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Everything posted by Kirishima

  1. I imagine this is not a new thought in DFS's mind. However, it may alert certain people/start the ball rolling. Why not be proactive? People tend to come when they feel wanted. Urs Schwarzenbach, of Ben Alder Estate, Inverness-shire has over ?800 million apparently. Also owns a polo team. Interest in owning sporting teams... Seriously though, I do think that Inverness may have an advantage over other clubs in attracting a potential backer. The club is debt free by and large, a major stumbling block for others, its location in the millionaire's playground (hunting estate territory, owners of tetra pak and above and Mr Trump) and the "free" price tag...
  2. Had it been on ITV I could see the reasoning, but not the BBC. Even the antiques roadshow has slim pickings some weeks but the show must go on! Had the OF been playing each other in a sole game of the weekend, would they have showed it... Yes.
  3. Pretty raging about this. Everything I heard indicated a 16-team format was what was wanted. But of course, no, a 10 team league. We had that!!! Waste of time, I thought Doncaster had some gumption. Here's hoping it's booted out.
  4. Fukuoka, Japan and Shanghai, China where i've lived. One country was great, one was like a car crash. Wore my ICT top in Japan. Inverness have still to make a name here, many fans know Gers, Celtic, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd, but struggle after that. Need to buy a Japanese player - then the media would go crazy, show ICT games, interviews, documentaries, etc etc etc. A washing line !!!!!!
  5. Everyone was talkimg about TB and the Dons...but not about Well. I doubt it's a step-up, but former managers etc.. Motherwell should have had Brown and Knox on contracts by now. Boyle is bitter because he's looking the fool, by fsiling to do his job properly.
  6. It is believed Pardew became close friends with Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and director Derek Llambias when all three were familiar faces at an exclusive London casino where Llambias was managing director. Mike Ashley: Owner of NUFC Llambias: Managing Director Alan Pardew: Friend. Three buddies looking after themselves. It's like Gazza, Chris Evans, and Danny Baker!!! Absolute joke of a man, and board. They are parasites.
  7. Mike Ashley is such a git. IT's more than harsh - that's an owner who is out of control. The fans should have forced him out by now - he's a joke.
  8. England didn't get it because they aren't liked by FIFA,for a long list of reasons, some fair, some not. So the others were always in with a better chance, and two were sharing, not popular. Easy decision. Qatar is a weird one, as Australia were ignored, and I dont know why.
  9. Keane is still there because a couple of wins and then Ipswich would be close to the playoff zone. How they beat West Brom i'll never know, Priskin was a disaster. Preston, Leicester and Watford will seal his fate either way. I would think Terry would be a candidate if Keane went, and it's not a bad team they've got - they need a man-manager, to instill confidence... However, let's all hope Keane stays!!!
  10. Willie McStay must be deeelighted Brewster "stepped down" (Scotsman) "quits" (P&J) as to have Mr Brewster as asst. manager reminds me of a Annie Lennox song. Not bothered whether he quit or was forced out, and no personal grudge against him, but it's obvious he just doesnt have what it takes. And I cant see why he thought he should get the county job, he is a fitness coach at best.
  11. TB is free to do whatever he wants to do or doesnt want to do, as it will not be with the Dons. He is a living God and he will certainly not be touching a leper colony like Pittodrie. Not worried at all.
  12. Can we not get him done for slander/ wasting police time/ etc etc?
  13. Am watching video on FIFA website....Russia and Australia for me. Gotta give it to big countries who have never had it. Only fair. Mind you, England WC would give Scotland a nice tourism boost!
  14. On their site, IIRC, Adam was 50k, 75k after appearences etc, and had a sell-on clause. Didnt mention a buy back clause, but may well be in there. I agree with Sorted, Adam will have plenty of suitors come January, however will they be attractive propositions. For example, if Hearts, Crystal Palace or Sheff utd came in would they really excite him? I'd imagine he'll be looking at getting premiership football with a newly promoted team, so it depends on the calibre of club that comes in...hopefully Mowbray, Burley and DFerguson make bids to make him stay!!!
  15. As it stands in the championship, there are several teams in with a shout of the playoffs. In terms of league goals scored in order of league position after 19 games: QPR (35) Cardiff (34) Swansea (24) Derby (33) Norwich (31) Coventry (27) Burnley (30) Leeds (32) Nottm Forest (21) Doncaster (30) Pure conjecture, but i'd imagine Swansea and Nottm Forest will be in the market for a striker and the only kind of club with matching ambitions. Swansea are having terrible scoring problems, a winger is their top scorer with 8 league goals in 16 games, with Stephen Dobbie behind with 4. Craig Beattie has 1. Nottm Forest have some bigger name strikers who prob wouldnt make way. So, I'd say Swansea is the only real potential destination. Hopefully, Rooney will stay, Foran, Hayes, a record breaking season, Terry, belief, the fans, playing time, Maurice, euro push...sign another year!!!
