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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Hull has a railway station and a cinema and an Infirmary with nurses. I remember in 1952 one of them met me off the train from Blacktoft ( a wee village on the Ouse), took me to the pictures and put her hand on my knee. But it was not IHE........... So is he really as good as that?--he had better be because the expectations will be enormous at his next club and I think that he should pray that it is not an English Premier League club.And heis not a youngster anymore. Good luck to him anyways........ :023:
  2. Is it desperation then or enterprising thinking? Maybe a bit of both with a dash of invention and "thinking outside the box" thrown in for novelty and perhaps a boit of "nothing ventured, nothing gained" So long as importing foreign nationals into ICT does not become a regular habit such that the fans stop showing up, then one or two would be interesting additions--like as in Juanjo? Let's give the Management the benefit of the doubt--if this is true at least they are attempting to be progressive and deserve support. :clapping03:
  3. 4th stand -exactly the impression I was getting as I drove home to the finishing line of this post. You now have my authority to change your name to "one-nigh" instead of "4th". :012: Hey Mun(s) --there's more fush in the sea than ever cam oot o it. Aye! :003:
  4. ....." new people every day"? :015: I know that feeling well Jock--you too probably, eh? :001:
  5. Aye--it was indeed Willie's fault---Willie Munro from up that District past Culcabock. Aye that's it , Dell of Inches. Gawd, my memory is really going these days.His dad was a vet or something had a wee farm up there .Think he became a Vet too--does anyone know abouthim. Good lad, good lad. Scarlet :029:
  6. Yep--David Thom was indeed a starter. In his Latin class at the academy he once gave me a double hander that was so painful that I could hardly see the seat for the flipping tears as I staggered back into it. That wasn't my fault that I had tied my leg to the seat stanchion with my Academy scarf and was doing anything but paying attention because I was egged on by Morgan the Mighty who had red hair and later became a nuclear scientist in England.I knew he was bright and in these days I picked my seats carefully to bask in reflected glory mostly. Backfired on me that time....sigh... :012: Why was I always the fall guy?--in the English class I got belted again for fidgetting and inattention and that time it was Willie egging me on . I mean all I asked him was if he knew Willie Rattle-Assegai and his blank look absorbed my attention until he broke into a knowing smile and titter and said "Oh, you mean William Shakespeare"?. That got the goat of the female teacher and she let fly with her tawse of nine tails. I thought that she was really intolerant and cruel..... :015:
  7. Bannerman --clearly having been born in Wick you are definitely WICK-ED. Latviaman,before I was married --nine years ago I made love to a Latvian woman. Is that good? She said I was an oldie but hottie but left the apartment, never to return, shortly afterwards and at the door told me "I owe you" ? Was that nice? She also gave me an insect trapped in a teardrop of amber from the beach at Riga to remember her by. I believe Amber is big in Riga.Is that an appropriate gift since she now has a Russian boyfriend in North Vancouver who , by all accounts , works a a car salesman, wears a leather jacket and looks furtive. Do you think that she has done the right thing? Just asking . Ha!? :016: :sillywave:
  8. I will never forget Third Lanark F.C. --they Banked with The Royal Bank of Scotland when I was in the Inspectors Department of the Bank just before they went under. The Manager of the Govan (I think it was) Branch of the Bank was off for a week or so and I was sent there to hold the fort. In walks Bill Hiddleston ( I think) with tears just about coming out of his eyes and asked for an additional 10,000 quid to pay a few bills for the club. The man had humility and I had a heart. I broke out in a sweat knowing that if I refused they might go down and knowing that if I did give him what he asked for I might be in deep trouble with the beaks at Head Office. So what did I do?... I thought of the Wilfred Pickles show on the radio a long time ago and ......I gave them the money Barney . Even then football was important to me and there was no way I was going to be the one to put old Third Lanark to the sword. Did I do the right thing? Dunno...but I survived so I assume that the RBS must have been well secured for the overdraft. S.O.B.'s --I know they did not suffer. Scarlet
  9. Smee----"marbles season"--don't you mean durbs? :002: Rounders in the road .
  10. My My, the Mayor's Outfit is mighty fancy for a Dingwallian? :003:
  11. Yes Charles I remember all of your memories--even the Tardis at the canal and the horse trough at Kenneth Street and Lochalsh road. plus ALL of my hair on ma heid. Plus Fours. Flannels with turned up bottoms (hems). Onion Johnnys (Andre for one ) DA Haircuts. The fire at the Caley Park. Bobbie Bolt, centre half for Caley at Telford Street. When Bobby played every other week he took out all his teeth and I think he scared the opposing team half to death Hoch! Hoch! The Saturday morning Lemonade truck --complete with Ginger Ale, Sparkling Special and.......?
