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Bazza to get testimonial

Alex MacLeod

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From the Highland News

Barry set for special year

Published:  04 August, 2007

BARRY Wilson has netted a testimonial season one year earlier than expected ? and he aims to enjoy every moment of it.

The 35-year-old ICT midfielder can?t wait for the Clydesdale Bank SPL season to get started against Rangers on Saturday. He?s loving life in the top-flight as much as he ever has and performances justify his starting 11 selection.

So much so, the club have taken the unprecedented step of making this, his ninth season for ICT, his special one, with testimonial matches and events to follow ? one year ahead of the customary 10 which normally mark such milestones. He told the Highland News: ?I enjoyed last season immensely because I felt I played some decent football consistently, that has been the most pleasing factor for me over the past two or three years.

?If I could repeat that standard again this season, I?d be delighted. I imagine it will be harder because the squad is full of midfielders at the minute vying for four places, but the manager has always said that if you play well you?ll stay in the team, so that?s my aim.

?I will then see how things are going come January or February and discuss where to go from there. I have been granted a testimonial year this season, the club have been fantastic in offering me that one year early.

?I don?t know if I will be here for a 10th year, we?ll see how the legs cope with another full stint in the premier league.

?When you get older, the more pre-season you get under your belt, you become one closer to the end, but I feel really good. I have done all the running, haven?t missed any days and feel pretty sharp, so fitness-wise I?m feeling great.?

Wilson?s wing play has deservedly kept him high in boss Charlie Christie?s thoughts and his pace and fitness pre-season was up there with the best of his team-mates. Now he can?t wait to torment Rangers in Saturday lunchtime?s TV treat.

He said: ?There?s always a buzz at the start of the season, but with this game being on the TV and it being Rangers then it adds that little bit to it. If we can get one of the results that we got against them last season then we?ll be happy.

?To get a win and a draw at Ibrox, any club would take that. And to go on and win 2-1 up here against them was another great achievement because we were down and we turned it around. That was probably our best result of the season.?

Wilson, who had three years at Livingston before returning to ICT in 2003, reckons a strong start to the campaign is so vital and can have a bearing on how the rest of the year will shape up for the Caley Jags.

He added: ?Given the size of our club, we can?t get carried away. While we are established at this level, you have to remember the likes of Dundee United in the past and Dunfermline last season that all it takes is a bad start to the season and you?re down there.

?We?ll be going all out to get a good start and move away from any potential trouble as early as possible and, if we can do that, then we look towards the top six.?

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I think we are witnessing the beginning of the end for Wilson.  With this article and one a few weeks back he has talked a lot about not knowing if he'll be here for a 10th Season and I can't help but feel he's already made up his mind and that kinda upsets me.  Not because I think he is in any way letting us or himself down but because this is the first time we'll witness one of our long term greats retire from the team.

Sure we've had some other players retire in years gone by, but none that have been here for the entire journey (or almost in the case of Wilson).  We've also had many players leave for pastures new, but in some ways that's easier to handle as you can balance your upset at seeing them go by giving them a bit of stick and wishing the ICT Curse upon them  :001:

On the plus side we have some fantastic young players coming through and from the Clach game last night it looks like we have a few more to come in the next couple of seasons.  I just hope Wilson sticks around as a coach and mentor to the likes of Zander and the other young lads as, IMO, he epitomises everything that ICT is all about.

I may be wrong and we may see a couple of more seasons of him on the wing - either way he fully deserves his Testimonial Season, what a year this would be for us to win a cup and finish top 6.  A fitting tribute to a player who has worked hard and played a huge part in ICT being where they are today  :021:

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Guest macgint71

He definitely isn't throwing the towel in, the thing with Barry is that he always looks at the worst scenario so when he says this may be his last season, he doesn't want it to be but he isn't taking things for granted.l He feels fitter and faster than last year following pre season so there is nothing stopping him going on for another year. He would also love a greater involvement with coaching where he wants his path to go.

I've heard that he has a couple of contacts with Alex ferguson so Man Utd is the number 1 choice.

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