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Everything posted by Sorted

  1. What is ridiculous is that English students expect to attend Scottish Universities for free when they have to pay to attend their own.
  2. A pal of mine, Davie, is coming up from Glasgow to watch the County tomorrow. Obviously a tad depressed! He is very critical of the manner in which his club have failed to develop any talent through their much heralded youth system since Aiden McGeady and little in years before that. We had a 'heated debate' and came to the conclusion that the club needs to take a lot more responsibility than they do and that blaming the lure of cash from 'down Souffffff' is too easy. Our clubs don't give any opportunity to youngsters any more? Arsene Wenger has played 15 year olds for Arsenal and there are numerous examples of youngsters coming off the bench for clubs all over Europe except here. Why is it only in times of crisis that we blood youngsters? How will the ever be good enough or gain experience if we don't play them? Davie reckons that the Islam Feroz story at Celtic is a prime example. Been at the club since he was very young, played in Tommy Burns Memorial match and is viewed as a huge prospect for club and country. Does he ever get near the bench? Winning 3-0 nil at home to Kille for example with 15 left why can't he get on? But no. Opportunity doesn't knock. Meantime a right big club come in and offer him huge money and he has the choice. Sit my arse and not get a game for Celtic for X or sit and my arse and not get a game for Chelsea for 100X? No brainer really. Celtic blame the player, his family, the agent and Tony Blair (he is, after all, to blame for most ills in the world today!) when in reality they should have a wee look in the mirror. Until our clubs have the balls to play youth through choice not necessity and all the pressures that brings we will continue to see the demise of our game. I think there are plenty willing to be developed Chief but very few coaches with the balls to allow it to happen. Whose fault is that?
  3. Alex, this is totally incorrect regarding La Liga. The TV deal is the subject of huge scrutiny at the moment as clubs object to Barca and RM having the right to virtually negotiate their own deals. The differential is ridiculous. Also how many teams start of the season believing they can win LA Liga........apart from Barca and RM? Malaga may do a Man City in time but not at the moment. Our league is pretty typical of most European leagues apart from...........the quality of the fare. This is far and away the most serious issue. Our product is rank rotten at every level from the national team down. Nothing to do with TV revenue as we still get more than many leagues that provide a much higher standard of product. The problems with Scottish football are far deeper than TV revenue and the OF. These are easy targets punted about by lazy journalists who don't want to seek out the truth just in case they offend friends in high places.
  4. I'm with Dougal on this as I thought Alex was giving us the statistics to reach the same conclusion he has without being too obvious. Fact is that in the games that WC (most appropriate initials eh?) has issued 3.19 yellow cards per game when ICT are not involved yet this jumps to 3.75 when we are. On the counter, the red cards are 0.33 when we are not involved and 0.25 when we are. Conclusion. WC loves giving yellow cards to us but not red...................
  5. Good for the Dutch. Nice to see that at least one governing body has the gumption to address such a lamentable performance. Can we do it? No Are we making progress? No (despite the protestations of our shagging legend goalkeeper a fortunate home point, even allowing for the ref as the stats prove, against the poorest Czech side in generations and a scraped win against Vilnius of Midlothian doesn't impress this poster) Will we make a set of finals in my lifetime? Probably not (unless we decide that the way out of our economic crisis is to undertake a programme of stadia builds throughout our nation and gain free entry as hosts) Am I bothered? Not hugely. Despite being a very patriotic Scot I can't get enthused about the 'national' team as most of those wearing the jersey have no connection with out wee country. Listening to that Lairg Legend Craig Mackail-Smith talking about 'us', 'we' etc on the radio the other night almost made me crash.
  6. Jack Ross and honest...........isn't that a contradiction? Anyone from Hartlepool?
  7. I have no problem with the way it is Dougal. Quite like the fact that the 'mods' can tell but we can't. Strengthens the rebellious nature inside me and feeds my paranoia .............. Good idea for a poll!
  8. Can't understand what all the fuss is. Education, including higher and further, comes under the control of the Scottish Parliament. The government that we elected (and unlike the Westminster elections we really did!) have chosen to subsidise fees for Scottish students. It has been identified as a clear priority by those in power and they are choosing to fund out of the settlement so kindly passed sown to the serfs from the laird's table. Now, because all English universities insist on charging everyone who attends their universities (as the body empowered to delivering education in their country doesn't see it as high up the list of priorities as, for example, funding soldiers to abuse Iraqis) some chose to label our government racist when, in reality, they should be praised for starting to reverse some of the despicable damage forced on our nation by Thatcher and her ******* love child Blair! Be clear about one thing. Not a single elected member coming from Scotland to Westminster has every opposed abolishing tuition fees for English students attending English universities. It isn't on the agenda as the English politicians do not view it as important. The LDs (Lib Dems or Lap Dogs you decide) once did but.........the lure of the chauffeur, company car and cosy flat proved too much. Delighted that some pompous individual from elsewhere in the UK is taking the issue to court. If it is ruled illegal, then the ability of any devolved part of a member EU state to vary their policies from elsewhere in the member state boundary must be under threat. It will cause mayhem throughout the territory. It will also stick another two points on the opinion polls for those supporting independence. Gae on yersel Rupert!
