left, either the big C or the whisky has taken it's toll and most of those left are memory disfunctional to some degree.
  5. Charles there was Fox's in Tomnahurich Street, He was Foriegn, cannot guarantee Italian, but his icecream was excellent, on a par with Morganti in Nairn which in my young days was reputed to be the best. You could well be right about Serafinis, I was a regular at that chip shop too, I can remember the aroma of them but not the name. ( age does strange things to memory ) As for that lovely little blonde in Grieg Street I wasn't really interested in her surname but I certainly remember her................ Christian name Maria.
  6. Looks like our sharpshooters are ready for the winter break, ICT have had a remarkable first half of the season it is bound to get more and more difficult as the opposition study our play but I'm sure the lads have some more tricks up their sleeves for the second half and will return to their scoring ways. One more massive effort on Wed. and then they can have that much deserved break. This has been the most exciting season in a long long time and the second half is going to be taxing for all Teams, should be a real rollercoaster and not for the faint hearted. Good luck to the lads in the away derby, going to be a difficult result and score line to predict but my belief is still with the ICT, close but decisive. Come on ICT go for it.
  7. Funnily enough I thought it was Serafini too, He had at least two cracking daughters one blonde and the other whom I believe went to live in the USA was a dark haired beauty. That was in my BB days again we were a noisy bunch when we went in there on a Friday night. but nobody ever objected to us. I was madly in love with the blonde one but then so was everyone else. Those were the days.
  8. Go easy on the Pinot Noir Terry, The players will want you to have a clear head tomorrow. Happy birthday!
  9. Should be a cracking game, wish I could make it but will be there in spirit and listening with spirit too. Won't be having water though African or otherwise prefer a neat result!!!!
  10. Fifty / fifty maybe. Goalkeeper's nightmare though, Unsighted for a crucial split second as it went through the defender's legs. Still my choice of Keeper this season for his all round sense of command as well as stopping ability. As I write this IHE has come out with anotherof his humorous quotes!!!
  11. Wwwwwhhhheeeeeeeeeew!! worse than a bad dream, glad we have good researchers in our midst. Toni has made such a difference to the confidence in defence.
  12. I go along with the stay together shout. To accomplish what is possible for ICT this season it is important that together-Ness is the key factor. I believe they will give assurance that they want to stay and will be welcomed into new contracts. It is a difficult time for the Club so keep your fingers crossed.
  13. H T: 1 - 1 F T: 1 - 3 ICT: Warren St. J: Tade Crowd: 3402 Yellow: Davidson
  14. Sounds a good result in some ways, pity we didn't edge it though. Well done ICT.
  15. Hope we are just giving them a start to make it more exciting!!
  16. Is there commentary anywhere please ???
  17. Sounds like the lemon is looking for excuses for our getting revenge this time !
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