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The Long Man

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Everything posted by The Long Man

  1. Yes, I think we can say that it is a known unknown!
  2. Ha ha, Dougal's logic is comparable to that of the 'never wrong' Donald Rumsfeld. When challenged on his belief that the Soviets had vast numbers of nuclear missiles hidden from all the declarations, and which necessitated the US building and developing even more, he replied that the lack of evidence was in fact evidence of the success of the Soviet deception, and thus of their existence. Dougal similarly argues that the lack of evidence of any significant number of refuseniks is evidence of their great numbers. My my, you have to congratulate the refuseniks on their brilliant disguise and secrecy, since nobody can find more than enough to form a football team. Perhaps Dougal would like to do MU and start a new team called Telford St in the Welfare League, since he believes that thousands of supporters would come out of the woodwork. I can't wait.
  3. Well, I have to break it gently to you, but you're a bit feckin late with your conspiracy theories based on hearsay and rumour. About 17 years late. The tiny number of people you have polled aren't exactly 'evidence' of anything at all. What a pointless lot of waffle.
  4. The Union Jack is of course associated with Rangers and unionism, and I suppose it was a wind up for Celtic. Personally I'd rather we didn't get involved in their neanderthal sectarianism. I don't see any connection with ICT and the flag.
  5. Whatever the figure plucked out of the air is for 'refuseniks', Charles is surely right that there is no evidence, other than anecdotal and prejudicial, that the number was significant. Nor do I believe that any of them would have had significant influence on many others, including family members. Even if you dream up some fancifully large number, as some would like to do, it is more than offset by the numbers of new ICT fans who would not have been persuaded by a Caley or Thistle toiling in the lower leagues. The dreamers want to add a mythical number of refuseniks to the current base of ICT and claim that they would have all gone to watch a cash-strapped Caley playing in the Carse or wherever against Elgin and Brechin. It is all smoke, mirrors and whisky dreams. Nice bit of nostalgia and longing for the old days, but it ignores the amazing ride we've had with ICT, which we'd never had without the merger. If ICT had spluttered and failed and were mired in debt and stuck in div 2 or 3 then you might have a case. That ICT have been as astonishingly successful as they have proves the point: the merger worked. A few have fallen by the wayside - hundreds, probably thousands, have been royally entertained. Something was lost, a lot more was gained.
  6. Perhaps you should take a look at what crowds other football clubs of that era were able to attract. Then extrapolate their decline to the mythical what Caley would attract now. It is a futile and meaningless argument. The point is that Caley on their own, like Thistle, didn't have the resources or the infrastructure to make a serious assault on the Scottish Leagues. Indulge in misty-eyed romanticism by all means, but let's not pretend there's anything real or factual about it. Just a pipedream.
  7. How will a straw poll, with guesses for answers, and a handful of replies, 'settle' anything? Just wondering.... BTW I believe it was 'settled' about 15 years ago
  8. What? You're still trying to make your mind up? Take your time, we wouldn't want to rush you - the club and the town are anxiously awaiting your verdict. I suppose conspiracy theories, like cheese, get riper with age
  9. Of course it won't be sexist, you're missing the point entirely.
  10. Oh dear, Giles Coren, what a whiner, honing his highly developed sense of victimhood in where else, the Daily Mail. Completely out of proportion. I doubt Gray and Keys were sacked over a couple of incidents, but a culture they represented and promoted at Sky. You can read about it here, if you wish: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/jan/26/andy-gray-richard-keys-sixist?intcmp=239
  11. The guy's a plonker as well as a rubbish commentator, so excellent news he's gone. Don't shed any tears for him, he's been earning a seven figure salary for years. If you earn that kind of money a degree of professionalism is required, which Gray has clearly not got. His views might be his own, but they are completely out of touch with football and the world we live in now. So bye bye, take Keys with you. And if you wonder why this new footage came out now, just think of all the people who work on the shows who have had to put up with his unreconstructed behaviour, lording it over them for years, now they have their revenge. Don't make enemies on the way up, you might need them as friends on the way down. Uh-oh, too late Andy.
  12. Gray and Keys aren't just unpleasant individuals (based on the Neanderthal attitudes they displayed) but hopeless commentators, so it would be good for them to be replaced by people (female?) who have more interesting ideas about the game, and also know something about the rules of the game. Sky shows the football, but is the worst channel to listen to. Pub bloke bollix.
  13. Bit disappointing after the radio interview. A tame piece, nice profile of Terry, but even he checked himself just when he got going. I wonder what is it him, the Beeb or the club that decided they didn't want any more controversy? Shame, when we need someone to speak out and Terry obviously feels very strongly about it.
  14. It is normally shown 'live' on the BBC website, but is not available afterwards - usual copyright nonsense. A kind soul will have to record that segment if possible if you can't get to see it when it goes out.
  15. You beauty!!! What a comeback. Great guns.
  16. A great three points, but I can feel a twinge of sympathy for the Dons after that weekend. They had the chances, more than us, but just couldn't convert them. A draw would have been fair enough, but we got more luck than them. A lot of people shouting at the end. Will be McGhee be offered the pearl-handled revolver, or will they let him fall on his sword at Ibrox?
  17. Frantic finish - Aberdeen really want this (understandably) - we're hanging on, but could always get a break
  18. Very unlucky Rooney didn't score - nice control and shot from right of the goal. Looked goalbound but went past.
  19. I don't think he dived, there seemed to be a bit of jostling in the box. Nothing unusual, I think even he was surprised it was a pen. A bit harsh on the Dons, but Rooney slotted it beautifully considering the keeper went the right way. Aberdeen actually had the better of the play and looked much more like scoring than we did, apart from a nice chance we had at the very beginning. Esson made a great save to keep it 0-0. They don't really deserve to be behind, but such is football. I expect they will come out fighting in the second half.
  20. Well we famously saw off John Barnes. Mark McGee could be another scalp. They're feeling the pressure, I hope we can keep our away record intact.
  21. Ach, Charles for an auld sneck gudgie ye're nae bad yerself right eenuff
  22. The OP was very funny, for those with a sense of humour that is.
  23. Ha ha, excellent stuff Charles. I love to hear the real Inverness accent, which is probably on the wane now that everybody is influenced by the media and social mobility is far greater. Great memories when I hear it. Why anybody can think otherwise is one of life's great mysteries, but there has always been a dour wee free strain to some of our finest contributors! My favourite chant has always been the criminally neglected "Right enuff, right enuff, right enuff; right enuff, right enuff, right enu-u-ff: right enuff, right enuff, right enuff; right enuff.RIGHT ENUFF!" Pure dead brilliant, and one no other club can possibly claim, let alone understand! Smasheen! (Go on, look up the derivation)
  24. Well, I would wait until next saturday at 5 pm, before getting too excited. But, yes, could be handy.
  25. Anyone in touch with those at the stadium? would love to hear about the atmosphere, and what the much discussed entertainment was like. As if the team aren't providing enough as it is :D
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