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The Long Man

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Everything posted by The Long Man

  1. Absurd overreaction. who ever said getting into the SPL and staying there was going to be a cakewalk? Everybody knows we got problems at the back, but they are not insoluble, and we've got lots of potential going forward. there's plenty to look forward to. :011:
  2. Oh dear the conspiracy theorists are out again :029: Those dastardly corridors of power, eh, plotting to put themselves out of a job, and bring the whole place crashing down :024: Highlanders paranoid? Never :crazy07:
  3. What's the point of resurrecting who did what in the summer? It doesn't make any difference now. One thing is clear - the overriding priority is to sort out our defence. We have given away so many cheap and unnecessary goals this season it is embarrassing. We have a potentially very good midfield and attack, but what use is that if we give other sides a goal or two gratis. It must be very disheartening for the rest of the team to see goals and penalties being given away so easily.
  4. http://www.theherald.co.uk/sport/headlines...1797658.0.0.php
  5. This is what I like about Brew - always positive: http://www.theherald.co.uk/sport/headlines...1797658.0.0.php
  6. Jim bl**dy Traynor, can Radio Scotland not find someone with a modicum of intelligence and football knowledge. The man is completely unlistenable, just an embarrassment.
  7. Aye, ye're no kidding there.
  8. Thanks, Mrs P, excellent article. "If Thistle had any wisdom, they would send Hart to a drug awareness course, paid for out of his own wages, order him before the media to apologise in public for his stupidity and give him the opportunity to reclaim his first-team status. Compassion might just save Hart's career, and prevent him from going towards an even darker place." Couldn't agree more. There is no need for a witch hunt, or blowing this out of proportion in the way it has been. Everyone deserves the appropriate punishment for their crimes, but tryin to destroy someone's career is just stupid. If he had a consisent drug problem, that's different, but there is no evidence for that. Everyone also deserves a chance to prove they have learned from their mistakes, and won't be doing it again. There's a lot of humbug about drug use, as if it was somehow infinitely worse than violence or alcohol abuse, both prevalent problems in Scotland, but ones which would be treated with some form of appropriate punishment/treatment. Of course no-one wants anyone taking drugs, but like it or not, they are everywhere and easily obtained. Getting on your moral high horse about them won't make the situation any better, nor will pillorying Richie Hart in order to make you feel righteous.
  9. Wow, Duncan's strike very nice, Blackie's flick, turn and shot very good indeed, Falkirk's second fine shot, but Dennis - genius. Surely that was Denis Bergkamp - a move easily worthy of him. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03: A class act.
  10. I do believe it was showing Brewster's goal against Hearts which prompted the comparison :021:
  11. Manish (is it?) on football focus yesterday noted the resemblance of our strip to Barcelona's. That'll do for me as an aspiration to the way we play. :022:
  12. I don't think it's that mysterious. Brewster is very good at instilling self-belief in the players. He has a great positive attitude, and combining that with some good organisation, is reaping the rewards. Some players who were previously fringe have been given a second chance and are responding well to it. He's not a messiah, but a grafter with a great spirit, which is rubbing off on the players. Charlie just isn't the same personality type. Having said that, there will always be some gurners whining about DUFC, but not for long. :015:
  13. I see some straws, and I'm clinging to them!
  14. Just saw the highlights. How bizarre. They got two deflections and an own goal. We hit the woodwork and were very unlucky with some nice moves culminating in shots just going wide or well saved. I have never seen a more encouraging 5-0 defeat, what a strange thing to say. The true score should have been 2-1, or something like that, which would not be half so bad. But we will come good.
  15. And Ridgers goes to Elgin on loan
  16. Absolutely agree rosco. The state of this forum in the last week has been mediocre, full of self appointed sanctimonious Jeremiahs who apparently know far more than anybody else, including the board themselves. They confidently tell us that Warnock was a candidate despite his clear explanation that it was a non-starter, they rubbish the board and try smearing individuals, on the basis of some pub gossip. They include, surprisingly, the admin of the site, who may be excused for being on the other side of the Atlantic, and thus prey to the gossip-mongers, but not for publicy backing the wee free fundamentalist tendency. Pathetic. No doubt they will spend the rest of this season gloating over every setback or defeat, smugly telling us that they told us so, and it is all the board/Brewster's fault. It has certainly made this site less than essential for Caley Thistle fans, unless you subscribe to doom-filled self defeating miserabilist philosophy spouted ad nauseam by about half a dozen hard core gurners. Gurning is sadly par for the course, but the malicious and unfounded rumours people tried to spread from here were hysterical, completely wrong and over the top. And they certainly don't represent a cross section of fans. Good luck to Craig and the boys, I hope they make you choke on your paranoid conspiracy theories (and your grudging soor-plum-sucking 'good wishes' to the new manager).
  17. Just discovered you can see 'highlights' (if there are any) on the BBC website: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/s...rem/default.stm Hope this is a regular feature so we can see action from each game, those of us not in Sneck
  18. Your link to the petition via the article on the home page doesn't work, it brings up this address: http://www.caleythistleonline.com/www.ipet...sniculaeappeal/ but your link in the second post on this thread does work.
  19. A true Invernessian will always be recognisable by the unique way he or she will use and pronounce "right eenuff", and "how you doeen, mun?" Plus various ingenious ways they will add "ie" to the end of every possible word eg mannie, cuppie, wifie etc. A literary heritage to proud of, imho.
  20. Can i just point out that the bakers was indeed Morrison's (where the optician is now), but they had taken it over from a family concern which was a far superior independent oufit: Bowman's. They had the bakery round the corner off Argyle Street, and you would regularly see the bakers carrying the large trays of pies and the like on their heads from the bakery to the shop. And the sweet shop on the corner was Jenny Yoodle's, beside the grocer's (was it Macaulay's?). Then further along there was a cobbler. Jimmy Chisolm, the actor, used to live above the shops on the other side.
  21. Ah, so that's why we called it the Doc's club. Some good times there. Eric Allan taught a very successful guitar class there, great place to just hang out. A MacCaffrey ran it for a while as a youth club. Hot Cottage played there. I remember when Noddy played there with his band, who had just returned from one of thier forays south, with equipment we were informed 'liberated' from the HP agreements. To make it a 'special' night, Noddy also cooked a curry for everybody in giant cooking pots the club had. We thought it was great, though it is surprising we didn't all feel the effects the next day. There was a derelict Rover parked there, which was the scene of many a young man's exploration of his sexual education, or at least his girlfriend's.
  22. Well that's a shame, but do tell him that there's lots of us who enjoy stories of the old town, and it would be nice to preserve them for the future. Give our regards to him, old Santa!
  23. LG, that's really interesting. You should get in touch with Sheila MacKay who records these sorts of memories for archives of the town, and used them in the book Mind Yon Time (was it called? somthing like that) Memories of Inverness. Would be very interesting to see the photos, maybe the survivng cinemas website could put them up? if you like, I could maybe hlep out if you want to record his memories.
  24. DJS: that's interesting, I was wondering what that was. What the devil is a bowsher?
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