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Everything posted by Kirishima

  1. I used to be a member of the SNP and wore Scotland t-shirts sent to me in Japan for my birthday, and spent hours lecturing Japanese on how it was wrong to have one word for England and the UK, "igirisu" and how when i said "im from Scotland" and they'd reply "England?" and i'd get annoyed. But then I read Noam Chomsky and Manufacturing Consent, and chilled out a bit. I studied History, and that got me riled up a bit, but then you realise that lines on maps and wars in olden times aren't that important. The only thing that I don't like is the huge overreaction and hysteria and frenzy of English media over sport...it is provoking non-English into a reaction. The BBC is supposed to be neutral, yet employs idiots, and i mean idiot, like Ian Wright to cater to the people who buy the Sun and go around drunkenly declaring their passion for their country, singing England til I die, but couldnt tell you one meaningful fact about their country. It is the whipping up of these people by the media in order to increase consumption of their product that has created an anti-English reaction. I'm not saying Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Brazilian, etc, are better or worse, but I am saying that most of Europe does not enjoy the goading and gloating before, during, and after. I was at the last World Cup, and was horrified by what I saw. Horrified.
  2. So basically HC are going to oversee Clach being wound up. What happens then? Inverness City in Highland league? Seems a bit of a silly waste, surrely yhey could support Clach and recoup in 10-15 years
  3. That's true, aussies rivalry with the english isn't great at the best of times...Terry seems to like the Scottish game, it perhaps mirrors his own style, no nonsense, old-fashioned, hard kind of football. The opposite of Mowbray even. Overall I'd say Terry is adept at motivation, giving good pep talks, and instilling belief. If a team or group of players, Brentford for example, rail against that influence, it can spell disaster. But in a team like ICT, where they believe in their manager, it can reap rewards. Maybe thats why several players, vigurs etc, were shipped out.
  4. I'm not surprised by that, he can barely walk these days. Maybe he did need more time but he didn't help his own cause due to the fact that his attitude stank - at Sydney especially. His record at Brentford was almost identical to that of Brewster at DUFC, but he was also very annoyed by the fact that the players there couldn't play at the same level that he used to. Sydney was a different thing altogether. Butcher was described as having "imperial arrogance" and arrived with an attitude of "I'm English so I know best. You're Australians, what do you know?" Completely stupid thing to do anywhere but Australia especially. He was then appropriately and justifiedly booted back to Britain. Well, i'm not privy to that information, but as far as ICT has gone, he seems to have kept his cool, respected the club and fans (even if he did lose his cool with some fans which I can understand) and been pretty articulate and level-headed. In that respect, we should judge him, not on past hearsay. I don't get the impression Butcher is arrogant. Passionate and a winner yes, but not arrogant. I've spent a lot of time with Aussies, and they are bristly as well, so it could have been a bad combination rather than the onus all on Terry? Just hypothesising..
  5. Butcher has been unlucky. Coventry he did well enough, and shouldn't have been sacked. Sunderland, Brentford, Sydney, he wasnt given time, something he perhaps needed, especially as if you look at Motherwell, he did well... Didn't know he played for Clydebank and was asst coach at Partick Anyway, Butcher seems made for the Scottish game. If he gets ICT promoted, and does well in the SPL, Ipswich may be looking at him after the Keane saga...
  6. I wonder if cost has anything to do with it. In Germany its well cheap. Not in the UK. If ICT was 10 quid adults, 5 quid kids and concessions, would it be a full house? I doubt it... Fiorentina is a good shout. But Norwich, Newcastle and Hull are very loyal fans. Maybe best in Britain?
  7. No progress will be made til the voting is sorted out Votes currently need 10 for to pass, any less, it doesn't pass (i may be wrong on this...) So a 16-team league would be opposed by Dundee Utd, Celtic and Rangers, Hibs, Hearts, and Motherwell. Simply because they would lose money from not playing OF as much. The other teams usually at the relegation end would welcome it for obvious reasons... Probably 80 per cent of fans would support it, however, it is probably unlikely to pass under SPLvoting rules. Thw whole football hierarchy needs changed, especially at SFA level.
  8. Correct.... We've all loved him from the moment he arrived here. No one doubted his ability for one minute. Nope. Not even once...but seriously, he was very well received apart from a month or two, but he was just following the path of Alex F as were ICT fans follwing the path of Man U fans...
  9. Big Tel is a class act, all round good egg, and nothing like the Richard Goughs or Mark Hateleys of old :D Aberdeen may well go down this season. All the teams they'll be playing will fancy their chances, and morale must be zero at Aberdeen where the only decent players are wee lads. I still think St Mirren or Falkirk.
  10. Yes thankyou Andycam for doing this, it's great stuff. Very much appreciated and the quality and sound is par excellence! Thank you very much. If you ever shoot a movie, i'll go and see it...as long as it's clean! And thank you to the club. It's great to see this so thanks..and more please!
  11. Thanks again to all involved. I sometimes wait weeks for a reply to an e-mail from multinationals, yet you guys can get video footage up within 48 hrs, excellent stuff and very much appreciated. Many chances for ICT and some very nice goalkeeping from the QoS keeper, encouraging stuff. Rooney was very careful not to get ruled offside for the 3rd, their defenders seemed dead on their feet, perhaps from being kept busy all aftyernoon. QoS had a fair few chances too though, so a very good result.