  9. The previous incumbent wasn't dealing with so many injuries and had an experienced SPL squad. We'll get there. Granted on the injuries but the fact that TB has such an inexperienced squad is his choice. This for me is what is the root cause of our current problem. Thanks for having the decency to reply to my post rather than just criticise. Good job I'm no a sensitive soul On a serious note, I am very worried about what this season has in store and do not share the 'blind belief' that often permeates through CTO. It's only 16 months ago since we beat Ayr by seven at Somerset Park. What has changed so dramatically since then? They, to the best of my knowledge, have not been acquired by the well heeled Sheik Ma Tadger and subject to significant investment? Can the only logical conclusion can be that we have declined so dramatically in this time scale?
  10. From memory, I've seen seen crowds of people with their shoes off and representatives of the supporters trust calling for a leader's head for a lot less than this .......... Perhaps we are on the verge of a second witch hunt or maybe a tad more decorum will be given to this incumbent than previous? I hope so.
  11. Not quite true Rene. Have a we bit of knowledge on this one as my mate taught him at secondary school and coached him at Tranmere with Kenny Shiels. He never had any intention of coming here and was pretty condescending about life/football in the Highlands. Hoped that as soon as he was on the verge of 'moving' up someone would come in and offer him something. He got his wish.
  12. Rene, have you gone to 'the book'?
  13. It's a pet name for him Alex. In his own mind when he plays, he's 'glad' all is 'well'...............
  14. What do you expect from Gary Gladwell's understudy?
  15. It is very interesting that you are able to judge the level of information and expertise that any poster has. What makes you believe that I express "ill informed opinions"? How do you know the "potential consequences" of these opinions? I am surprised that it is you, the poster who has chosen to defend Thomson and his right to remain in employment. the poster that has sought to mitigate his behaviour and the likelihood of re-offence, that has introduced paedophilia into the debate. Why have you deemed this necessary when others have not? Are you linking Thomson's crimes to paedophilia? Once again, this totally undermines your own argument. You have adopted the stance that he is a "silly wee boy" that has "made a mistake" and needs support and guidance not exclusion form society. Then you, not anyone else, chose to associate the "silly wee boy" that has "made a mistake" with paedophilia Little wonder people have concern eh? For the record for every individual working within the mental health sector (public and private) that believes that paedophilia can be treated, there are at least two that believe it can only be managed. No cure just control. I'll leave you to work out the merit or value of my opinion and whether it is based on over 25 years working in this field or just a hunch. I will not try to judge you through your posts though it would be very easy to do so.
  16. Thanks for apology, appreciate it. "Your kids would never have been in danger but now Thomson is unlikely to get his job back, he is unlikely to gain employment and has the next five years to spend mulling over his predicament, letting his mind run in overdrive and then disappear from the radar of all watching him, to god knows where, with god knows how many twisted thoughts running through his head for five years. Who knows he might even decide to move away from the community, which has ostrasised him, next door to you and you would never know." Apart from the remark that I am one of those "easily influenced persons" who "rise up in mock rage", the above is the part of your post which really contradicts your position. If I am understanding you properly (apologies if not) what you are saying is that unless we allow him to continue as normal he presents a risk. Read what you have written and explain to me why is does not give cause for concern?
  17. I look daft now............but (honestly ) the post I replied to has gone!
  18. I didn't realise that you had to have a degree in law to have an opinion worthy of consideration on a judgement. Just yesterday I was asked, by a firm of solicitors, to give an opinion on what a judgement meant operationally regarding a patent being pursued. The worth and merit of that opinion can then be discussed by those suitably qualified but the fact that it was requested must mean it has some value? If we follow your logic then, for example, only dentists should have opinions on teeth, sommeliers opinions on wine, parents opinions on children and, dare I say it, qualified coaches opinions on football. Interesting world you live in eh? For the record, any opinion you have has, in my opinion, some worth. It's good to have opinions but, more importantly the substance to back up what your opinion is based on. My opinion in this case is based on the flow of information within the public domain through all forms (and qualities) of media with particular attention being paid to the views of organisations such as Children 1st and the clear admission of guilt by Thomson. Taking this all into account and my natural instinct to protect my own as much as possible, I form the opinion I express above. What is your opinion based on?
