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Alex MacLeod

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Everything posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. http://www.north-star-news.co.uk/Sport/Football/Inverness-Caley-Thistle/Greg-is-enjoying-his-football-and-nothing-will-change-Caley-Thistle-midfielder-Ross-Draper-02022016.htm
  2. I said in a previous post that I thought the joint statement was a hint of what may happen. This guy has been dealt with very harshly. Not only has he been jailed and banned from matches but I'd be very surprised if he's not booted out of the army. Then he has the problem of convincing any other employer to give him a chance. As has been suggested I think he's been used as an example and the court has come down hard. This case will now set a precedent for how sherrifs treat any future cases and, unless an appeal can change the sentence, the next person will get equal or worse.
  3. What I see from the various quotes is not that it was a 'representative of ICT' but an 'agent the club have dealt with'. Possibly an agent that represents a number of ICT players. What it all suggests to me is that there is a play on words here and that an agent, and I've no idea who this one is, has seen a few bob in front of his eyes and tipped Aberdeen to the release clause. I further think Aberdeen held of till the last minute and made the £200k offer which all seemed above board and, possibly ICT tried for a bit more whereby someone at Aberdeen reminded us of the release clause so our people pulled the deal. If clause was confidential then it should not have been known. I think now that we should ask SFA to carry out an enquiry into what went on. I further think Aberdeen were at an unfair advantage in any negotiations by knowing the trigger figure. It is not good for clubs to fall out, no matter who they are, as its important that each will help the other out in times of need. Times like trying to push through some league changes or needing backing for some such or the other so I hope this situation is resolved amicably.
  4. At the end of the day its the top leagues mickey mouse cup. No other highland team can ever lay claim to being the first to bring the big cup to the highlands
  5. At the end of the day there are only two daily's that are not based in Glasgow or Edinburgh. Dundee Courier did have some favourable comments for County. Never saw the Depressing Journal. It stands to reason that the writers are generally from either city and have leanings towards the big clubs so I expect nothing less than bias
  6. Is this something the players are asked to do to help the youth players?
  7. I'd like to ask one of those affected, i.e. one of those who were on the bus a couple of questions. The answer may have a bearing on the seriousness of situation. I've travelled on trains with a lot of the young brigade,mainly between Inverness and Dingwall, and as well as singing they love to get bouncing and rock the carraiges. Was this what was happening on the bus? If it was were you all asked to stop? Was this the reason for the driver not being happy? If answer to the first question was yes then this was a very stupid thing to be doing. If answer to all questions is yes then people have put themselves and others at serious risk of accident. A train moving quick pretty much sticks to the rails due to g-forces when cornering and downforces when in a straight line so it would take some very serious rocking and shaking to change its course of direction. A bus, on the other hand, will become extremely unstable if subjected to the same forces and could suddenly veer of course resulting in road carnage. I'm in no way saying this was the scenario but its one I wonder at.
  8. Trains are expensive but there are simple ways to make them a little cheaper. Example. Inverness to Perth day return £26.20 Perth to Edinburgh £16.90.....Total £43.10 whereas Inverness to Edinburgh day return £52.10. Always best to look at splitting fares or even look at price of single journeys.
  9. There's never been a boiler in it. The undersoil system was heated by the body heat from the horses used to pull the team coach around the country.
  10. To be fair to CJT Kingsmill the bad handling was done by those posting on here without any facts. Its just 24 hours since opening post and I presume the thread triggered a meeting of CJT board members before issuing above statement. I do think some folk have overreacted without knowing all the facts.
  11. Put it more simple Roughi. I want to buy a car from you. I make you an offer that meets your valuation. I then stipulate that I will pay you in three installments over the next year. Meanwhile you need to find money to pay of the finance on the car because they want the money now (Pay sell on fee) but you dont have that cash available. Am I entitled to take your car away from you and leave you temporarily out of pocket because I meet your valuation even though I dont intend to pay in full up front.
  12. The above statement says to me that there has been a lot of untruths and stories created from guesswork and/or a need to abuse people in authority just for the sake of it. Knowing some of those on the board of CJT, and the fact that they, either through CJT or through previous supporters club, have organised and run buses ever since this club joined the professional league system, I would be very surprised if this action was taken simply because a few youngsters were singing. I'm inclined to think that 'innapropriate behaviour' has a greater meaning, and maybe even a serious safety issue, than some appear to want to hear. I think the above statement suggests that CJT are being responsible in the actions being taken and I hope its all resolved to the benefit of all.
  13. Not quite....Levien didn't field a striker
  14. Total agreement with Yngwie. Story leaves me with some questions. 1. Was Tansey and/or his agent approached by Aberdeen without ICT permission? 2. How did Aberdeen know of any release clause in contract? 3. What gives the like of Aberdeen and Dundee United, who may be bigger but no more successful in recent times, the right to think they can ride roughshod over teams like us? Many of the comments on here and, indeed, in the press are nothing more than hearsay and speculation. There hasn't been time since the window closed to allow any official statement from either team so maybe we should take the whole story with a pinch of salt at this stage.
  15. Pardon me for being a bit pedantic Ross but FWFC was never Duncan Shearers club. FWFC were founded in 72 but didn't get involved in any league system, North Caledonian FL, until 83. DS played his early football at Lochaber High. He also played shinty at that time. He didnt actually got into senior football till he joined Clach at 20. Shearer family stayed round corner from us in Caol. I didn't really know Duncs as he was about five years younger than me though I knew his older brother Davie who also started his career at Clach.
  16. That is an option jagster but just bear in mind that the average 16 seater, fully laden, does around 15 miles to the gallon. A lot of fuel in a 3 hundred mile round trip. On subject of minibus, how did 30 people get packed into one anyway? They have a max 16 passenger seats. Now I dont know what wenton or who has made this banning order so, like some others have said, I think it would be a good idea if CJT was to issue a statement explaining the reasoning. From what I can gather from one earlier post is that CJT were not a party to this decision and that it has come from one individual.
  17. http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11688/10143105/neil-redfearn-admits-rotherham-are-clogged-up-in-a-transfer-chain-in-their-pursuit-of-andrew-shinnie
  18. http://spfl.co.uk/news/article/start-date-for-201617-league-season/
  19. Point taken about it being a wed night but last season at home Saturday 13th Dec 3pm ko crowd was 2723
  20. Yes and thats why our average is 3600 for league games. Would be a bit lower otherwise.
  21. Has anyone ever thought of going to Harry Gow and asking if they could even supply the numbers we'd need each other week as well as on short notice for cup replays etc. How many do we consume on an average home day. 1500. Thats a lot of additional pies and a lot of additional staff needed on an irregular basis. Could they meet the demand?
  22. Dont forget that the heady days of 4000+ average had Hearts, Hibs and Rangers in the mix. Without those teams our average is around 3600 this season
  23. Never ceases to amaze me that one day I'll see a tweet on twitter and the next day I'll read a Sun exclusive. Maybe Ofere does want to come back to Scotland but does he want to come to Inverness. That place so far into the backwoods that few players want to give us a try.
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