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Everything posted by EWS

  1. EWS

    A joke 4 U

    Before Saddam was hung, the Iraqi Government offered him a deal; Either be hung and die, or become the manager of Rangers. He turned down the deal as he would rather keep his dignity.
  2. "1. Webster terminated his contract with Hearts under Article 17 on the basis Alex mentioned above. This made him free to sign for anyone else." However, there is a clause that says he is not allowed to sign for a club in the same country.
  3. Remember how much they pay their other sports stars.
  4. Wher were you on this one? :004: :002: :001: :016:
  5. Surely that last sentence kinda confirms it.
  6. In the short term I can see him replacing McBain / Morgan on the left, or even Black in the middle, but for the longterm I guess it is obvious that he will be fulfilling Barry's role on the Right.
  7. Afraid I won't be doing a city hop and going from Glsagow to Edinburgh for this match. Turns out that I have to go to Loch Lomond for a field trip that weekend.
  8. I don't know if they still do it, but Motherwell used to give free tickets away to schools and organise a day out for those who went. Basically, if there was a game that was not going to sell out, Motherwell would go to a local school and give the school X number of free tickets, a tour of the stadium etc.. etc.. in the hope that the kids would start wanting to come to games themselves, and so they would have a connection within the school to give cheaper prices for certain games. Like I said, I don't know if they still do it, but they used to.
  9. Why not Caley Army. Or is it because there are still people who hate the pre-merger reference. As far as I can tell, most of the people who were singing it were youngsters anyway.
  10. For someone under the age of 19, I would think so.
  11. Well I thought it may clash with a trip to an East Fife game that I promised someone, but looks like it doesn't. Any idea on ticket prices?
  12. And Cardiff chant Blue Army. I repeat, Loyal Army is a Loyalist Chant that is connected with Rangers FC and the Unionists in N. Ireland.
  13. I will probably make an effort to get to that one, haven't been to a Caley Hearts game yet, and the last time I was at Tynecastle, Scotland beat Estonia 3-2.
  14. Thats what Broonie is being quoted as saying. Geography is a big factor in why he thinks he is not in the Scotland setup.
  15. It was the Spain game that was abandoned
  16. Thats just being stupid and pedantic. If someone hears someone singing Loyal Army, they would connect with N. Ireland and Rangers. Caley army, and they would connect it with us. Imagine a flag, with Glasgow Loyal Army written on it....now imagine same flag but with Glasgow Caley Army.
  17. I think Bill Leckie said something about this in the Sun at the weekend. He said; "Call them in, sit them down, pour them a cup of tea. Then ask them one thing. Do you want a job like this, or are you desperate for THIS job. If they cannot look the blazers in the eye and sear that they would walk over broken glass to manage Scotland, the interview should be over then and there...... ......[David Taylor] should go after a talented Scottish manager who is with a club and test his desire. Not like we are going to be short of money." Leckie pretty much sums up what I think. Smith is a Rangers man through and through, and thought something like this would happen. I'm gonna wish him all the best, but think that he can acheive greater things with Scotland rather then Rangers. Smith has turned around Scotland, and deleivered us to a victory that Rangers will never ever match, a feeling that will never be matched. But maybe he thinks he has unfinished business with them, the way he was thrown out the door at Rangers was deplorable and maybe he wants yo give a two fingered salute to the fans who hated him.
  18. The Sun Sounds like he just wants a good deal for himself. Hopefully the club will come back with a better offer and keep him here for a few more years. Seems that the only club interested is Falkirk, and if he sees that as a better move - in terms of International career then he needs his head sorted. Still a lot to happen though. Question: If he signed a pre-contract, would you want him playing, or would we look at getting Fraser playing some games?
  19. EWS

    Hi im New!!

    Just ignore them, every thread that Footballs Wife goes into usually descends into some sort of smut and cyber sex routine that gets old rather quickly. Afraid your thread has gone m'lady.
  20. I'm pretty sure Loyal Army is a unionist chant from N. Ireland. Even more so, a definite Rangers chant.
  21. I noticed that you went a bit quiet in the second half and sat in your seat for most of it. Though it was rather funny when you did your old **** off routine, and as soon as you said it the lassie police officer went straight on her radio, was worth a wee chuckle. Why did that copper speak to that lad in the 2nd half?
  22. See, if we modified the words of went to mow then I would be happy to sing it. Maybe something about crossing the bridge etc...
  23. Bit late aren't we Mr Macleod.
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