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Everything posted by Caley

  1. Cove away for me. I've never got over Caley being knocked out of the Qualifying Cup there in 1990 at the time when qualifying for the Scottish Cup proper was a massive thing for the club. Haven't been to Allan Park since and would love to go back and give them a doing for old times sake.
  2. Totally agree with that. Giving the Vs to your customers (who pay your salary) is indefensible. Guess what would happen to most of us if we did that in our work? :sillywave:
  3. I don't care if he never scores for us, fact is we play far better when he's in the team. Contrast the passing game we played today with the long ball tosh played against Motherwell. Defence did ok today, but we definitely rode our luck in the 2nd half. McGuire playing a 1-2 with Fraser's right-hand post for example. Most disappointing thing for me was Fraser's kicking. He made a fair number of unforced errors and needs to work on this part of his game.
  4. Think Dan is only 11 or thereabouts so a bit of leeway may need to be afforded to him. Dan - I would be delighted with 8th this season. :021:
  5. Spot on Scotty. Everyone who supports ICT is entitled to air their opinions on this forum, whether they be positive, negative or indifferent. There will always be conflicts, that's life. Were it not for this forum, how would a disgruntled fan make his feelings known to those that run the club? Ring up Bennett and give him an earful? Don't think that's going to happen. This is the platform for the fans (unofficial shareholders of the company) to make their feelings known to those that run the club, and long may it continue.
  6. It's a very good point and one which has not been broached so far. It's all very well fannying about this season safe in the knowledge that Gretna are doomed to relegation, but when Hamilton/Dundee/St Johnstone/Morton come up we cannot afford to do that.
  7. Can you really blame Bayne for this? Surely the guys who keep hoofing hopeful long balls up to him rather than picking a pass are to blame. Maybe I have been a bit hard on Bayne. He certainly deserves some criticism though for the persistent fouling which led to his entirely deserved and completely expected sending off, leaving us with a mountain to climb to get something out of the game. As a family we pay ?60 - ?70 a game to (hopefully) be entertained and I reserve the right to be highly p1ssed off when a player lets us down with a performance like that.
  8. We had 19 points after 13 games last season. 4 wins (only 1 more than this season so far) and a **** of a lot of draws. We only lost 1 of our first 12 matches though. So much for being "notorious slow starters". We certainly weren't last season.
  9. I didn't see any evidence of that on the pitch today. We were just awful, pish, crap, tosh.....bad day at the office for most of the team. If you'd managed to see a bit more of the Falkirk game you would have seen that the team spirit is still very much there. It's a credit to the players that no matter how 5hit they are all playing, there was no carping or laying blame at each other. Surely now Brewster knows that Niculae & Wyness are the automatic choices for the front two. The midfield looks fine, and if he can sort out the defence and get a decent keeper in January then we will be ok.
  10. [img width=210 height=210]http://www.ictfc.premiumtv.co.uk/javaImages/e2/54/0,,10447~2970850,00.jpg [img width=210 height=210] [img width=210 height=210]http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/textb/images/Banjo.jpg
  11. I cannot imagine any scenario where Bayne is the better option to Niculae. Brian Clough used to say something like - "Being a successful manager is easy. All you have to do is sign good players." Niculae is a good player. Bayne is not End of.
  12. Oddly enough we started playing 5hit when Brewster broke up the Niculae/Wyness partnership and started playing that numpty Bayne. Funny eh?
  13. Nope. Bayne is just pure pish. Our passing game goes out the window when he plays and it's the same old long ball crap again. Brings nothing to the team apart from elbows and maybe winning the odd header. Deservedly sent off for persistent fouling and he's now banned thank feck. Hope it's a long time before I see him start for us again. Marius actually showed some drive and determination in the 15 mins he had, but the game was well lost by then...
  14. Ross Tokely was a central midfielder a la Blackie when he signed for us from Huntly as a 17-year-old. He was originally played in that position, though he suffered a back injury in only his second game for us, a pre-season friendly away to Peterhead in the Buchan Cup, which ruled him out for the remaining pre-season. Can't remember exactly when he switched to RB, but must have been around the time Iain MacArthur (who was a fantastic RB and would easily get into our first team if he were playing now) had to give up through injury.
  15. The words "red", "rag" & "bull" spring to mind... :shooting05: :steward:
  16. Very unfair. We shipped 14 goals in the 6 SPL games that Richard didn't start this season. Hardly rock solid without him. The defensive problems are behind and to the right of Richard.
  17. Reading this thread prompted me to go an get LSM out of the loft for a read. Still funny 17 years on! image002.jpg_thumb
  18. I see you've dropped the BBC MoM today. :017:
  19. The club are raking in 10's of thousands every season from the ?2 charge to use the car park. Must be ?20000 anyway per season by my crude estimates. This money should be spent on improving this facility on behalf of the fans who use it and not directed elsewhere. Can't see drainage being a major problem with the Firth a stone's throw away. Ice rink in Winter? Doubt it being so close to sea level and even if it was we have a decent amount of road salt behind the away stand. :003:
  20. CAR PARK - Open for 11 years and hasn't been improved one bit. Could put up with lack of tarmac and lengthy queues when it was free, but not now that there's a charge. All the revenue brought in by charging for car parking should be spent on improving the car park, then we might feel like we are getting value for money. FOOD KIOSKS - No better than they were in 1996. In fact, they're probably worse. Not the tastiest pies you've ever eaten, assuming they actually have any left.
  21. It really pains me to say this, but I'm starting to think you are right about Marius. Beautiful footballer to watch with a fantastic touch, but it all amounted to very little. I really, really hope he can up his game as he's a player I love to watch, but many more ineffectual performances like today's and he may find he starts on the bench for a bit. That's the 4th time I've seen him play and it was the least impressed I've been with him. Not having a go at Marius here, as more than any other player we have I want him to do well, but he needs to put some more effort into his performances.
  22. I would disagree here. He's an employee of the club 12 months of the year not 10. He is still being paid during the Summer by the club, so I can't see how it makes any difference. If I was done for GBH, drink-driving, rape, murder etc, and the very leniant Judge didn't throw me in jail, I don't think I'd keep my job just because I happened to be on a day off when I committed the offence. It all comes down to how seriously the Club view the offence and not about when it was committed.
  23. I think it will be our major sponsors who will decide Richie's fate. On the playing side he's not an automatic starter so I don't think CB will have a strong opinion one way or another. However, if our major backers get twitchy over Richie then it will be ta-ta.
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