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  2. Well the fans have got what they wanted, the removal of Mr Gardiner excepted. As such, we, the fans need to now put our money where our mouth is and buy our season tickets/merchandise etc. In return though, the board need to get someone from the Supporters Trust on the board to demonstrate they will listen to fans at long last. To reiterate however, fans need to back the club with the same passion they displayed over the Kelty move and also financially.
  3. I think the issue for Dunc was that lower level loanees was the most the club could afford at the time. Statistically speaking, if he'd been in charge for a whole season I think we finish top half. Weren't we only 3pt off 5th. Too many draws. It's a tough one for me because IHE I'm also a toffee and it's hard not to love big Dunc. But he's not shown he's one to be able to turn clubs round (see Forest Green too - that said, also a shambles in the background.) The rot started under Dodds and the club should have severed ties in the summer IMO. Not letting the false cup run hide the poor league form. I think Dunc has 2 years left right? Could the club afford to sack and who's the alternative? I'd say give him the time this summer to try and build a group to get us back up.
  4. But the last two to embark - Alan Savage and Anders Povlsen have caught everybody's attention.
  5. Obviously it is good news that the Kelty move is off. Other than that, it is a pathetic statement. My take is that there will be negotiations going on about a number of separate issues and that there is little more detail they can really say just now. They should, however, have officially apologised and noted Ross Morrison's departure. They should have thanked him for his contribution to the club. They are, after all, collectively responsible for supporting the decisions which have resulted in Morrison's resignation. Whilst the Kelty move may be off, that does not mean there aren't some contractual obligations linked to that absurd deal. Kelty may be demanding payment whilst the club will be arguing that the deal is null and void because Kelty failed inform to Fife Council. There will be negotiations around the failure of the car parking contract. This might well involve our main sponsors, ILI, who the club might perceive to be at fault for not including that contract as an integral part of the Red John sale. The club will not be wanting to lose its main sponsor too. There will be negotiations around the CEO's position. His position is surely not tenable any longer, but he will not give up without trying to squeeze as much out of the club as he can. Other issues need urgent attention, such as ensuring the 2022/3 accounts are submitted to Companies House and ensuring the planning application appeal is submitted. Then there are the discussions with potential investors. Potential investors will be wanting clarity on all of these issues even if they are not all fully resolved. They will certainly be wanting Gardiner out of the door.
  6. https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/caley-thistle-insider-slams-bombshell-as-norwegian-renewab-352330/ “We intend to seek an alternative location for our park and ride scheme in Inverness, which will reduce traffic to the construction site, while also ensuring economic benefits remain in the local area. We do not anticipate any delays to the project.” Is there anyone on here that works in the logging industry that could maybe alter that last part? "Another tree in the road. How did that happen?" I joke of course. But surely the club could have went back to them with a lower cost to push the deal through?!
  7. The fact that a rich man like Duncan Ferguson who failed at the club and hasn’t walked away especially knowing the cash flow problems at the club tells us all the kind of person he is.
  8. People know that however he is central to the reason why we are in the position we are and central to any potential new investors coming in so yes him going does change the immediate future through one form or another. If I were an investor, which I'm not although I wish I had money as I would be, I would want him out the door without his feet touching the steps before I invested even £1 in the club. At the very least I'd have him on gardening leave pending a full disciplinary into his conduct as there's more than enough incompetency to get rid of him. No one person is ever bigger than an organisation no matter how much people think they are. The man should never ever set foot inside a football club again and be allowed to carry out any business in the name of a club.
  9. Today
  10. Concerts, batteries, park and ride all shlurrp into the same long-drop toilet. I thought the guys on the board were all businessmen?
  11. Just received email from change.org confirming the petition has been successful confirming the Kelty move is off
  12. I think some people have thought that going into administration is just a car-wash way to write off debts and emerge shiny and new. It is very far from that. We would have points deductions for the next two seasons. There would be issues with getting an SFA license. Would we be able to submit our accounts, which we are also required to do to get a license to play in the SPFL. It's a desperate statement to be honest. It mentions that we are either looking for investors or owners - the club isn't owned by any one person to sell, if someone wants to own it they need to buy the holdings of several different people at once. What would investors be funding? Are they just pouring money into the money hole? We are repeatedly told that there are other people involved with the club who would be interested were it not for the financial obligations to creditors, ie Ross Morrison. Are these guys going to step up or not? People saying stuff like "we need Gardiner gone" etc. Gardiner going doesn't change the circumstances of the club in the immediate future.