  16. Kirishima


    What other team has had a player that has been with only one professional club and with that club has played in every professional division of that club's football association? And what other top division team in the world has a starting player that once played for...Fort William? ICT....unique.
  17. SPLturnover.bmp Season 2007/2008: ICT and St Mirren had similar attendances for that year. ICT had the lowest wage bill overall (1.4m )but in real wage/turnover ratio terms 62% making it 4th highest behind Hearts (124%), St Mirren (74%), Motherwell (73%). Most striking was the jump in annual wages from 2007 to 2008 by £150,000. Our bottom line was reduced by £700,000, which would have been more without the sale of Marius. A £432,000 loss before tax therefore that year. To sum up, now, i reckon we'd be 9th, well ahead of Accies, and above St Johnstone, and St Mirren (just) and near Motherwell . However, 2.3m turnover in 07/08 could be eclipsed in 10/11 if attendances stay high, (9th in SPL at 5030 avg) a good Scottish Cup run materialises, and there's a healthy league finish. Player sales could elevate that however, that's not a factor i'd want to take into consideration. Profitable year, if wages are no more than £1m, even before taking into consideration a good league finish and cup run... From PWC PDF and SPL website
  18. It was me. My defence counsel has made this statement below: "The post used a comparison that bore no relation to the topic in question, and my client felt that any point discussed on ICT, when compared to such serious matters as death, would naturally pale in comparison, thus making it a moot point." You have 28 days to appeal. :)
  19. The referees have a helluva time. I refereed once, in high school, biggest mistake ever. Referees dont make mistakes on purpose. Im sure they'd be the first to adopt technology, they're not allowed. How much does a ref get for a game? Not a lot i'd wager. Mr MacDonald made a panicked error - geez, a lot of people here must be very sage and wise to be calling for his head...witchunts will only drive numbers down. Solution: pay refs 2 grand a game...then we'll have a bigger, better, more competitive pool to pick from. I'm surprised they can muster up 12 as it is.
  20. Esson!! What on earth is Bell in there for? And why only two goalkeepers? But yes, ICT at the moment arent a rich vein forthe Scotland squad, but come the next world cup, Nick Ross will be leading the line!
  21. Over-indulgence, fire numerous people (without having to follow labour laws or pay compensation) and leave however many small businesses out-of-pocket in their wake, and just get a 10pt penalty? What do the Dundee fans think has just happened? This is a criminal club. Tax crime. Fraud. They have fraudulently attempted to get into the SPL. And Dee4Lie are just as culpable. Now they want to screw over the other SFL clubs again!! No shame.
  22. No sympathy. Tax evasion, deliberately and purposely done to try and cheat ICT last year and now Raith, Dunfermline, etc to the SPL. It is simply wreckless egotistical criminal ownership and they have no one to point the finger at than themselves the day they decided to forego a tax bill and instead buy more players or steal a player from another team with money that was not theirs. It's fraud, and should be treated as so.
  23. Sorry, going to be a miser here, IHE's posts and this one are akin to the The Onion and Daily Mash, i.e.spoofs, but I find it kind of annoying. once, maybe, twice, ok, but the forum is getting lots of these "stories" now - so much so I'm not sure if the real news is real anymore. While once, if someone posted a rumour, the mods would have moved it quicker than lightning, spoofs, seem to be exempt. For me, the increasing number of spoofs kind of damages the flow and integrity of the site. Just my own feeling and I may very well be alone in it!! You are more than welcome to your "fer **** sake mun, get a grip" and "lighten up" posts but it is just one opinion, on something trivial in itself...
  24. One of the best things about being back in the SPL is all the media coverage, today I read FourFourTwo. Some of the best bits from the piece was that "Terry Butcher has a decidely mixed managerial record , but does seem to thrive in places where he feels he's wanted and can indulge in his underdog mentality..." and "They should have enough experience and quality in their ranks to retain top-flight status." I won't go into detail, but Fan's View from Murray Considine only had Terry Butcher as 8/10 in terms of popularity. Hamilton's fan gave 11/10...i'm sure that's probably on the wane as is Houston's 10/10. He also picked Rooney and Tokely as players ICT had to keep as his wish. I'd have said Hayes...but tough if back then it was just two to choose from. I'd have given TB 10/10...anyone else?
  25. Cardiff defaulting on payment to Motherwell for 6-7months now for the 180,000 quid remaining of the Paul Quinn transfer. Cardiff, and especially Dave Jones, are very arrogant and incorrectly trying to dress it up as a PR stunt from Motherwell. I wonder of more and more Scottish clubs will suffer similar problems, as more and more Championship teams juggle their books to have their cake and eat it. I'd hope that if ever ICT sold a player to Cardiff, or indeed any club in financial bother, they'd ensure it was payment up-front. I'm sure it will be settled eventually, but is this a sign of things to come? Championship clubs buying players from Scottish teams and then defaulting? That's one team I hope won't be getting promoted...
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