  12. Dargo is up front and centre at the moment . But it strictly depends on which teams, if any, are very interested and so far not too many it seems--at least, if they are we are not hearing about it. So with the great new offer CC says ICT have made to him my prediction is that he will wisely elect to stay with ICT for at least another season. Frankly , if C Dargo is as good as all that (i.e. to merit so much attention and comment) it will do his career no harm at all to have another good season with a nice big raise in his pocket. Yawn--gotta go ---back to my pipe and slippers and velvet-edged robe.... :022:
  13. Dream Topping! :clapping03:
  14. Saw the Chicago game on local TV- in Vancouver-not bad at all. The standard of play for the teams probably Division 1 standard, hardly higher than that though. Good atmosphere,. Lots of excitement. Scarlet
  15. Mee-----the Arab? I thought Dodi Fayed of Fulham fame was in Dingwall chatting up Ross County with a possible generous offer to help them out.He tells the media that he is very impressed with Ross County's football academy and of course now that he owns the seat of the clan he does have a vested interest in the area. Sounds like great stuff to me --another Gretna looming? Thinks--och well, he probably got to Paisley in his helicopter to check out ICT players to see if it was worth buying the whole team to transport it lock stock and barrell to Dingwall....... Sigh --if it is not Romanov it's Dodi--I like that guy; he thinks the Royals are living in the 16th Century and speaks his mind without fear or favour. :022:
  16. Hear Hear! Thank you Charlie for your passion, eloquence and drive and the team for all their teamwork and hard work. Another enjoyable season with it's share of drama and changes. Scarlet
  17. Personally speaking, Jock, the Pimple is very impressed with such an idyllic ,euphoric, rendering to the usually more down- to- earth IHE and his grasp of vocabularly is similarly impressive. Hoch! Hoch! P.S. In Ukraine I am informed that football is a real hacking dirty game--it's the ever present risk of starvation that does it--that and the lack of an imbedded welfare state. LOL. S :crazy07:o these boys should fit right in to the SPL. :crazy07: :clapping03:
  18. Eh? :029: So I'm a Canajin......so? I ncan say "eh" asny time I please and IHE can have wet or other exotic dreams any time he wants --'cos they are entertaining LOL :clapping03:
  19. According to the BBC he was not so terrible. Had a fair bit of success saving two teams form relgation and was instrumental in taking one into the Premiership as I recall. Very well loved player, very "bouncy" personality, highly skilled without pace but did not need it since his skill was outstanding. Initially a grafter and a tousy fearless fighter he developed into "the best one touch player" around towards the end of his career. His International career was cut short at one point for an unspecified reason. In 2005 he auctioned off his World Cup medals and some other ones for approximately $120,000 pounds to help his family. :023:
  20. Maybe that's because he has been on this site an awful lot longer than you S :029:
  21. A left winger who hugs the touchline and has a good cross on him......? Behave yourself, you are getting carried away. Good heavens man, such an industrious smart player and entertainment went out years ago. Wheest! Your statement may now be politically incorrect--it's now all about one touch, right and left channels, 4 X 4's(sorry, 4, 3, 3 or is it 4,4,2) and plastic corner flag posts. Sigh--I long for the good old days and mazy touchline runs. :002:
  22. Yep, Mantis-- more life in this joke: Two men walking down Inglis street with a buxom blonde in tight attire walking just ahead of them...... "Hey Jimmie, " says one " do you see that, man?" "Aye" says number two "it's like two ferrets fighting in a hankie" :004: :016:
  23. IHE--the way you are treated sometimes is daunting. I was just finished having a good belly laugh when my parade of empathy was rained on and now I am depressed again. Ha! Ha! :009: :006: :005: :016:
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