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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. So Bayne has averaged approx ?50.00 a goal and ............... and what about assists ? :rotflmao:
  2. My apologies to the main moderators who have worked tiredlessly to keep this hip afloat. Merry Xmas to Scotty and Don. [img width=500 height=411]
  3. But is their any clear evidence for or against ?
  4. Here is the pair of specs you left behind on Saturday.
  5. I dont think Bayne will get a start - he has been getting a lot of bad press recently, especially on here.
  6. I will be watching from a telescope on the top of the Empire State Building.
  7. :rotflmao: I put in "Made in Inverness - ICT". :001:
  8. My Xmas spirit is high !! I am an intuitive individual and I can sense the unrest. Thought that I would try and put it to be before Santa arrives. :001:
  9. There have been comments on this forum. I find you inflatable and thats not debatable. :blah01:
  10. Just fer you MT4J. :sillywave: Once upon a time in a poor country in the East a young man called Marius played footall, barefooted in the back streets of Buckfest. He dreamed of playing for his beloved Transylvannia and starring fer a big team in the West. Then one day a dodgy travelling salesman called Savage and his astute associate Grasser, helping spend their companys' funds on a jolly, spotted young Marius. "Lets take him back to Sneck and turn him into a Local Hero just like Davide Xausa". They gave Mrs Niculae a fiver and the deal was done. Marius was so grateful and so excited but he quickly discovered that there were as many ogres as elves in the fabled land of Sneck. He met the main man-ager of Sneck United, Charlie Carioli, but within days there was a breakdown. "Shrek" Park took over the reins until Savage and Grasser unveiled King Brew - who had been in cold storage, in a designer suit, fer 6 months. The other lads in Sneck United frowned at the arrival of the new Local Hero - Marius got a few Black looks and there was a russeling of discontent. The vibes hit the streets and poor Marius found himself to be the focus of unwanted attention. He was quickly adopted by a small band of blind grinches who lived in a nearby Ivory Tower. Chris123 and davieb were nominated as main guardians by the powerful Stevieco. But as the days progressed Marius showed little signs of his magical talents and the good peeple of Sneck grew uneasier. A coven of witches turned on him - Sophia and Mee were livid whilst the gender bender Johnboy furiously stirred the cauldron. The main old hag Eliza however appeared unmoved although she was keener on watching the younger boys. And then,from the depths of the land (Chorley) came King Rat - "Fee Fi Fo Fum - I smell the blood of a Romanian" (Yes he did - No he didnt). King Rat had come to Sneck to rid the land of the wastrel from the East. King Rat soon amassed support but the blind grinches from the Ivory Tower became equally staunch in their defence. They called in the Fat Slags - Scotty and CaleyD - who decreed that King Rat should be shackled and gagged and earmarked Mann4thejob as the man fer the job. Despie their evident feelings fer King Rat the trampled womenfolk on the Board of Moderators gave in to the power of masculinity. Meanwhile poor Marius continued to struggle but he begn to show signs of recovery as the weeks progressed. Caley100 swayed in support, Yngwie and Mantis joined the moderating throng of togetherness but Naelifts knew a feckin casualty when he saw one. Then even Section G began to chant his name. Perhaps the worm/snail had turned ? Fans from all over the globe joined in to the debate. Wandere began to treat him as an old china, Gabby called him Sheila, SP mused theatrically and Jock Watt was incontinent. Even the wise Old man from Berkshire was intrigued. AND THEN ON DECEMBER 25th 2007 A FECKIN MIRACLE HAPPENED !!!! :crazy07: :crazy07: King Rat awoke from a sewer in Chorley and was blinded by a solitary Star in the Lancashire skies. He jumped on the back of Gringo's moped and they sped North in pursuit of the star. They only stopped briefly in Govan fer a refreshment and crooned to the sounds of Alex McLeod has they weaved towards Sneck. The star finally came to rest on a luxurious stable where the young Marius lay in the manger. There was no room in the Nip Inn and no sign of the virgin Buffy but the Paulie B's gave King Rat is refuge. And then the Northern lights exploded in the skies of the Moray Firth and two lightning bolts ignited simultaneoulsy on the hearts of Marius and King Rat. They would be entwined as soulmates fer ever. Within days Section G was singing "Its magic you know - we gone and done 10 in a row", Marius had grabbed three hat tricks, Johnboy and IHE had started up a local Marius fan club whilst only the eternal witches Sophia and Mee remained dubious. Later that year Marius lifted the Scottish Cup, starred fer Transylvannia in the European Championships and led Sneck United into Europe. And they all lived happily ever after. AND IF THAT AINT A FAIRY TALE ENDING I WILL LICK AFF MA TATTOO. :022: Merry Xmas and a Hapy New Year - Ah well - Back into Moderation. :023:
  11. Thank you both fer your support. I knew I was right. It may be Brews'choice but is this forum not for views and debate - or have I been in moderation for too long. :001:
  12. I speak from the streets dude. :sillywave: And that is the kind of topic that is discussed at the games and evidently hs aroused some intelligent discourse and debate - apart from the two grinches. Read between the lines peeple and read my post again. :blah01:
  13. [img width=500]http://eurovisionhouse.webcindario.com/Euro%202004/escfrance.gif LOOK AT THE FECKIN COLOURS DUDES - It is our chance of European glory - Lets form a rock band and dress up and sing like yon Lordi - call ourselves Orion -and get Alex McLeod to write the song - we could even tap into the Eastern European vote. :001: [img width=500 height=319]http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/71183320.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19390335F8FA9CA92A693A9D1D3E48D567878A0E721FD50 B7AE
  14. C/O The Ivory Tower. [img width=500 height=375]http://www.homestead.com/NEVERENDINGSTORYVAN/IVORY_TOWER.JPG The term Ivory Tower designates a world or atmosphere where intellectuals engage in pursuits that are disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life. As such, it has a pejorative connotation, denoting a willful disconnect from the everyday world; esoteric, over-specialized, or even useless :crazy07: :sillywave:
  15. I just feel that I have to say a few things on behalf of Graham Bayne. He appears to be the latest in line for more than his fair share of criticism and/or negative comments. It would appear that all of a sudden Bayne is not up to playing in the SPL, is the proverbial "donkey", is a liability due to his over agressive approach and is good enuff for late substitute apppearances only. :024: Bayne is 100% committed to ICT - he has his red mists - he looks awkward and may not be the most naturally talented of individuals. But remember the early days of the SPL when he ploughed a lone furrow away from home and was probably one of the main reasons that we survived the first season. I thought that he had a fine game recently at Ibrox and he appears to be suffering badly from the constant Niculae comparisons and his particular performance in the Muvversmell debacle. Personally I would play Bayne from the start in the away fixtures - He is mobile; he can run daft fer 90 minutes; he keeps defenders on their toes; he is quite useful in the air and he CAN hold up the ball well. He may not have the sublime touch but he can score goals as well. Another Local Hero who is being wronged - give the lad a deserved break - Merry Xmas Mr Bayne and I sincerely hope that you will be part of the scheme of things for a few more years yet.
  16. Lets put our hands up - our prices are absolutely ridiculous. I can often get my family into away games at 50-60% the cost of home games. Killie charged ?11.00 for an adult and two kids the season before last in a late season game. We dont even do that.
  17. Errrrrrrr no. We were under the cosh as soon as Blackie was replaced. Simple as that. We started to lose the midfield battle from that moment. So we should have hooked Marius instead ? Must be some view fom the Ivory Tower :001: CD - Brew is history; Deano is gone - one forward on his way.
  18. That is why the window is soooooooooo important.
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