  12. I see. As Gretna were at Fir Park, was there anything to do with minimum seating, undersoil heating, etc etc. I have no idea... By the way, congratulations on your win!! :(
  13. Wouldn't ever shout for them, cou;dn't do that, so agree there. But by the same measure, I was happy for them to beat Celtic as they are an underdog, and i like to see the status quo broken, and see an upset. I wish them well, but i am not rooting for them in the final or wanting them to get into europe before ICT do. I just don't hate them in such a way as I wasn't unhappy to see Celtic lose, as the OF win lots and are usually shoe-ins. I do wonder tho if the scenario of RC in Europa league would mean them asking ICT to play their eurpean games at Caledonian? Ah yes, the Roy Bridge contingent only had a couple, with a lot coming from South laggan and Invergarry. That was because Glengarry had no youth team.
  14. He is a tool Young, how I can know that from last season and he doesn't just shows how much of an expert he is. What a joke of a man.
  15. As a fellow Lochaber man, though I've been away from there for a good few years, I know I should understand the question but, maybe the Invergarry dialect is not as well understood by a Speanite. What the feck you mean? Why would TCS host a County game? And what game you referring to? I played for Lochaber shinty, the pride of Spean! Yeah, i didn't clarify that well. What im wanting to know is, if RC won the final, and had europa league qualifying fixtures, Vic Park isn't up to UEFA standards or is it? If it isn't would they play the fixture at Caledonian stadium? That would be interesting....is ICT's stadium readyok for that?
  16. Nah, Falkirk to go down for me. Aberdeen would be better off getting relegated, it needs a complete overhaul. McGhee has players who are so inconsistent, or lazy, or both. Aberdeen seem to be a magnet for them.
  17. me too, me too, it's like crack, but i'll be patient, as if it was me, you could expect them a month next friday! Actually, i'm really amazed how it's done. I mean, home and away, getting main stand centre position, with a big camera, plus editing, etc...how did these guys pull it off?? It's a mammoth achievement in terms of orgainsation and logistics
  18. It's the same old rubbish from Birdog a.k.a the only "real" fan of ICT. Birddog "I wish I had gone over the bridge at the merger. They really do have a more "football fan" like following than the ultra-PC up their own @r$es shyte we seem to have been saddled with." It's like groundhog day with you. You stuck Rev infront of your name after again pushing it with people on this forum but it's the same old nonsense from you. You think the answer to everything is to swear and condascend And, if things don't go your way, personal insults, including on this topic saying i wasn't intelligent enough to have a conversation with. What kind of response is that? I said my hometown was the highlands and you reply with that? I went to school in Fort William, grew up in Invergarry, lived in Inverness, and now Skye. Course i don't think Highlands and Islands is a town, but as usual, that;s your favourite post, isn't it? I'm sorry you have been saddled with fans that are "...ultra-PC up their own @r$es shyte" but last i heard you weren't ICT so you can get off your soap box bleating about how everyone else apart from you is a part-timer. Anyway, you can continue insults as much as you want, but i won't be posting re this again. Right, its Dun Utd! if RC win, would Caledonian stadium host their game??
  19. Yes, it's the board's responsibility to deal with contracts and such like. If ICT have the top performers leaving it wont do much for morale. I reckon TB should be given the resources he needs, in terms of players. However, there will be teams in the SPL looking at Rooney, Foran, Hayes for sure now.
  20. If Clach were in the final we'd all go i think? It's the fact that RC have become the closest ever to being above ICT that is causing an intensity of feeling towards them. Personally, i keep my attitude towards them the same as when ICT were in SPL and they were in Div 2...i.e. pretty nonchalant. County came close to eclipsing ICT this season...promotion and europe. As long as they never get to the SPL, they have no bragging rights. Still a diddy team :P
  21. Basically it is thus. I don't mind RC doing well in the cup, for ICT will be promoted. Joe Di Maggio has some good points though and it is food for thought. Do i choose the Highlands over the central belt? Yes. If that makes me prejudiced so be it. Revbirdog, you prefer the central belt or are completely neutral? You want to prove a point by making me out to be prejudiced because i believe there's too much concentration of assets in the central belt, and that there is a disparity. The very fact that SNH is based in the city shows that i'm not the only one. I can't see where your argument on this lies. Yes, i am prejudiced for the highlands. I have a preference for the highlands. I like the highlands more than the central belt. It is what i feel. There are many who prefer the central belt to the highlands. There are many who like them equally. Let's not get lost in the fact that you despise RC as you have stated over and over, and seem to be fixated on them in an unhealthy way. I cannot foathom out why you have such a venomous hatred towards them, as opposed to the banter that I and most others do. If your response is something to do with my intellectual level, then fine. I'm not above nor below anyone.
  22. I like the analogy, but its too simplistic. Let me explain my leanings and, right or wrong, you'll know my feelings on it" Underdogs I always like a David v Goliath battle, as do many. It's the Susan Boyle, Buster Douglas, etc effect. Central Belt A lot of the power, money, control, focus, spendng, resources, riches are given to central belt teams, for many a reason,some fair, some not. It is good that things don't always go that way, and I enjoy a variety of riches. Highlands I could wax on about this but suffice to say that i love the area, and that includes not begrudging a highlands team victory where it doesn't directly affect ICT (i do however very much like Joe Di Maggio's post and was quite enlightening) Now, that may be taken as whatever by whomever, but that's why i didn't begrudge county their victory.
  23. Ok Jean Brodie, dry your eyes! :D No, i see my hometown as the Highlands and Islands. As such, I'm happy for RC to progress to the final against a Goliath team on 2 counts: they are from my hometown, a natural reaction, one would say...and i love an underdog. There, i've said it. Not off topic at all, very much on topic. You are off topic this is not a topic on the semi final, it is a topic on the up and coming final. So you are saying... The Highlands are a town? I think I shall have to talk to someone else with a higher intelligence level, you really do make no sense at all!!! Ok, well won argument, i'm too thick to talk to you. I make no sense at all. Fair enough. Anyway, if RC were to win the final, they'd have to play where? Hypothetically speaking?
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