  19. Frings and Koevermans are major signings. Must make a point of watching a bit more MLS as the standard must be a lot better than I thought. Good luck on Saturday!
  20. I agree that he should be suspended now pending an internal enquiry into his suitability to carry on in his position, given the fact the club are losing money through sponsorship and possible future fans due to the schools refusal to carry on with training days but the sherriff in the case stated that he was not considered a risk to children and imposed no restrictions on his working with children or vunerable adults. Also, there is a precident in law that everyone is innocent until proved guilty so if he was suspended when charged pending an internal inquiry and that inquiry forced his dismissal what would have happened if he had been found innocent? There are too many people with ill informed opinions ready to wreck careers. Public opinion, based on cherry picked facts and sensationalised journalism, is what has forced sponsors to withdraw. The legal expert who sat over the case decided on this man's ability to work with children but the tabloids, driven by sales, forced public opinion to drive him out of his career. Normally quite sympathetic to the viewpoint that tabloid journalism is an irresponsible vehicle that causes harm. Not in this case. As far as I'm concerned we have much to thank the "rags" for as they contributed significantly to having the abuser removed. As for the issue of legal fact, it is quite clear to me that the accused plead guilty to the charges that are well documented in the public domain. The judge punished accordingly and deem it necessary to place the guilty party on the SOR for a period of at least five years. For me, the case is quite clear: Charge, admission, guilt, punishment. No grey area for the tabloids to be allowed to manipulate, only public outrage at the stance and arrogance of both the guilty party and his employers. The tabloids have been the vehicle for this to be aired, not the driver. It appears that further cases are now being investigated with the likelihood of new charges a possibility. Are they down to the tabloids giving victims the confidence to come forward? I have not read the full judgement but will. If, as is suggested the judge has deemed him worthy of continuing to be in contact with children I will, as a parent of four, be very disappointed. If I thought, at any stage in their developing life, that my children were to be in contact with such an individual as the guilty party I would have them removed. No debate, no discussion, out. Suggest most parents feel exactly the same. I have no sympathy for Thomson. If his career is over, I suggest he looks in a mirror and he will clearly see the person who is responsible.
  21. It's one thing the likes of Black or O'Connor being (allegedly) involved in recreational drugs use but....... Thomson has been found guilty of (and pled guilty to) a serious offence. The nauseating excuse for an apology released by both Thomson and Hearts is breathtaking. Neither makes any reference to the victims or their families but mearly seeks to justify why he should be given another chance. Quite frankly, the most appalling piece of press I have ever read. This is where we find out who are the good men and those who will stand by and do nothing, choosing to bury their heads in the sand. You can almost excuse Dundee Utd (officials, players and supporters) for the loyalty they have shown to Goodwillie. As yet he has been found guilty of nothing. This is a totally different situation. Can the Hearts management and staff sit back abd do or say nothing? Money does, on occassion, buy silence but should it be able to buy morality? I'm waiting Messers Jefferies and Brown..........
  22. Anyone who views this as in any way positive is misguided. Fact is that FIFA is desperate to abolish (what they view as the unprecedented privilege) the individual teams within these islands and this move will be grasped on. As far as the officials are concerned this is the island of England with GB just another name for it. TB shows exactly the stance I would expect from a former England captain being asked about an English Olympics. I disagree with his view in the strongest possibly terms and cannot understand why anyone who claims to support, follow or have the interests of our national team at heart can think otherwise. Wiser than TB have aired their views very publicly and are diametrically opposed. These people are of course Scottish, Irish or Welsh. I have yet to here an English pundit speak against the move and don't expect to. England and GB are the same aren't they? On a separate note, I think it is nonsensical that football is part of the Olympic games and have no interest in who takes part or wins. Don't have a clue who has won the title in the past or when it started. I can however, name every World Cup winner, the scores in most of the finals, where it took place and who the star was. Surely this is the same for most football fans? Why am I bothered if I have no interest in Olympic football? Simply because it undermines my national team's identity, gives encouragement to those who seek a one team island and is the beginning of the end. STOP IT NOW!
  23. Sorted

    Adam Rooney

    Time to move this to Other Football or Rumour Mill. Adam is an ex ICT player, he has left the building. He may choose to come back but as it stands it's over.
  24. Understand he could barely see out of the dock yesterday. Nice new shiny suit and that wee poor hard done by face. Next instalment to follow soon........
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