  13. Uncle Roy popping round for a cuppa?
  14. Reporter Scott Maclennan: Major developments this afternoon from Caley Thistle and other sources have been in touch so there is more to come https://x.com/sgmaclennan1/status/1798366570890313863
  15. On the positive side, the Board is supposed to be talking to potential investors. The biggest risk is cashflow - not enough to pay the bills as and when. My understanding was that the 7-figure sum was the aggregate amount hoped to come in, but it was scheduled in £300k tranches, perhaps. Hopefully, substitute cash can come in on that scale (even if by way of loan from a party who's not going to require repayment any time soon) to give the club breathing space. Gardiner the blockage can walk, and then we get the season ticket sales, etc., and additional local investment.
  16. Well the thing is we just don't know how bad things were because we haven't seen the accounts. That the statement mentioned the loss of a 7 figure sum that was incoming to club is surely going to be a major factor. I would expect that the move to Kelty, remaining full time etc.. was forecast based on this money being received by the club. Now that we aren't getting what looks like a significant and huge sum of money has changed the game entirely. Administrators are going to have to strip back everything, this is probably going to mean redundancies and part time football. Then the work begins on finding out if we have a viable business, or at least some altruistic person to come in and buy the club and I am really not sure that person exists, certainly not for a League One club. I hope among hope that we come out the otherside stronger and better, but from where I am at the moment it really doesn't look likely.
  17. Yes indeed, but if things are so catastrophic that a winding-up is on the cards, then that surely couldn't have been solved by moving to Kelty, paying Big Dunc, staying full-time. There must be someone out there who can fill the Red John void if that's what has sent things into the abyss....
  18. You are assuming that we come out of administration and don't get wound up.
  19. Obviously I wasn't at the meeting, but from reading the reports it certainly seemed popular and the preferred option over training being moved. Personally I would certainly prefer the club training in Fife over the club ceasing to exist. Either way, looks like Admin is where we are heading. I just hope we have a club to continue to support once it is done.
  20. I guess that whichever way this goes we get a reset. If a buyer comes in, I'm guessing they'll have to be in a position to inject sums (whether loans or otherwise) to clear existing debts, or do a deal to reduce them. If those debts are owed to existing shareholders, then presumably they'd be better off getting something towards them rather than nothing if the company went into administration? So they shouldn't be too difficult?!! If it's administration and we drop a league or whatever, we get going again from a manageable base, and with the whole community re-engaged. Back to basics. Get Spider in and develop the great players on our doorstep.
  21. Not sure about a popular choice. A better turn of phrase might be 'lesser of two evils'
  22. I never said it was the fans fault. But it was clear from the meeting notes from the supporters trust meeting that going into administration was a popular choice.
  23. Even if there isn't things couldn't ho on the way they were? This is not fans fault. The board are custodians of the club and have allowed things to get out of hand and the CEO to do what he wanted with no checks and balances.
  24. Given the numbers the board must be privy to it does make you think they've been fed a jackanory set of budget projections for 24/25 by Gardiner to conclude it was in any way possible to remain full time next season
  25. I guess all those who attended the Supporters Trust meeting are going to get what they want. I just hope there is a club to support on the other side of this.
  26. "For clarity, on the football front, we have decided to remain training at Fort George for the foreseeable future." Given the board's ability to foresee the future, that should see us safely up to tea-time today.
  27. ??? ADMINISTRATION ??? The Board of Directors are in discussions with potential new investors into the club and remain hopeful of finding a new investor or new owners. However, in the circumstances we currently find ourselves in following the loss of the Statkraft contract at Caledonian Stadium which was worth 7 figures to the club and given the new financial position of the club, it is also prudent to approach a suitably qualified insolvency practitioner to advise on how we may proceed should our efforts to find new investment fall short. For clarity, on the football front, we have decided to remain training at Fort George for the foreseeable future. After all the cloak and dagger secrecy going on the boardroom at Inverness Caledonian Thistle since relegation was confirmed on 18th of May, the club chose to have a three day media silence before Chairman Ross Morrison spoke, revealing nothing. Another three days passed before they announced this little gem and exclaimed their delight in a 'training deal' they had allegedly brokered with Kelty Hearts. This one stirred the fans somewhat more than being relegated. However, stubbornness and alienation knows no bounds and Scot Gardiner still lurked around the club, defiant til the end. Morrison then resigned his position on the 3rd of June, using the local press, citing his belief of the Kelty Hearts move was the only way forward. In keeping with the current trend, the official site has just given lip service to address some things, however, no mention of Morrison, Gardiner etc etc. What an omnishambles! How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency. That's another fine mess you've got us into.
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